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Created September 9, 2021 07:09
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# Name m00nie::linktitle
# Description Simple script that grabs the title of any web link spammed into the channel.
# It does try to work around various versions of http and SNI https issue
# this might not be fantastic....It also aims to be as simple as possible
# to maintain and use. As ever any comments/suggestions are welcome :)
# Version 1.6 - Some tweaks handling large white space in titles also trying to
# accomodate improvements in v1.9 release of eggdrop (again thanks to
# CrazyCat for mentioning this :D)
# 1.5 - "improving" the URL splitting (its quite horrible) but it does
# seem to work better now. Less 404 or 301 results :)
# 1.4 - Much improved html entity decoding. Thanks to CrazyCat for the
# suggesiton on a great way to do this :)
# 1.3 - Actually try to follow redirects plus better title parsing (maybe)
# 1.2 - Handle sever errors etc better so we dont spam fails
# 1.1 - Try to clean up "special" characters in titles. Also updated regexp
# to match titles over multiple lines and headers in caps
# 1.0 - Initial release.
# Website
# Notes "+chanset linktitle #yourchan" to enable in your channel
# Edit ignore lists below to ensure only desired URLs are queried
# Also edit the throttling timers for chan, user/nick and links
namespace eval m00nie {
namespace eval linktitle {
# Ignore lists! - Append/change as required
# Users to ignore e.g. Other bots
variable ignorenicks "love hate"
# Domains to ignore e.g. if other scripts grab info for these already
# subdomains like www will be required as shown below
variable ignoredomains ""
# Time in seconds to throttle users, channel and specific links - default of 30, 5 & 300
variable user_throt 30
variable chan_throt 5
variable link_throt 300
# ---- Dont change things below this line -----
package require http
# We need to verify the revision of TLS since prior to this version is missing auto host for SNI
if { [catch {package require tls 1.7.11}] } {
# We dont have an autoconfigure option for SNI
putlog "m00nie::linktitle *** WARNING *** OLD Version of TLS package installed please update to 1.7.11+ ... Will attempt to work around this in the meantime... Things might not work as expected though "
variable httpv "0"
} else {
package require tls 1.7.11
variable httpv "1"
bind pubm - * m00nie::linktitle::autoinfo
variable version "1.6"
variable throttled
setudef flag linktitle
#### Script Starts here #####
proc autoinfo {nick uhost hand chan text} {
# Check chan is enabled
if {[channel get $chan linktitle]} {
# Check if we should ignore the nick
if {[regexp -nocase $nick $m00nie::linktitle::ignorenicks]} {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::log $nick is being ignored, string of ignored users is $m00nie::linktitle::ignorenicks"
# Break text into words (made the regex easier! ;D)
set wordlist [regexp -inline -all -- {\S+} $text]
foreach word $wordlist {
# Check if it looks like a URL and bin if not
if { !([regexp -nocase {http.*} $word]) } { continue }
# Total hack to make the following regex simplier (again) but push on / if we dont have one then remove it (classy ;D)
# Break the URL into three parts delimited by /
# This will b0rk on "abnormal" urls I think like user:pass@ or :port
if { !([regexp -nocase {\/$} $word]) } {
set word ${word}/
regexp -nocase -- {(?:http(?:s|).{3}|)(.*?)(\/.*)} $word url host path
regsub {\/$} $url {} url
} else {
regexp -nocase -- {(?:http(?:s|).{3}|)(.*?)(\/.*)} $word url host path
# Should only continue for valid URLs but check if we have any hosts
if {[info exists host]} {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::autoinfo found URL: $url and host: $host"
# Check if we should ignore the domains/host
if {[regexp -nocase $host $m00nie::linktitle::ignoredomains]} {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::log $host is being ignored, string of ignored domains is $m00nie::linktitle::ignoredomains"
# Check if the nick, channel and URL is throttle
if {[throttlecheck $nick $chan $url]} { return 0 }
# Grab the page and spam it out :)
set title [gettitle $url $host]
set title [makepretty $title]
if {$title != 0} {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$host: \002$title\002"
unset host
proc makepretty {title} {
# Attempts to decode html entoty stuff that may appear so its human friendly
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::makepretty is running"
set entities {
"à" "\à" "à" "\à" "á" "\á" "â" "\â"
"ã" "\ã" "ä" "\ä" "å" "\å" "æ" "\æ"
"ç" "\ç" "è" "\è" "é" "\é" "ê" "\ê"
"ë" "\ë" "ì" "\ì" "í" "\í" "î" "\î"
"ï" "\ï" "ð" "\ð" "ñ" "\ñ" "ò" "\ò"
"ó" "\ó" "ô" "\ô" "õ" "\õ" "ö" "\ö"
"÷" "\÷" "ø" "\ø" "ù" "\ù" "ú" "\ú"
"û" "\û" "ü" "\ü" "ý" "\ý" "þ" "\þ"
"ÿ" "\ÿ" "\"" "\"" "\&" "\&" "€" "\€"
"œ" "\œ" "Ÿ" "\Ÿ" "¡" "\¡"
"¢" "\¢" "£" "\£" "¤" "\¤" "¥" "\¥"
"¦" "\¦" "¦" "\&brkbar;" "§" "\§" "¨" "\¨"
"¨" "\¨" "" "\©" "ª" "\ª" "«" "\«"
"¬" "\¬" "-" "\‑" "" "\®" "¯" "\¯"
"¯" "\&hibar;" "°" "\°" "±" "\±" "²" "\²"
"³" "\³" "´" "\´" "µ" "\µ" "¶" "\¶"
"·" "\·" "¸" "\¸" "¹" "\¹" "º" "\º"
"»" "\»" "¼" "\¼" "½" "\½" "¾" "\¾"
"¿" "\¿" "À" "\À" "Á" "\Á" "Â" "\Â"
"Ã" "\Ã" "Ä" "\Ä" "Å" "\Å" "Æ" "\Æ"
"Ç" "\Ç" "È" "\È" "É" "\É" "Ê" "\Ê"
"Ë" "\Ë" "Ì" "\Ì" "Í" "\Í" "Î" "\Î"
"Ï" "\Ï" "Ð" "\Ð" "Ð" "\Đ" "Ñ" "\Ñ"
"Ò" "\Ò" "Ó" "\Ó" "Ô" "\Ô" "Õ" "\Õ"
"Ö" "\Ö" "×" "\×" "Ø" "\Ø" "Ù" "\Ù"
"Ú" "\Ú" "Û" "\Û" "Ü" "\Ü" "Ý" "\Ý"
"Þ" "\Þ" "ß" "\ß" "\\n" " " "\'" "\'"
"&" "\&" "/" "\/" "\\" "\\" "\[" "\["
"<" "\<" ">" "\>" "\]" "\&#093"
"\(" "\&#040;" "\)" "\&#041;" "£" "\&#163;"
"¨" "\&#168;" "" "\&#169;" "«" "\&#171;" "­" "\&#173;"
"" "\&#174;" "´" "\&#180;" "·" "\&#183;" "¹" "\&#185;"
"»" "\&#187;" "¼" "\&#188;" "½" "\&#189;" "¾" "\&#190;"
"À" "\&#192;" "Á" "\&#193;" "Â" "\&#194;" "Ã" "\&#195;"
"Ä" "\&#196;" "Å" "\&#197;" "Æ" "\&#198;" "Ç" "\&#199;"
"È" "\&#200;" "É" "\&#201;" "Ê" "\&#202;" "Ë" "\&#203;"
"Ì" "\&#204;" "Í" "\&#205;" "Î" "\&#206;" "Ï" "\&#207;"
"Ð" "\&#208;" "Ñ" "\&#209;" "Ò" "\&#210;" "Ó" "\&#211;"
"Ô" "\&#212;" "Õ" "\&#213;" "Ö" "\&#214;" "×" "\&#215;"
"Ø" "\&#216;" "Ù" "\&#217;" "Ú" "\&#218;" "Û" "\&#219;"
"Ü" "\&#220;" "Ý" "\&#221;" "Þ" "\&#222;" "ß" "\&#223;"
"à" "\&#224;" "á" "\&#225;" "â" "\&#226;" "ã" "\&#227;"
"ä" "\&#228;" "å" "\&#229;" "æ" "\&#230;" "ç" "\&#231;"
"è" "\&#232;" "é" "\&#233;" "ê" "\&#234;" "ë" "\&#235;"
"ì" "\&#236;" "í" "\&#237;" "î" "\&#238;" "ï" "\&#239;"
"ð" "\&#240;" "ñ" "\&#241;" "ò" "\&#242;" "ó" "\&#243;"
"ô" "\&#244;" "õ" "\&#245;" "ö" "\&#246;" "÷" "\&#247;"
"ø" "\&#248;" "ù" "\&#249;" "ú" "\&#250;" "û" "\&#251;"
"ü" "\&#252;" "ý" "\&#253;" "þ" "\&#254;" "–" "\&#8211;"
"‘" "\&#8216;" "’" "\&#8217;" "ő" "\&#337;"
return [::tcl::string::map [lreverse $entities] $title]
proc gettitle {url host} {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::gettitle is running"
# Set server name and try to accomodate 'old' package
if { $m00nie::linktitle::httpv eq 0 } {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::gettitle using old http package"
::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -servername $host]
} else {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::gettitle using modern http package"
::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -autoservername true]
# Grab the page
for { set i 1 } { $i <= 5 } { incr i } {
set token [::http::geturl "$url" -timeout 5000]
set x 1
# Try to catch and follow 301/302s (safely!)
while {[::http::ncode $token] in {301 302}} {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::gettitle caught a [::http::ncode $token] attempting to follow..."
# Grab the URL from the redirect (there must be a nicer way)
set meta [::http::meta $token]
set key [lsearch -exact -nocase -inline [dict keys $meta] location]
set url [dict get $meta $key]
::http::cleanup $token
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::gettitle following redirect to: $url"
# Some servers may not return a full URL so catch that...Again this is some hacky shiz just now
if {!([regexp -nocase {^http} $url])} {
set url "https://${host}${url}"
set token [::http::geturl $url -timeout 5000]
# Lets try and not fall down a black hole
incr x
if { $x >= 5 } {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::gettitle redirected five times so giving up!"
return 0
# We got another kind of message (not a redirect or a 200) so lets give up
if {[::http::ncode $token] ne "200"} {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::gettitle $host returned status message of [::http::ncode $token]."
return 0
set rawpage [::http::data $token]
if {[string length rawpage] > 0} { break }
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::gettitle Rawpage length is: [string length $rawpage]"
if {[string length $rawpage] == 0} { error "$host returned ZERO no data :( or we couldnt connect properly" }
# Parse for title
set title [regexp -nocase -inline -all -- {(?x)\<title.*?\>.*?\<\/title\>} $rawpage]
if {[string length $title] > 0} {
regexp -nocase {(?x)(\<title.*?\>)(.*?)(\<\/.*?\>)} $title junk head title foot
set title [string trim $title]
# For eggdrop v1.9+ we shouldnt need to do this
if {$::numversion < "1090000"} {
set title [encoding convertfrom utf-8 $title]
return $title
} else {
putlog "Couldnt get the title for $url :("
return 0
proc throttlecheck {nick chan url} {
if {[info exists m00nie::linktitle::throttled($url)]} {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::throttlecheck url $url, is throttled at the moment"
return 1
} elseif {[info exists m00nie::linktitle::throttled($chan)]} {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::throttlecheck Channel $chan is throttled at the moment"
return 1
} elseif {[info exists m00nie::linktitle::throttled($nick)]} {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::throttlecheck User $nick is throttled at the moment"
return 1
} else {
set m00nie::linktitle::throttled($nick) [utimer $m00nie::linktitle::user_throt [list unset m00nie::linktitle::throttled($nick)]]
set m00nie::linktitle::throttled($chan) [utimer $m00nie::linktitle::chan_throt [list unset m00nie::linktitle::throttled($chan)]]
set m00nie::linktitle::throttled($url) [utimer $m00nie::linktitle::link_throt [list unset m00nie::linktitle::throttled($url)]]
return 0
putlog "m00nie::linktitle $m00nie::linktitle::version loaded"
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