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Gulgina Arkin GAierken

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const reverseList = (head, previous = null) => {
//base case
if(!head) return previous
//variable to store next node
let temp =
//reverse the node = previous
//recursion starts
return reverseList(temp, head)
const reverseList = (head) => {
//initiate previous as null
let previous = null
//initiate next without assigning
let next
//keep iteration while head is not null
//store the current node's next node
next =
//reassign head's next with previous node
function ListNode(val, next) {
this.val = (val===undefined ? 0 : val) = (next===undefined ? null : next)
const sortedSquares = (A) => {
let result = [] //empty array to push new value
let start = 0 //beginning index of the array
let end = A.length - 1 // end index of the array
let position = end //the position in result array of new value
while (start <= end) { //start point can't be smaller than end point
if (A[start] ** 2 > A[end] ** 2) { //if squared start index value is
//greater than end index value
result[position--] = A[start++] ** 2 //put it from the end of the result array
const sortedSquares = (A) => {
return => { // transform the given array
return ele*ele //square the element
}).sort((a,b) => {
return a-b // sort by ascending order
GAierken / findTheTownJudge.js
Last active November 6, 2020 04:06
const findJudge = (N, trust) => {
// keep track of how many likes the element gives
let likesCountList = {}
//keep track of how many likes the element receives
let beingLikedCountList = {}
//hash the key from 1 to N
for(let i = 1; i <= N; i++){
likesCountList[i] = 0
beingLikedCountList[i] = 0
const mergeTrees = (t1, t2) => {
//when there is null given tree
if(!t1 || !t2) return t1 || t2
//both of trees are not null,
//we sum the value, and transform t1,
//we can also choose t2, and return t2 at the end
t1.val += t2.val
//recursively traverse left path
const hasCycle = (head) => {
// initial with fast and slow pointers with head
let slow = head
let fast = head
//traverse linked list
while(fast &&{
// fast moves by two
fast =
// slow moves by one
slow =
const hasCycle = (head) => {
// Set variable to store distinct nodes
let set = new Set()
// for traversing, initialize current with head node
let current = head
//traverse the linked list
// if duplication occurs, return true
let movie1 = function () {}
movie1.prototype.description = function() {
return "description of movie1"
let movie2 = function() {}
movie2.prototype = Object.create(movie1.prototype);
movie2.prototype.description = function() {
return "description of movie2"
let movie3 = function() {}