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Last active September 14, 2016 14:43
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Save GM-King/9544706 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is an improved Summoning API that was built upon.
Original author: Brandon W.
Original here:
Special thanks to Brian for helping me with some of the script.
I hope this serves others well, do not hesistate to contact me regarding bugs or improvements.
-GM King
1. Select token you want the monster to appear next to.
2. In chat, type "!summon (name of monster) (number to summon)" without brackets or quotation marks.
3. By default the monster will take up a 5x5 ft square (medium or small creature). To summon larger creatures add a letter to the end of the message:
F= Fine, D = Diminutive, T= Tiny, L = large, H = Huge, G = Gargantuan, C = Colossal, cust = customised size (this tag must be followed by two numbers, see examples).
4. You can also summon a torch that will give 40 ft of vision with 20 ft of dim light (torch must be in the name).
NB. The name of the monster must be in your character sheet list and the image must be the token image you wish to use (marketplace images do not work).
!summon torch
!summon eagle
!summon eagle 2
!summon eagle 1d3
!summon eagle 1d3+1
!summon cave troll 1d3+1 H
!summon flame sphere cust 140 140
NB. When making a custom size every 70 = 1 square.
on("chat:message", function(msg)
if (msg.type == "api" && msg.content.indexOf("!summon ") === 0)
var GM = "";
var size1 = 0;
var size2 = size1;
var s = 0;
var inputName = "";
var howMuch = 0;
var amount = 0; // Amount of summoned monsters.
var mod = 0; // Modifier to amount.
var skip = false;
var action = "Summons ";
var section = msg.content.split(" "); // Breaks API call into sections.
if (section.length > 1)
for (var j=1;j<section.length;j++)
if (typeof parseInt(section[j]) === 'number' && Math.round(parseInt(section[j])) % 1 == 0 || section[j].length <= 4 && section[j].toLowerCase().search("d") != -1 && /\dd/.test(section[j]) || section[j].toLowerCase() == 'cust')
if (section[j].toLowerCase() == 'cust')
var howMuch = j;
if (j != section.length-1)
for (var m = j+1; m < section.length; m++)
if (typeof parseInt(section[m]) === 'number' && Math.round(parseInt(section[m])) % 1 == 0 || section[m].length <= 4 && section[m].toLowerCase().search("d") != -1 && /\dd/.test(section[m]))
skip = true;
skip = false;
skip = false;
if (skip == false)
var howMuch = j;
if (howMuch > 0)
for (var k=1;k<howMuch;k++)
if (k == howMuch-1)
inputName = inputName + section[k];
inputName = inputName + section[k] + " ";
if (section[howMuch].toLowerCase().search("d") != -1) // If user chose to roll.
if (section[howMuch].indexOf("+") != -1)
mod = section[howMuch].split("+"); // If user specified a modfier.
section[howMuch] = mod[0];
mod = parseInt(mod[1],10);
var count = 0;
var diceRoll = section[howMuch].split("d");
diceRoll[0] = diceRoll[0].replace(/\D/g,'');
diceRoll[1] = diceRoll[1].replace(/\D/g,'');
var lowEnd = parseInt(diceRoll[0]);
var highEnd = parseInt(diceRoll[1]);
while (count < lowEnd)
amount = amount + randomInteger(highEnd); // Rolls dice.
log("Summoner: rolls a " + amount)
else if (section[howMuch].toLowerCase() != 'cust')
var amount = parseInt(section[howMuch],10); // Creates variable for number of summoned monsters.
amount == 1;
amount = amount + mod;
else if (howMuch == 0)
if (section[section.length-1].length == 1)
s = 1;
howMuch = section.length - 2;
amount = 1;
for (var k=1;k<section.length-s;k++)
if (k == section.length-1-s)
inputName = inputName + section[k];
inputName = inputName + section[k] + " ";
if (section.length > (howMuch+1) && section[howMuch].toLowerCase() != "cust")
if (section[howMuch+1].toLowerCase() == "f")
size1 = -63;
size2 = size1;
else if (section[howMuch+1].toLowerCase() == "d")
size1 = -56;
size2 = size1;
else if (section[howMuch+1].toLowerCase() == "t")
size1 = -35;
size2 = size1;
else if (section[howMuch+1].toLowerCase() == "l")
size1 = 70;
size2 = size1;
else if (section[howMuch+1].toLowerCase() == "h")
size1 = 140;
size2 = size1;
else if (section[howMuch+1].toLowerCase() == "g")
size1 = 210;
size2 = size1;
else if (section[howMuch+1].toLowerCase() == "c")
size1 = 280;
size2 = size1;
else if (section[howMuch+1].toLowerCase() == "cust")
if (typeof section[howMuch+2] != 'undefined')
size1 = parseInt(section[howMuch+2]);
sendChat(msg.who, "/w gm Please ensure the \"cust\" tag is followed by two values (every 70 = 1 square)."); // If monster is not in character list.
if (typeof section[howMuch+3] != 'undefined')
size2 = parseInt(section[howMuch+3]);
sendChat(msg.who, "/w gm Please ensure the \"cust\" tag is followed by two values (every 70 = 1 square)."); // If monster is not in character list.
else if (section[howMuch].toLowerCase() == "cust")
if (typeof section[howMuch+1] != 'undefined')
size1 = parseInt(section[howMuch+1]);
sendChat(msg.who, "/w gm Please ensure the \"cust\" tag is followed by two values (every 70 = 1 square)."); // If monster is not in character list.
if (typeof section[howMuch+2] != 'undefined')
size2 = parseInt(section[howMuch+2]);
sendChat(msg.who, "/w gm Please ensure the \"cust\" tag is followed by two values (every 70 = 1 square)."); // If monster is not in character list.
sendChat(msg.who, "/w gm No monsters specified to summon"); // If user writes too many things.
var check = findObjs({ _type: "character", name: inputName },{caseInsensitive: true})[0];
if (typeof check == 'undefined')
sendChat(msg.who, "/w gm Monster of name \"" + inputName + "\" does not exist."); // If monster is not in character list.
var list = findObjs({ _type: "character", name: inputName},{caseInsensitive: true});
var characterId = list[0].id; // Extract character ID from character sheet
var characterName = list[0].get('name'); // Extract character name from character sheet
var characterImage = list[0].get('avatar'); // Extract character image URL from character sheet
if (characterImage.indexOf("marketplace") != -1)
sendChat(msg.who, "/w gm Monster of name \"" + inputName + "\" has a marketplace image."); // Error message
characterImage = characterImage.replace("med","thumb"); // Change character image to thumb if med
characterImage = characterImage.replace("max","thumb"); // Change character image to thumb if max
var selected = msg.selected;
_.each(selected, function(obj)
var tok = getObj("graphic", obj._id); // Create variable for selected token (for summoned monster positioning)
var HP = findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "HP", _characterid: characterId },{caseInsensitive: true})[0]; //finds the health from charactersheet
if (typeof HP == 'undefined')
HP = "-1";
HP = (HP) ? HP.get("current") : 0; // Changes HP to useable string
var AC = findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "AC", _characterid: characterId },{caseInsensitive: true})[0]; // finds the ac from charactersheet
if (typeof AC == 'undefined')
AC = "-1";
AC = (AC) ? AC.get("current") : 0; // Changes AC to useable string
if (amount == 0)
amount = 1;
else if (amount > 20)
var tooMany = amount;
amount = 20;
log("Summoner: User specified " + tooMany + " monsters. Scaling to 20.") // If user spams the field.
for (var i=0;i<amount;i++)
if (HP == "-1" && AC == "-1" && msg.content.toLowerCase().search("torch") != -1)
action = "Lights"
represents: characterId, // Links new token to charactersheet
left: tok.get("left")+70,
top: tok.get("top"),
width: 70+size1,
height: 70+size2,
name: characterName,
pageid: tok.get("pageid"),
imgsrc: characterImage,
layer: "objects",
light_radius: 40,
light_dimradius: 20,
light_otherplayers: true
else if (HP == "-1" && AC == "-1")
sendChat(msg.who, "/w gm HP or AC value not set (if this is a torch please include \"torch\" in name."); // Error message
represents: characterId, // Links new token to charactersheet
left: tok.get("left")+70,
top: tok.get("top"),
width: 70+size1,
height: 70+size2,
name: characterName,
showname: true,
showplayers_name: true,
showplayers_bar1: true,
pageid: tok.get("pageid"),
imgsrc: characterImage,
layer: "objects"
represents: characterId, // Links new token to charactersheet
left: tok.get("left")+70,
top: tok.get("top"),
width: 70+size1,
height: 70+size2,
name: characterName,
bar2_value: AC,
bar3_value: HP,
bar3_max: HP,
showname: true,
showplayers_name: true,
showplayers_bar1: true,
pageid: tok.get("pageid"),
imgsrc: characterImage,
layer: "objects"
if (amount > 1)
inputName = inputName + "s"; // If more than 1 summon, adds plural.
else if (amount == 1 && action == "Lights")
amount = " a";
inputName = "torch";
if (typeof amount === 'number')
amount = amount.toString();
sendChat(msg.who, GM + action + amount + " " + inputName + "!"); // Announces how many and what Summoner has summoned.
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Hello GM-King,
First of all, I want to let you know that I really appreciate your work! I use this script all the time on Roll 20. That being said, would you consider adjusting the script for me to make it even more useful? If you would adjust the variables so that bar1 bar2 and bar3 could be used to store a current and a max number, such as hit point, it would be awesome! Bonus request. Is it a chore to create the summon ability to have an aura that only the DM would see?

Thank you for considering my improvement!
Barry Smith

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