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Created May 24, 2014 21:39
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Save GLips/9cef62b8e79206b54a3f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
LW.StreamControlController = Ember.ObjectController.extend
sourceType: 'github'
sourceTypes: ['github', 'twitter']
createNewSource: (->
if @get('sourceType')
sourceType = @get('sourceType') + '_source'
@set 'newParentSource', @store.createRecord('source', { stream: @get('model'), source_type: sourceType })
@set 'newSource', @store.createRecord(sourceType, { parent: @get('newParentSource') })
@get('newParentSource').set sourceType, @get('newSource')
).observes('sourceType') # This is changed by the dropdown detailed in the HTML below
# <div class="content">
# <h2>Add a Source</h2>
# {{#unless creatingSource}}
# <div class="center">
# <h4><a href="#" {{action 'new_source'}}>Create a new source</a></h4>
# </div>
# {{else}}
# <div class="content">
# <label>Pull Content From</label>
# <!-- This is where you select the type of source you're creating, which generates a model called 'newSource' of the proper type -->
# {{view Ember.Select content=controller.sourceTypes value=controller.sourceType class="form-control"}}
# </div>
# <!-- This is where the magic happens, the view is designated by the new source you've selected under its 'createView' attribute -->
# {{view controller.newSource.createView model=controller.newSource viewName="sourceCreateView"}}
# <div class="center">
# <button {{action 'save_new_source' this}} class="btn btn-lg btn-success">Create new source</button>
# <br>
# <a {{action 'cancel_new_source' this}} class="small">Cancel</a>
# </div>
# {{/unless}}
# </div>
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