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Last active December 2, 2016 06:13
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A quick and dirty arcpy function that will iterate by features of a feature class and clip a target feature class; produces many output files
"""Needs some work. Needs error handling (empty outputs especially) and better
output naming logic.
import arcpy, os
source_polys = r'path to shapefile to be clipped here'
clip_polys = r'path to shapefile whose features will be used for the clipping here'
def iterclipbyfeatures(source_polys, clip_polys, clip_id='FID',
output_prefix='', output_suffix=''):
"""Iteratively select by location using each feature in clippolys and
clipping the features within the source_polys. Will result in an output
for each feature class within the clippolys.
Places output in current working directory
source_polys : str
string of polygon feature class to extract features from
clippolys : str
string of polygon feature class for which each feature will be used
as the clipping features
clip_id : str
The field name containing unique IDs for which each output file
will be named.
output_prefix : str
output_suffix : str
self-explanatory (I don't know it's spelled so I'll try two spellings
and maybe one of them is correct!)
clip = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(clip_polys)
source = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(source_polys)
featurecount = arcpy.GetCount_management(clip)
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(clip_polys, clip_id) as cursor:
for i, row in enumerate(cursor):
print 'Processing: {} of {}'.format(str(i+1), featurecount)
if type(row[0]) == int or type(row[0]) == float:
where = '"{}" = {}'.format(clip_id, str(row[0]))
where = '"{}" = {}'.format(clip_id, "'{}'".format(row[0]))
print where
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(clip, 'NEW_SELECTION', where)
curclip = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(clip)
arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management(source, 'HAVE_THEIR_CENTER_IN',curclip)
outputname = output_prefix + str(row[0]) + output_suffix + '.shp'
arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(source, os.getcwd(), outputname)
clippolyfcbyiterpolyfc(source_polys, clip_polys)
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