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Last active May 24, 2022 14:01
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wezterm's setting
local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
return {
disable_default_key_bindings = true, -- デフォルトのキーバインドを無効 
font = wezterm.font("SF Mono"), -- フォントの設定
tab_bar_at_bottom = true, -- タブバーをボトムに設定
keys = {
{key="c", mods="SUPER", action=wezterm.action{CopyTo="Clipboard"}},
{key="v", mods="SUPER", action=wezterm.action{PasteFrom="Clipboard"}},
{key="t", mods="SUPER", action=wezterm.action{SpawnTab="CurrentPaneDomain"}},
{key="w", mods="CMD", action=wezterm.action{CloseCurrentTab={confirm=true}}}, -- 現在のタブを閉じる、閉じるときに確認をする
{key="[", mods="CTRL", action=wezterm.action{ActivateTabRelative=-1}},
{key="]", mods="CTRL", action=wezterm.action{ActivateTabRelative=1}},
{key="{", mods="CTRL|SHIFT", action=wezterm.action{MoveTabRelative=-1}}, -- CTRL+SHIFT+[
{key="}", mods="CTRL|SHIFT", action=wezterm.action{MoveTabRelative=1}}, -- CTRL+SHIFT+]
{key="|", mods="CTRL|SHIFT", action=wezterm.action{SplitHorizontal={domain="CurrentPaneDomain"}}},
{key="_", mods="CTRL|SHIFT", action=wezterm.action{SplitVertical={domain="CurrentPaneDomain"}}},
{key="+", mods="CMD|SHIFT", action="IncreaseFontSize"},
{key="_", mods="CMD|SHIFT", action="DecreaseFontSize"},
color_scheme = "Monokai Vivid Mod", -- カラースキームの設定
color_schemes = {
["Monokai Vivid Mod"] = {
foreground = "#f9f9f9",
background = "#121212",
cursor_bg = "#fb0007",
cursor_border = "#fb0007",
cursor_fg = "#000000",
selection_bg = "#ffffff",
selection_fg = "#000000",
ansi = {"#121212","#fa2934","#98e123","#fff30a","#0443ff","#f800f8","#01b6ed","#ffffff"},
brights = {"#838383","#f6669d","#b1e05f","#fff26d","#0443ff","#f200f6","#51ceff","#ffffff"},
window_padding = {
left = 1,
right = 1,
top = 0,
bottom = 0,
launch_menu = {
label = "htop",
set_environment_variables = { PATH = "/usr/local/bin" },
args = {"htop"},
label = "zsh",
set_environment_variables = { PATH = "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin" },
args = {"zsh"},
label = "Bash",
args = {"bash", "-l"},
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