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Last active June 9, 2016 20:10
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Groupees ChatBot Command Help

Groupees ChatBot, programmed by cyanic.

Public Commands


Lists available commands.
Example: !help
Aliases: cmds, commands, introduction, introduce


Displays bot's version information.
Example: !about
Aliases: version


Instructs the bot to open a private chat with you. Use this if you are going to run multiple commands or run commands that produce a lot of output. This command works even if the bot is muted.
Example: !pmme


Instructs the chat to close its private chat with you. Must be invoked within the private caht you have open with the bot.
Example: !bye


Instructs the bot to ignore all commands in the current channel for 10 minutes. Two yes votes must be received within 2 minutes for this command to take effect.
Example: !mute y
Aliases: shutup


Instructs the bot to ignore all commands in the current channel for 2 hours. Five yes votes must be received within 2 minutes for this command to take effect.
Example: !exclude y


Displays when a user was last seen sending a message in chat. Invoking the command will search for users that have the query argument in their name. If only one user was found whose name contained the query, the user's last seen date will be displayed. If multiple users were found, but only one has matching capitalization, the user whose name matched will have their last seen date displayed. If multiple users are found with the same name, please use !seeni to choose a user. If there are too many users found to display, go into private chat and run the query again to see all the users found.
Example: !seen Shifty Slug


Used for choosing a user from the query results displayed by !seen. The first argument is the 1-based index into the list returned by !seen. Enter 0 to show the user who was most recently seen in chat. The second argument is the same query used for !seen.
Example: !seeni 0 awesome


Shows when a Groupees staff member was last online, and who was last online.
Example: !seenstaff


Searches for a user's profile by user name. Search is conducted in the same manner as in !seen.
Example: !profile Shifty Slug


Used for choosing a user from the query results displayed by !profile. Operates in the same manner as !seeni.
Example: !profilei 0 awesome


Makes the bot respond.
Example: !echo


Makes the bot greet you.
Example: !hi
Aliases: hello


Lists non-interactive commands.
Example: !listextracmds


Shows a random one-liner.
Example: !fortune


Shows a random message from GNN.
Example: !gnn


Lists the names of the notes stored in the notes database. Hidden notes will not be listed.
Example: !listnotes


Add/set note to notes database. The first argument is the name of the note; the rest of the arguments are the note content. Note names cannot contain whitespace(s). If the note is protected, only the owner of the note may modify it.
Example: !setnote sample Your message here.
Aliases: addnote


Reads stored note from notes database. The note will be displayed with the name of the person who last modified it and the time it was modified at.
Example: !readnote sample
Aliases: getnote


Deletes the note from notes database. If the note is protected, only the owner of the note may delete it. Notes are deleted permanently.
Example: !delnote sample


Reverts the note to its previous content. Only the last person who modified the note or the owner of the note can revert it. If note is protected, the person who last modified the note cannot revert the note unless the user owns the note.
Example: !revertnote sample


Displays information about a note.
Example: !noteinfo sample


Hides the note from the notes list. You must have modify permission on the note to hide it.
Example: !hidenote sample


Unhides the note from the notes list. You must have modify permission on the note to unhide it.
Example: !unhidenote sample


Sets permissions on the note to only allow the owner of the note to modify it. You must be the owner of the note to set this permission.
Example: !setnoteownermodonly sample


Unsets permissions on the note to only allow the owner of the note to modify it. You must be the owner of the note to unset this permission.
Example: !unsetnoteownermodonly sample


Sets permissions on the note to only allow the owner of the note to delete it. You must be the owner of the note to set this permission.
Example: !setnoteownerdelonly sample


Unsets permissions on the note to only allow the owner of the note to delete it. You must be the owner of the note to unset this permission.
Example: !unsetnoteownerdelonly sample


Displays the commands for playing Tic Tac Toe on a 3x3 board in the current chat channel. Note board coordinates are 1-based from the upper left of the board. Tic Tac Toe cannot be played in a private chat with the bot. Please be courteous and not start a game when there is an ongoing conversation in the channel.
Example: !tttrules
Aliases: tictactoe


Roll dice and display the results. Maximum 20 dice can be rolled at a time. There is no limit on the number of sides on the dice.
Example: !roll 10d6


Applies the ROT13 cipher to your message.
Example: !rot13 The bot spies on me.


Have the bot talk back at you. Say anything you want. Example: !elize How are you doing, ChatBot? Aliases: e


Applies a random chat superpower to you.
Example: !spme


Instructs the bot to cure you of any applied chat superpowers. Note the chat server imposes a limit of 2 cures from any user per 30 minutes.
Example: !cureme


Applies a random universal superpower to the current channel if the bot has Leader status.
Example: !randunivpower


Applies the bomb superpower to Miller Berto.
Example: !mutemiller


Searches Greenlight Updates for Steam Greenlight items. Use either the name or ID of the item you want to look for. If many items are found, look up the item you want by ID.
Example: !greenlight eron Example: !greenlight 393620837 Aliases: gl


Shows what games from the current bundle has been Greenlit or released on Steam. Enter a bundle name to look up the titles from that bundle. Non-Groupees bundles can also be searched.
Example: !greenlit
Example: !greenlit bagb20


Shows what bundles a Greenlight game has appeared in. Lookup uses the same syntax as !greenlight.
Example: !bundledin eron Example: !bundledin 393620837

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