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Created January 29, 2021 21:59
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* plugin for jsPsych based in Qisheng Li 11/2019. ///
Modified by Gustavo Juantorena 08/2020 //
Contributions from Peter J. Kohler:
jsPsych.plugins['virtual-chinrest'] = (function() {
var plugin = {}; = {
name: "virtual-chinrest",
parameters: {
resize_units: {
type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.STRING,
default: "none",
description: 'What units to resize to? ["none"/"cm"/"inch"/"deg"]. If "none", no resize will be done.'
pixels_per_unit: {
type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.INT,
pretty_name: 'Pixels per unit',
default: 100,
description: 'After the scaling factor is applied, this many pixels will equal one unit of measurement.'
blindspot_reps: {
type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.INT,
pretty_name: 'Blindspot measurement repetitions',
default: 5,
description: 'How many times to measure the blindspot location? If 0, blindspot will not detected and viewing distance not computed.'
prompt_card: {
type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.STRING,
default: '<b> Let’s find out how big your monitor is! </b>'+
'<p>Please use any credit card that you have available.<br>' +
'It can also be a grocery store membership card,<br>'+
'your drivers license or anything else of the same format.<br>'+
'<b>Place your card flat onto the screen, and adjust the slider below to match its size.</b></p>'+
'<p>If you do not have access to a real card <br>'+
'you can use a ruler to measure the image width to 3.37 inches or 85.6 mm.<br>',
description: 'The content displayed below the resizable caard and above the button.'
button_label_card: {
type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.STRING,
default: 'Click here when you are done!',
description: 'Label to display on the button to complete calibration.',
prompt_blindspot: {
type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.STRING,
default: '<b>Now, let’s quickly test how far away you are sitting.</b>'+
'<p>You might know that vision tests at a doctor’s practice often involve chinrests.<br>'+
'The doctor basically asks you to sit away from a screen in a specific distance.<br>'+
'We do this here with a “virtual chinrest”.</p><br>'+
'<div style="text-align: left">'+
'<ol><li>Put your finger on <b>space bar</b> on the keyboard.</li>'+
'<li>Close your right eye. <em>(Tips: it might be easier to cover your right eye by hand!)</em></li>'+
'<li>Using your left eye, focus on the black square.</li>'+
'<li>Click the button below to start the animation of the red ball. The <b style="color: red">red ball </b>'+
'will disappear as it moves from right to left. Press the “Space” key as soon as the ball disappears from your eye sight.</li>'+
card_path: {
type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.STRING,
default: "img/card.png"
item_height: {
type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.INT,
pretty_name: 'Item height',
default: 1,
description: 'The height of the item to be measured.'
item_width: {
type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.INT,
pretty_name: 'Item width',
default: 1,
description: 'The width of the item to be measured.'
starting_size: {
type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.INT,
pretty_name: 'Starting size',
default: 100,
description: 'The initial size of the card, in pixels, along the largest dimension.'
// Get screen size
var w = window.innerWidth;
var h = window.innerHeight;
const screen_size_px = []
let trial_data = {
"card_width_mm": 85.60, //card dimension: 85.60 × 53.98 mm (3.370 × 2.125 in)
let config_data = {
"ball_pos": [],
"slider_clck": false
plugin.trial = function(display_element, trial) {
try {
if ( !( trial.blindspot_reps > 0 ) && ( (trial.resize_units == "deg" ) || (trial.resize_units == "degrees" ) ) ) {
throw Error("Blindspot repetitions set to 0, so resizing to degrees of visual angle is not possible!")
} else {
const start_time =;
if ( trial.blindspot_reps > 0 ) {
button_str = '<button id=blind_spot_button class="btn btn-primary">'
} else {
button_str = '<button id=proceed class="btn btn-primary">'
// variables to determine div size
var aspect_ratio = trial.item_width / trial.item_height;
if(trial.item_width >= trial.item_height){
var start_div_width = trial.starting_size;
var start_div_height = Math.round(trial.starting_size / aspect_ratio);
} else {
var start_div_height = trial.starting_size;
var start_div_width = Math.round(trial.starting_size * aspect_ratio);
let pagesize_content = '<div id="page-size"><br><br>'
pagesize_content += '<div id="jspsych-resize-div" style="border: 2px solid steelblue; height: '+start_div_height+'px; width:'+start_div_width+'px; margin: 7px auto; background-color: lightsteelblue; position: relative;">';
pagesize_content += '<div id="jspsych-resize-handle" style="cursor: nwse-resize; background-color: steelblue; width: 10px; height: 10px; border: 2px solid lightsteelblue; position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: 0;"></div>';
pagesize_content += '</div> </div>'
if (trial.prompt_card !== null){
pagesize_content += trial.prompt_card;
pagesize_content += '<br><br>' + button_str + trial.button_label_card + '</button>';
// '<div id="page-size"><br><br>'+
// trial.prompt_card +
// '<div id="container">'+
// '<div id="slider"></div><br>'+
// '<img id="card" src="' + trial.card_path + '" style="width: 50%">'+
// '<br><br>' + button_str + 'Click here when you are done!</button>'+
// '</div>'+
// '</div>'
blindspot_content =
'<div id="blind-spot-screen" style="visibility: hidden">' +
trial.prompt_blindspot +
'<p>Please do it <b>' + trial.blindspot_reps + '</b> times. Keep your right eye closed and hit the “Space” key fast!</p><br>' +
'<div id="svgDiv" style="width:1000px;height:200px;"></div>'+
'<button class="btn btn-primary" id="start_ball">Start</button>'+
'<button class="btn btn-primary" id="proceed" style="display:none">Proceed</button><br>'+
'<b>Hit space <div id="click" style="display:inline; color: red">' + trial.blindspot_reps + '</div> more times!<b><br>'+
'<div id="info" style="visibility:hidden">'+
'<b id="info-h">Estimated viewing distance (cm): </b>'+
display_element.innerHTML =
'<div id="content" style="width: 900px; margin: 0 auto;">'+
pagesize_content +
blindspot_content +
// add card image as background of the resize div
document.getElementById("jspsych-resize-div").style.backgroundImage = "url('img/card.png')";
document.getElementById("jspsych-resize-div").style.backgroundSize = "100% auto";
document.getElementById("jspsych-resize-div").style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat";
// We want to do this everytime but in some cases we don't want to scale (or at least scale 1:1)
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
document.getElementById("blind_spot_button").addEventListener('click', function() {
document.getElementById("blind_spot_button").style.display = 'none'
// end_trial(); // I think that we dont need to finish the trial here everytime, in some cases we need to show the blindspot task
// All the logic for cursor drag of the card and resize of the resize-div
var dragging = false;
var origin_x, origin_y;
var cx, cy;
var mousedownevent = function(e){
dragging = true;
origin_x = e.pageX;
origin_y = e.pageY;
cx = parseInt(;
cy = parseInt(;
display_element.querySelector('#jspsych-resize-handle').addEventListener('mousedown', mousedownevent);
var mouseupevent = function(e){
dragging = false;
document.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseupevent);
var scale_div = display_element.querySelector('#jspsych-resize-div');
var resizeevent = function(e){
var dx = (e.pageX - origin_x);
var dy = (e.pageY - origin_y);
if(Math.abs(dx) >= Math.abs(dy)){ = Math.round(Math.max(20, cx+dx*2)) + "px"; = Math.round(Math.max(20, cx+dx*2) / aspect_ratio ) + "px";
} else { = Math.round(Math.max(20, cy+dy*2)) + "px"; = Math.round(aspect_ratio * Math.max(20, cy+dy*2)) + "px";
document.addEventListener('mousemove', resizeevent);
function scale() {
final_width_px = scale_div.offsetWidth;
var pixels_unit_screen = final_width_px / trial.item_width;
scale_factor = pixels_unit_screen / trial.pixels_per_unit;
// scale_factor = px2unit_scr / trial.pixels_per_unit;
document.getElementById("jspsych-content").style.transform = "scale(" + scale_factor + ")";
// pixels have been scaled, so pixels per degree, pixels per mm and pixels per card_width needs to be updated
trial_data.px2deg = trial_data.px2deg / scale_factor
trial_data.px2mm = trial_data.px2mm / scale_factor
trial_data.card_width_px = trial_data.card_width_px / scale_factor
trial_data.scale_factor = scale_factor
//final_height_px = scale_div.offsetHeight;
// var pixels_unit_screen = final_width_px / trial.item_width;
// document.getElementById("jspsych-content").style.transform = "scale(" + scale_factor + ")";
//Event listeners for buttons
if ( trial.blindspot_reps > 0 ) {
display_element.querySelector('#blind_spot_button').addEventListener('click', function(){
display_element.querySelector('#start_ball').addEventListener('click', function(){
} else {
// run the two relevant functions to get card_width_mm and px2mm
display_element.querySelector('#proceed').addEventListener('click', function(){
// finish trial
trial_data.rt = - start_time;
display_element.innerHTML = '';
trial_data.card_width_deg = 2*(Math.atan((trial_data["card_width_mm"]/2)/trial_data["view_dist_mm"])) * 180/Math.PI
trial_data.px2deg = trial_data["card_width_px"] / trial_data.card_width_deg // size of card in pixels divided by size of card in degrees of visual angle
let px2unit_scr = 0
switch (trial.resize_units) {
case "cm":
case "centimeters":
px2unit_scr = trial_data["px2mm"]*10 // pixels per centimeter
case "inch":
case "inches":
px2unit_scr = trial_data["px2mm"]*25.4 // pixels per inch
case "deg":
case "degrees":
px2unit_scr = trial_data["px2deg"] // pixels per degree of visual angle
if (px2unit_scr > 0) {
// scale the window
if ( trial.blindspot_reps > 0 ) {
trial_data.win_width_deg = window.innerWidth/trial_data.px2deg
trial_data.win_height_deg = window.innerHeight/trial_data.px2deg
} else {
// delete degree related properties
delete trial_data.px2deg
delete trial_data.card_width_deg
} catch (e) {
(function ( distanceSetup, $ ) { // jQuery short-hand for $(document).ready(function() { ... });
distanceSetup.round = function(value, decimals) {
return Number(Math.round(value+'e'+decimals)+'e-'+decimals);
distanceSetup.px2mm = function(cardImageWidth) {
const cardWidth = 85.6; //card dimension: 85.60 × 53.98 mm (3.370 × 2.125 in)
var px2mm = cardImageWidth/cardWidth;
trial_data["px2mm"] = distanceSetup.round(px2mm, 2);
return px2mm;
}( window.distanceSetup = window.distanceSetup || {}, jQuery))
function getCardWidth() {
var card_width_px = $('#card').width();
trial_data["card_width_px"] = distanceSetup.round(card_width_px,2);
return card_width_px
function configureBlindSpot() {
// $(document).on('keydown', recordPosition);
$(document).on('keydown', recordPosition);
$( function() {
$( "#slider" ).slider({value:"50"});
} );
$(document).ready(function() {
$( "#slider" ).on("slide", function (event, ui) {
var cardWidth = ui.value + "%";
$('#slider').on('slidechange', function(event, ui){
config_data["slider_clck"] = true;
//Ball Animation
function drawBall(pos=180){
// pos: define where the fixation square should be.
var mySVG = SVG("svgDiv");
const cardWidthPx = getCardWidth()
const rectX = distanceSetup.px2mm(cardWidthPx)*pos;
const ballX = rectX*0.6 // define where the ball is
var ball =, 50).fill("#f00");
window.ball = ball;
var square = mySVG.rect(30, 30).move(Math.min(rectX - 50, 950), 50); //square position
config_data["square_pos"] = distanceSetup.round(,2);
config_data['rectX'] = rectX
config_data['ballX'] = ballX
function animateBall(){
moveX = - pos*config_data['ballX'];
window.moveX = moveX;
moveY = 0;
).loop(true, false).
//disable the button after clicked once.
$("#start_ball").attr("disabled", true);
$('#start_ball').css("display", "none");
function recordPosition(event, angle=13.5) {
// angle: define horizontal blind spot entry point position in degrees.
if (event.keyCode == '32') { //Press "Space"
config_data["ball_pos"].push(distanceSetup.round(( + moveX),2));
var sum = config_data["ball_pos"].reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
var ballPosLen = config_data["ball_pos"].length;
config_data["avg_ball_pos"] = distanceSetup.round(sum/ballPosLen, 2);
var ball_sqr_distance = (config_data["square_pos"]-config_data["avg_ball_pos"])/trial_data["px2mm"];
var viewDistance = ball_sqr_distance/Math.radians(angle)
trial_data["view_dist_mm"] = distanceSetup.round(viewDistance, 2);
//counter and stop
var counter = Number($('#click').text());
counter = counter - 1;
$('#click').text(Math.max(counter, 0));
if (counter <= 0) {
// Disable space key
$('html').bind('keydown', function(e)
if (e.keyCode == 32) {return false;}
// Display data
$('#info').css("visibility", "visible");
$('#proceed').css("display", "inline");
//helper function for radians
// Converts from degrees to radians.
Math.radians = function(degrees) {
return degrees * Math.PI / 180;
// *************Implementing resize as jspsych-resize plugin*****************
// var aspect_ratio = trial.item_width / trial.item_height;
// // variables to determine div size
// if(trial.item_width >= trial.item_height){
// var start_div_width = trial.starting_size;
// var start_div_height = Math.round(trial.starting_size / aspect_ratio);
// } else {
// var start_div_height = trial.starting_size;
// var start_div_width = Math.round(trial.starting_size * aspect_ratio);
// }
// create html for display
// var html = '<div id="page-size"><br><br>'
// html += '<div id="jspsych-resize-div" style="border: 2px solid steelblue; height: '+start_div_height+'px; width:'+start_div_width+'px; margin: 7px auto; background-color: lightsteelblue; position: relative;">';
// html += '<div id="jspsych-resize-handle" style="cursor: nwse-resize; background-color: steelblue; width: 10px; height: 10px; border: 2px solid lightsteelblue; position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: 0;"></div>';
// html += '</div> </div>'
// if (trial.prompt_card !== null){
// html += trial.prompt_card;
// }
// html += '<a class="jspsych-btn" id="jspsych-resize-btn">'+trial.button_label_card+'</a>';
// render
// display_element.innerHTML = html;
// // add card image as background of the div
// document.getElementById("jspsych-resize-div").style.backgroundImage = "url('img/card.png')";
// document.getElementById("jspsych-resize-div").style.backgroundSize = "100% auto";
// listens for the click
// document.getElementById("jspsych-resize-btn").addEventListener('click', function() {
// scale();
// // end_trial(); // I think that we dont need to finish the trial here everytime, in some cases we need to show the blindspot task
// });
// var dragging = false;
// var origin_x, origin_y;
// var cx, cy;
// var mousedownevent = function(e){
// e.preventDefault();
// dragging = true;
// origin_x = e.pageX;
// origin_y = e.pageY;
// cx = parseInt(;
// cy = parseInt(;
// }
// display_element.querySelector('#jspsych-resize-handle').addEventListener('mousedown', mousedownevent);
// var mouseupevent = function(e){
// dragging = false;
// }
// document.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseupevent);
// var scale_div = display_element.querySelector('#jspsych-resize-div');
// var resizeevent = function(e){
// if(dragging){
// var dx = (e.pageX - origin_x);
// var dy = (e.pageY - origin_y);
// if(Math.abs(dx) >= Math.abs(dy)){
// = Math.round(Math.max(20, cx+dx*2)) + "px";
// = Math.round(Math.max(20, cx+dx*2) / aspect_ratio ) + "px";
// } else {
// = Math.round(Math.max(20, cy+dy*2)) + "px";
// = Math.round(aspect_ratio * Math.max(20, cy+dy*2)) + "px";
// }
// }
// }
// document.addEventListener('mousemove', resizeevent);
// function scale() {
// final_width_px = scale_div.offsetWidth;
// //final_height_px = scale_div.offsetHeight;
// var pixels_unit_screen = final_width_px / trial.item_width;
// scale_factor = pixels_unit_screen / trial.pixels_per_unit;
// document.getElementById("jspsych-content").style.transform = "scale(" + scale_factor + ")";
// };
return plugin;
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