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Last active June 22, 2018 15:40
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Examples from the Shoot Em Up project
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using UnityEngine;
//a turret object class that will contain all information about turrets attached to the entity using
//a turret system
//main turret system uses a list of TurretObjects, each with their own values
public class TurretObjects
//objects called "turret" with no additional functionality are attached to the entity
//and then referenced in this class
public GameObject turretObj;
//bullet types
public enum BulletType
none, EnemyBullet, PlayerBullet
//used bullet type by the turret
public BulletType usedBulletType;
//a set bullet speed, the script handles it so it also adds the entity speed to the calculation
public float bulletSpeed;
//if the turret should track the player ship entity
public bool tracker;
//if the turret should rotate
public bool rotator;
public enum rotationDirection
None = 0, Left = -1, Right = 1
//what direction should the turret turn towards
public rotationDirection rotDir;
//using what rotation speed
public float rotationSpeed;
public enum shootingType
None, Repeater, Burst
//how the turret will shoot out bullets
public shootingType turretType;
//interval at which the shooting sequence will start
public float shotInterval = 0f;
//interval at which the burst sequence will start
public float burstInterval = 0f;
//interval used to delay between bursts
public float burstDelay = 0f;
//if the next shot is available, for bullet shooting
public float nextShot = 0.0f;
//if the next burst sequence is available
public float nextBurst = 0.0f;
//amount of bullets in a burst
//this is calculated in such a way that bullets will be fired at an interval determined by code
//in order to fire a certain amount or bullets in a certain amount of time
//e.g. will fire 5 bullets in 1 second every 0.2
//10 bullets in 1 sec every 0.1
public float burstSize = 0f;
public class TurretSystem : MonoBehaviour {
//a list of all the turretobjects that each contain their own variables that create a unique turret
public List<TurretObjects> turretList;
//separate lists each containing extra functionality for turrets of different types
List<TurretObjects> trackerList=new List<TurretObjects>();
List<TurretObjects> rotatorList = new List<TurretObjects>();
//the target
public Transform playerShip;
//the speed of the entity this script is attached to
public float shipSpeed;
public bool test=false;
void Start()
//playerShip = GameArea.sharedInstance.GetPlayerShipTransform();
//setup special turret types
//setup shooting values for each turret to be safe
foreach(TurretObjects turret in turretList)
turret.nextBurst = 0.0f;
turret.nextShot = 0.0f;
turret.nextBurst = Time.time + turret.burstInterval + turret.burstDelay;
private void Update()
//the only method called each frame only if there are rotating turrets
//turret targetting for tracking turrets
void UpdateTurretTarget()
Vector2 targetPoint;
float angle;
Quaternion rotation;
//the turretObj, inside TurretObjects class, itself is rotated towards the target in order
//to fire the bullet towards the direction of the target
foreach (TurretObjects turret in trackerList)
//calculate the distance between the turret and the player
targetPoint = playerShip.position - turret.turretObj.transform.position;
//get the angle in degrees(rad2deg) between the X axis and a 2D vector starting at 0
//and terminating at (x,y)
// ^
// |
// |
// |
//-----0,0------>this axis
// | \
// | \
// | x,y and this point
// |
angle = Mathf.Atan2(targetPoint.y, targetPoint.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
//creates a rotation which rotates angle degrees around axis
//in this case the angle above and the forward vector, which counts as the forwards vector for all
//entities in a shmup
rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.forward);
//apply rotation
turret.turretObj.transform.rotation = rotation;
//Vector2 direction = new Vector2(playerShip.transform.position.x - turret.turretObj.transform.position.x, playerShip.transform.position.y - turret.turretObj.transform.position.y);
//turret.turretObj.transform.up = direction;
void UpdateRotation()
foreach(TurretObjects turret in rotatorList)
//change the Z over time
turret.turretObj.transform.Rotate(0, 0, turret.rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime*(float)turret.rotDir);
void SetupTrackers()
//setting up the list of turrets that would track the enemy position when firing bullets
foreach (TurretObjects turret in turretList)
if (turret.tracker)
void SetupRotators()
//setup the list of turrets that would rotate
foreach(TurretObjects turret in turretList)
//should be called in the entity that has a turretsystem attached
public void ShootingRoutine()
//only update the trackin turrets position/targets when firing
if (trackerList.Count > 0)
//all turrets will fire
foreach (TurretObjects turret in turretList)
//called when firing a bullet
public void GetBullet(TurretObjects turret)
//get a bullet from the pool, search by tag set in the unity inspector, on the prefab
GameObject bullet = ObjectPooler.sharedInstance.GetPooledObject(turret.usedBulletType.ToString());
//just to be sure we aren't firing blanks
if (bullet != null)
//set the bullet's start position at the location of the bullet spawn point
bullet.transform.position = turret.turretObj.transform.position;
//will go in the direction the gatling gun is pointing towards
bullet.transform.rotation = turret.turretObj.transform.rotation;
//get the bullet's rigidbody2d component, setting it in the controller variable>();
//and set its velocity
bullet.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = bullet.transform.right * (turret.bulletSpeed+shipSpeed);
//repeater type
public void Repeater(TurretObjects turret)
//when enough time has passed
if (Time.time > turret.nextShot)
//the new nextshot is the current time + the time it takes to fire
turret.nextShot = Time.time + turret.shotInterval;
//fire a bullet
//burst type
public void Burst(TurretObjects turret)
//when enough time has passed
if (Time.time > turret.nextBurst)
//the next burst is the current time+ the time it takes to fire a burst + it's delay
turret.nextBurst = Time.time + turret.burstInterval + turret.burstDelay;
//a couroutine that fires the burst is started
public IEnumerator BurstShots(TurretObjects turret)
int i = 0;
//shot interval is determined based on burst interval and the amount of bullets to be fired in said
turret.shotInterval = turret.burstInterval / turret.burstSize;
//count the bullets
while (i < turret.burstSize)
//wait for the calculated shotinterval
yield return new WaitForSeconds(turret.shotInterval);
//then fire a single bullet
public void ShootCaller(TurretObjects turret)
//fires the specific method depending on turret type
case TurretObjects.shootingType.None:
case TurretObjects.shootingType.Burst:
case TurretObjects.shootingType.Repeater:
//get the entity speed that uses this system
public void GetShipSpeed(float speed)
shipSpeed = speed;
public void SetShotInterval(float interval)
foreach(TurretObjects turret in turretList)
turret.shotInterval = interval;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
//script is attached directly to the joystick
//IDragHandler, IpointerDownHandle, IPointerUpHandler are used in the EventSystem for Unity UI, check
public class VirtualJoystick : MonoBehaviour, IDragHandler, IPointerDownHandler, IPointerUpHandler
//joystick images
public bool deadzoneActive = false;
public float deadzoneMagnitude = 0.4f;
public static VirtualJoystick sharedInstance;
private Image bgImg;
private Image joyImg;
//a vector3 that is the direction the joystick is pointing towards
public Vector3 inputDirection { set; get; }
private void Start()
//get image component of the parent object, the background image
bgImg = GetComponent<Image>();
//get image of the child object of the background image, the joystick image
joyImg = transform.GetChild(0).GetComponentInChildren<Image>();
//zero just to be sure
inputDirection =;
sharedInstance = this;
//when the joystick is moving
public virtual void OnDrag(PointerEventData ped)
//have a position vector
Vector2 pos =;
//calculate the position of the player finger
if(RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(bgImg.rectTransform,ped.position, ped.pressEventCamera, out pos) && (Time.timeScale==1.0f))
//compare against the background image
pos.x = pos.x / bgImg.rectTransform.sizeDelta.x;
pos.y = pos.y / bgImg.rectTransform.sizeDelta.y;
//then compare the calculated position against the position
//in order to find the direction of the point against the pivot, the center of the bgImg
float x = (bgImg.rectTransform.pivot.x == 1) ? pos.x * 2 + 1 : pos.x * 2 - 1;
float y = (bgImg.rectTransform.pivot.y == 1) ? pos.y * 2 + 1 : pos.y * 2 - 1;
//set the direction, this is a 2d game
inputDirection = new Vector3(x, y, 0);
//if the input direction magnitude is hire than 1, normalize it, else don't change it, if a value bigger than 1 is passed the ship may move in wonky directions
inputDirection = (inputDirection.magnitude > 1) ? inputDirection.normalized : inputDirection;
//also move the joystick image to match the finger location against the background image
//while also staying inside the bgImg
joyImg.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(inputDirection.x * (bgImg.rectTransform.sizeDelta.x / 3), inputDirection.y * (bgImg.rectTransform.sizeDelta.y / 3));
if (deadzoneActive)
inputDirection =;
//function called in the unity inspector, set in the object itself
//this is when the thumbstick is currently pushed, or used aka when the player puts his finger on the thumbstick
//event handle activates when the UI element, in this case the joystick image, is pressed
public virtual void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData ped)
//update the direction
//function called in the unity inspector, set in the object itself
//called when the thumbstick is released
//event handle activates when the UI element, in this case the joystick image, is release, aka removing the finger from it
public virtual void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData ped)
//reset the direction
inputDirection =;
//putt he joystick image back in the middle
joyImg.rectTransform.anchoredPosition =;
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