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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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Save GMMan/6e17b340355dfc79d50c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Chat pinger for Groupees Chat

To use this code, first go on your active bundle page, and open a JavaScript console. On Firefox, it's Ctrl-Shift-K, while on Chrome it's Ctrl-Shift-J. Then paste in this line:

ChatPinger=function(){var b=this,d,e=[];this.notifyMyOwn=this.muted=!1;this.notifyActiveTab=!0;this.notifyActions=!1;{this.muted||};this.setSound=function(a){d=new Howl({urls:[a]})};var f=function(a){a=$.parseJSON(a).message;!a||"action"==a.kind&&!b.notifyActions||!b.notifyActiveTab&&a.chat_id==chatBoxer.prevChatId||!b.notifyMyOwn&&"regular"==a.kind&&a.user&&parseInt($(chatBox).data("user"))||};this.setSound("");$(".chat").each(function(a,b){var c=$(this).data("channel");if(-1!=$.inArray(c,e))return!0;faye.subscribe(c,f);e.push(c)})};pinger=new ChatPinger;

and press Enter.

There are a few options you can set (square brackets indicate default value):
pinger.muted = true|[false] - Don't ping
pinger.notifyMyOwn = true|[false] - Ping when your own message gets sent
pinger.notifyActiveTab = [true]|false - Ping even when messages appear in your current chat tab
pinger.notifyActions = true|[false] - Ping when some gets chat powers applied to them

You can also set your own ping sound by typing pinger.setSound('url'), where url is the address of a sound file.

Warning: Current ping sound is fairly loud.

ChatPinger = function()
var that = this;
var audioUrl;
var howler;
var subscribed = [];
this.muted = false;
this.notifyMyOwn = false;
this.notifyActiveTab = true;
this.notifyActions = false; = function()
if (this.muted) return;;
this.setSound = function(url)
audioUrl = url;
howler = new Howl({ urls: [ url ] });
var fayeCallback = function(message)
var o = $.parseJSON(message);
var msg = o.message;
if (!msg) return;
if (msg.kind == 'action' && !that.notifyActions) return;
if (!that.notifyActiveTab && msg.chat_id == chatBoxer.prevChatId) return;
if (!that.notifyMyOwn && msg.kind == 'regular' && msg.user && (parseInt($(chatBox).data('user')) == return;;
// Easiest if I subscribe to messages myself
$('.chat').each(function (ind, obj)
var channel = $(this).data('channel');
if ($.inArray(channel, subscribed) != -1) return true;
faye.subscribe(channel, fayeCallback);
pinger = new ChatPinger();
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