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Last active July 21, 2019 13:55
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Transforming spin-orbit coupling from the total angular momentum base to m1 m2
import sympy as sp
import sympy.physics.quantum as spq
from sympy.matrices.dense import matrix_multiply_elementwise as mme
import numpy as np
import itertools
from fractions import Fraction
from argparse import ArgumentParser
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Angular Momentum Physics Functions #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def generate_M1M2_base(J1, J2):
Generate the angular momemtum space in the |m1 m2> base.
The base is generated in an order such that the transformation matrix
between |m1 m2> and |jtot m> is of block diagonal form.
Mmax = abs(J1 + J2)
M1_values = [J1 - i for i in range(2 * J1 + 1)]
M2_values = [J2 - i for i in range(2 * J2 + 1)]
M_values = [Mmax - i for i in range(2 * Mmax + 1)]
M1M2_combos = list(itertools.product(M1_values, M2_values))
M1M2_base = [
for valid_combo in filter(lambda x: (x[0] + x[1]) == M, M1M2_combos)
for M in M_values
M1M2_base = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(M1M2_base))
return M1M2_base
def generate_JM_base(J1, J2):
Generate the angular momemtum space in the |jtot m> base.
The base is generated in an order such that the transformation matrix
between |m1 m2> and |jtot m> is of block diagonal form.
Mmax = abs(J1 + J2)
Jmax = abs(J1 + J2)
Jmin = abs(J1 - J2)
M_values = [Mmax - i for i in range(2 * Mmax + 1)]
J_values = [Jmax - i for i in range(Jmax - Jmin + 1)]
JM_base = [spq.Ket(*(J, M)) for (M, J) in itertools.product(M_values, J_values) if abs(M) <= J]
return JM_base
def transformation_matrix(jm_base, m1m2_base):
Create transformation matrix between |jtot m> and |m1 m2>.
# J1 and J2 can be deduced from the max value that m1 and m2 take.
J1 = max([base_ket.label[0] for base_ket in m1m2_base])
J2 = max([base_ket.label[1] for base_ket in m1m2_base])
# Special CG for our case of interest with J1 and J2 fixed.
def cg_(m1m2_, jm_):
coeff =
J1, m1m2_.label[0], J2, m1m2_.label[1], jm_.label[0], jm_.label[1]
return coeff
U = sp.Matrix(
[cg_(m1m2_base[ii], jm_base[jj]) for jj in range(len(jm_base))]
for ii in range(len(m1m2_base))
return spq.Dagger(U)
def LS_jtot_base(jm_base):
LS = J**2 - L**2 - S**2
Diagonal in the total angular momentum base. Note that this eq
doesn't depend on the exchange of L and S.
Jmax = max([base_ket.label[0] for base_ket in jm_base])
Jmin = min([base_ket.label[0] for base_ket in jm_base])
# The order of J1/J2 may be wrong do to an ambiguity with an
# abs value but we don't care about it here.
J1 = (Jmax + Jmin) / 2
J2 = (Jmax - Jmin) / 2
diag_elements_LS_ = lambda j: (j * (j + 1) - J1 * (J1 + 1) - J2 * (J2 + 1))
diagonal_LS = [
diag_elements_LS_(base_vector.label[0]) for base_vector in jm_base
LS = sp.diag(*diagonal_LS) / 2
return LS
def change_basis(transformation_matrix, operator):
return spq.Dagger(transformation_matrix) * operator * transformation_matrix
# Extra misc tools #
def parse_ratio_to_symbol(string_ratio):
return sp.S(Fraction(string_ratio))
def insert_in_template(template, replacements):
for replacement in replacements:
template = template.replace(
replacement, sp.latex(replacements[replacement], mode="equation")
return template
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("j1", type=parse_ratio_to_symbol)
parser.add_argument("j2", type=parse_ratio_to_symbol)
parser.add_argument("--no-terminal", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--latex", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Check inputs
J1 = abs(args.j1)
J2 = abs(args.j2)
if not ((J1 * 2).is_integer and (J2 * 2).is_integer):
raise ValueError("Spins have to be multiples of 1/2!")
# Do some angular momentum physics
jm_base = generate_JM_base(J1, J2)
m1m2_base = generate_M1M2_base(J1, J2)
V = transformation_matrix(jm_base, m1m2_base)
LS = LS_jtot_base(jm_base)
LS_m1m2_basis = change_basis(V, LS)
# Print results
replacements = {
"@LS_JM": LS,
"@LS_M1M2": LS_m1m2_basis,
"@V": mme(np.sign(V), mme(V, V)),
"@SPACE_M1M2": sp.Matrix(m1m2_base),
"@SPACE_JM": sp.Matrix(jm_base),
if not args.no_terminal:
print("\nTransformation matrix from |jtot m> to |m1 m2>")
print("This is not the actual matrix; elements are represented as in the")
print("CG tables. Do element-wise sqrt but keep the sign for the matrix.")
print("\nLS in the |jtot m> basis")
print("\nLS in the |m1 m2> basis")
print("\nBasis |jtot m>")
print("\nBasis |m1 m2>")
if args.latex:
print("Generating LaTex!")
template_filename = "./latex_template.tex"
out_filename = "outfile.tex"
with open(template_filename, "r") as template:
data = "".join(template.readlines())
with open(out_filename, "w") as outfile:
outfile.write(insert_in_template(data, replacements))
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GCBallesteros commented Jul 19, 2019

python3 j1 j2 --no-terminal --latex

Example 1. No latex output and terminal output:
python3 3/2 1/2

Example 2. LaTex output and terminal output:
python3 3/2 1 --latex

Example 3. LaTex output and NO terminal output:
python3 3/2 1/2 --latex --no-terminal

Example 4. No latex and No terminal output (Why would you want this?)
python3 3/2 1/3 --no-terminal # This will raise an exception due to the j2=1/3 spin.


  • The --no-terminal flag is optional. It disables the output to standard output.
  • The --latex flag is optional. For it to work you will also need a latex template which can be found on this other gist. A output.tex file with the output will be generated which you can then compile with pdflatex output.tex. Pathnames are hard-coded so the template file will have to be in the same directory as this script and named latex_template.tex.
  • j1 and j2 are the spin of the subspace written as ratios (e.g. 3/2).
  • If you try to give a value for j1 or j2 that is not a multiple of 1/2 a ValueError exception will be raised.
  • Negative values for j1 and j2 will be made positive automatically via abs.

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