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Created December 27, 2017 17:23
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Atomix Bootstrap Cluster
(:require [mount.core :as mount]
[ :as log]
[ :refer (config)])
(:import io.atomix.core.Atomix
(defn- node-builder [name host port]
(log/infof "Creating Node name=%s host=%s port=%s" name host port)
(-> (Node/builder name)
(.withType Node$Type/DATA)
(.withEndpoint (Endpoint/from host port))
(defn start []
(log/info "Starting Cluster")
(let [nodes (->> (get-in config [:cluster :bootstrap-nodes])
(map (fn [{:keys [name host port]}]
(node-builder name host port)))
(into-array Node))
local-node (node-builder (get-in config [:cluster :name])
(get-in config [:cluster :port]))
_ (log/info local-node)
atomix (-> (Atomix/builder)
(.withClusterName "test")
(.withLocalNode local-node)
(.withBootstrapNodes nodes)
a (.get (.start atomix) 10 java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit/SECONDS)]
(log/info "Started Cluster")
(defn stop [cluster]
(log/info "Stopping Cluster"))
(mount/defstate cluster
:start (start)
:stop (stop cluster))
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