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Created July 13, 2014 04:34
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Save GEverding/517e9125efc41887868e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
d3.js + reactjs/om + clojurescript
(defn graph [app owner opts]
(init-state [_]
(let [data (:data app)
width (:width opts)
height (:height opts)
x (-> d3 .-time (.scale) (.range [0 width]))
y (-> d3 .-scale (.linear) (.range [height 0])) ]
{:width width
:height height
:margin (:margin opts)
:x x :y y
:brush (-> d3 .-svg (.brush) (.x x))
:x-axis (-> d3 .-svg (.axis) (.scale x) (.orient "bottom"))
:y-axis (-> d3 .-svg (.axis) (.scale y) (.orient "left"))}))
(did-mount [this]
(let [brushg (om/get-node owner "brush")
height (om/get-state owner :height)
brush (om/get-state owner :brush)]
(.log js/console brushg)
(.log js/console brush)
(-> d3
(.select brushg)
(.call brush)
(.selectAll "rect")
(.attr "y" -6)
(.attr "height" (+ height 7)))))
(render-state [_ {:keys [x y data width height]}]
(let [data (:data app)]
(-> x (.domain
(-> d3
(fn [{:keys [timestamp]}] timestamp)
(-> y (.domain [0 1]))
(html [:svg {:height height
:width width
:ref "svg"}
[:g {:class "data"}
(for [d data]
[:rect {:color "red"
:height height
:width 2
:x (x (:timestamp d))}])]
[:g {:class "brush" :ref "brush"}]]) ) )))
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