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Last active April 3, 2017 13:59
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import os
import math
import sys
import itertools
import subprocess
import glob
import csv
from collections import OrderedDict as dict
import pickle
import re
headers = set("計上月,担当者CD,担当者,請求先CD,請求先科目CD,請求先名,請求先備考1,請求先備考2,請求先予備1,請求先予備2,請求先予備3,請求書送付先CD,請求書送付先担当者,請求書送付先住所,サービス概要,商品CD,商品名,項目,売上期間,注記,売上詳細備考,税抜売上,税込売上,粗利,支払予定日,税抜原価,税込原価,支払先CD,支払先名,支払先備考1,支払先備考2,支払先予備1,支払先予備2,支払先予備3,申込備考1,アカウントNo,アカウント備考,クライアントCD,クライアント名,クライアント備考1,クライアント備考2,クライアント予備1,クライアント予備2,クライアント予備3,契約備考1,契約備考2,その他備考1,その他備考2,請求書出力単位,プロジェクトCD,プロジェクト名,プロジェクト備考1,プロジェクト備考2,申込予算,マージン,管理費割合,値引方法CD,値引方法名,値引パターンCD,値引パターン名,コミッション割合,定額値引額,定額値引率,値引備考,更新ステータスCD,更新ステータス名,契約書回収日,契約No,契約NoSEQ,契約売上明細行No,契約開始日,契約終了日,売上明細開始日,売上明細終了日,事業部CD,事業部名,部門CD,部門名,大分類CD,大分類名,中分類CD,中分類名,小分類CD,小分類名,商品備考,商品予備2,商品予備3,商品予備4,商品予備5,商品予備6CD,商品予備6名称,商品予備7CD,商品予備7名称,商品予備8CD,商品予備8名称,商品予備9CD,商品予備9名称,商品予備10CD,商品予備10名称,商品予備11名称,商品予備12名称,商品予備13名称,商品予備14名称,商品予備15名称".split(","))
def sum_monoid(header, monoids):
monad = dict()
for key in header:
if key in ["税抜売上", "税込売上", "粗利", "税抜原価", "税込原価"]:
#b = 0
#for monoid in monoids:
# if monoid[key] == "":
# monoid[key] = 0
# b += float(monoid[key])
#for m in monoids:
# print("税込原価", m["税込原価"] )
monad[key] = sum(list(map(lambda x:0. if x[key]=='' else float(x[key]), monoids)))
if key in ["商品名"]:
result = list(filter(lambda x:x!="", map(lambda x:x[key], monoids)))
if result == []:
monad[key] = ""
monad[key] = result[0].replace(' ', ' ')
if key in ["請求積"]:
# ここに分割条件をいれてください
if key in ["計上月"]:
result = list(filter(lambda x:x!="", map(lambda x:x[key], monoids)))
monad[key] = result[0]
if key in ["クライアントCD"]:
result = list(filter(lambda x:x!="", map(lambda x:x[key], monoids)))
monad[key] = result[0]
if key in headers:
result = list(filter(lambda x:x!="", map(lambda x:x[key], monoids)))
if result != []:
monad[key] = result[0]
monad[key] = "-"
return monad
def analystic():
seller_type2lastoutput = {}
with open('./sellerid2lastoutput.txt', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
ents = line.split(' ')
seller_type = ents[0]
print("sellet type", seller_type)
lastoutput = line.split()[-1]
seller_type2lastoutput[seller_type] = lastoutput
for name in glob.glob('./*.csv.utf8'):
with open(name) as f:
cid_monoids = dict()
it = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
header = next(it)
now_client_cd = None
monoidic = []
for pi, ps in enumerate(it):
monoid = dict(list(zip(header, ps)))
if monoid['大分類名'] != "広告代理":
if monoid.get('契約No') is None:
monoid['商品名'] = seller_type2lastoutput[monoid['商品名'].replace(' ', ' ')]
except KeyError as e:
print("cannot find e", e)
# アドホックサニタイゼーション
monoid['クライアント名'] = monoid['クライアント名'].replace(' ', '')
cid = monoid['契約No'] + " " + monoid['クライアント名'] + " 直販"
if cid_monoids.get(cid) == None:
cid_monoids[cid] = []
cid_monad = {}
for cid, monoids in cid_monoids.items():
cid_monad[cid] = sum_monoid(header, monoids)
open('./conv/%s.pkl'%name, 'wb').write(pickle.dumps(cid_monad))
sellertype_index = pickle.loads(open('sellertype_index.pkl', 'rb').read())
except FileNotFoundError as e:
from collections import OrderedDict
with open('./sellerid2lastoutput.txt', 'r') as f:
sellertype_index = OrderedDict()
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
lastoutput = line.split()[-1]
if sellertype_index.get(lastoutput) is None:
sellertype_index[lastoutput] = len(sellertype_index)
open('sellertype_index.pkl', 'wb').write(pickle.dumps(sellertype_index))
with open('./kasu.txt', 'r') as f:
client_name_flag = {}
for excel in f:
excel = excel.strip()
ents = excel.split()
client_name = ents[0]
flag = int(ents[-1])-1
client_name_flag[client_name] = flag
## 企業コード, 商流(comercial distributeコード)
clientcd_cdist = {}
cdist_index = {}
with open('./cdist_clientcd.txt') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
ents = line.split()
cdist = ents[0]
clientcd = ents[-1]
clientcd_cdist[clientcd] = cdist
for clientcd, cdist in clientcd_cdist.items():
if cdist_index.get(cdist) is None:
cdist_index[cdist] = len(cdist_index)
open('cdist_index.pkl', 'wb').write(pickle.dumps(cdist_index))
def _client_name_vectorizer(client_name):
vec = [0.]*len(cdist_index)
vec[cdist_index[clientcd_cdist[client_name]]] = 1.
return '*'.join(map(str, vec))
def _seller_type_vectorizer(type_name):
vec = [0.]*len(sellertype_index)
vec[sellertype_index[type_name]] = 1.
return '*'.join(map(str, vec))
def tinger():
class Amounts(object):
def __init__(self):
self.uriage_nozei = 0.
self.uriage_zei = 0.
self.arari = 0.
self.tax_genka = 0.
self.notax_genka = 0.
self.monad = {}
key_amount = {}
for name in glob.glob('./conv/*.pkl'):
cid_monad = pickle.loads(open(name, 'rb').read())
for cid, monad in cid_monad.items():
last_word = cid.split()[-1]
client_name = cid.split()[-2]
seller_type = monad["商品名"]
client_cd = monad["クライアントCD"]
date = monad["計上月"]
#key = monad['商品名']
key = date + "__SEP__" + client_cd
#key = date + "*" + last_word + "*" + seller_type.replace(" ", "")
#key = date + "*" + client_name
#key = date + "*" + client_cd + "*" + client_name + "*" + seller_type
#key = client_name + "*" + seller_type + "*" + last_word
#key = client_name + "*" + _client_name_vectorizer(client_cd) + "*" + str(client_name_flag[client_name]) +" * " + _seller_type_vectorizer(seller_type)
#key = client_name + "*" + _client_name_vectorizer(client_cd) + "*" + str(client_name_flag[client_name])
except KeyError as e:
print(e, file=sys.stderr)
uriage_nozei = monad["税抜売上"]
uriage_zei = monad["税込売上"]
arai = monad["粗利"]
notax_genka = monad["税抜原価"]
tax_genka = monad["税込原価"]
if key_amount.get(key) is None: key_amount[key] = Amounts()
key_amount[key].uriage_nozei += uriage_nozei
key_amount[key].uriage_zei += uriage_zei
key_amount[key].arari += arai
key_amount[key].tax_genka += tax_genka
key_amount[key].notax_genka += notax_genka
key_amount[key].monad = monad
for key, amount in key_amount.items():
del amount.monad['税抜売上']
del amount.monad['税込売上']
del amount.monad['粗利']
del amount.monad["税抜原価"]
del amount.monad["税込原価"]
data = "__SEP__".join(["%s=%s"%(k,v) for k,v in amount.monad.items()])
print("__SEP__".join(list(map(lambda x:re.sub(r"\s| ", "", str(x)), [key, data, \
"税抜売上=%d"%amount.uriage_nozei, \
"税込売上=%d"%amount.uriage_zei, \
"粗利=%d"%amount.arari, \
"税抜原価=%d"%amount.notax_genka, \
def conv():
for name in glob.glob('./obic/*.csv'):
last_name = name.split('/')[-1]
ret = os.system("cat %s | nkf -S -w > %s.utf8"%(name, last_name) )
if __name__ == '__main__':
if '--conv' in sys.argv:
if '-a' in sys.argv:
if '-t' in sys.argv:
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