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Last active October 16, 2017 06:26
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Implementation of Legacy OpenGL Demo "gears.c" for OSX Cocoa using Clozure Common Lisp ObjC Bridge
(defpackage :opengl-gears-demo)
(in-package :opengl-gears-demo)
(require 'cl-opengl)
(require 'cl-glu)
;;; needed to run at full resolution in Retina display
(objc:defmethod (#/setWantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface: :void)
((self ns:ns-object) (value :<BOOL>)))
(defconstant +pif+ (coerce pi 'single-float))
;;; borrowed from CCL opengl demo
(defun new-pixel-format (&rest attributes)
;; take a list of opengl pixel format attributes (enums and other
;; small ints), make an array (character array?), and create and
;; return an NSOpenGLPixelFormat
(let* ((attribute-size (ccl::foreign-size :<NSO>pen<GLP>ixel<F>ormat<A>ttribute :bytes))
(nattributes (length attributes)))
(ccl::%stack-block ((objc-attributes (* attribute-size (1+ nattributes))))
(loop for i from 0 to nattributes
for attribute in attributes do
(setf (ccl:paref objc-attributes (:* :<NSO>pen<GLP>ixel<F>ormat<A>ttribute) i)
attribute) ; <- autocoerced?
finally (setf
(ccl:paref objc-attributes
(:* :<NSO>pen<GLP>ixel<F>ormat<A>ttribute) nattributes) 0))
(make-instance ns:ns-opengl-pixel-format :with-attributes objc-attributes))))
(defun ns-keypress-to-lisp-char (keypress)
(let* ((ns-string (#/characters keypress))
(lisp-string (objc:lisp-string-from-nsstring ns-string)))
(aref lisp-string 0)))
(defun draw-gear (inner-radius outer-radius width n-teeth tooth-depth)
"Draw a gear."
(declare (single-float inner-radius outer-radius width tooth-depth)
(fixnum n-teeth))
(let ((r0 inner-radius)
(r1 (- outer-radius (/ tooth-depth 2.0)))
(r2 (+ outer-radius (/ tooth-depth 2.0)))
(da (/ (* 2.0 +pif+) n-teeth 4.0)))
(gl:shade-model :flat)
(gl:normal 0 0 1)
;; Draw front face.
(gl:with-primitives :quad-strip
(dotimes (i (1+ n-teeth))
(let ((angle (/ (* i 2.0 +pif+) n-teeth)))
(gl:vertex (* r0 (cos angle)) (* r0 (sin angle)) (* width 0.5))
(gl:vertex (* r1 (cos angle)) (* r1 (sin angle)) (* width 0.5))
(gl:vertex (* r0 (cos angle)) (* r0 (sin angle)) (* width 0.5))
(gl:vertex (* r1 (cos (+ angle (* 3 da))))
(* r1 (sin (+ angle (* 3 da))))
(* width 0.5)))))
;; Draw front sides of teeth.
(gl:with-primitives :quads
(dotimes (i n-teeth)
(let ((angle (/ (* i 2.0 +pif+) n-teeth)))
(gl:vertex (* r1 (cos angle)) (* r1 (sin angle)) (* width 0.5))
(gl:vertex (* r2 (cos (+ angle da))) (* r2 (sin (+ angle da)))
(* width 0.5))
(gl:vertex (* r2 (cos (+ angle (* 2 da))))
(* r2 (sin (+ angle (* 2 da))))
(* width 0.5))
(gl:vertex (* r1 (cos (+ angle (* 3 da))))
(* r1 (sin (+ angle (* 3 da))))
(* width 0.5)))))
(gl:normal 0 0 -1)
;; Draw back face.
(gl:with-primitives :quad-strip
(dotimes (i (1+ n-teeth))
(let ((angle (/ (* i 2.0 +pif+) n-teeth)))
(gl:vertex (* r1 (cos angle)) (* r1 (sin angle)) (* width -0.5))
(gl:vertex (* r0 (cos angle)) (* r0 (sin angle)) (* width -0.5))
(gl:vertex (* r1 (cos (+ angle (* 3 da))))
(* r1 (sin (+ angle (* 3 da))))
(* width -0.5))
(gl:vertex (* r0 (cos angle)) (* r0 (sin angle)) (* width -0.5)))))
;; Draw back sides of teeth.
(gl:with-primitives :quads
(dotimes (i n-teeth)
(let ((angle (/ (* i 2.0 +pif+) n-teeth)))
(gl:vertex (* r1 (cos (+ angle (* 3 da))))
(* r1 (sin (+ angle (* 3 da))))
(* width -0.5))
(gl:vertex (* r2 (cos (+ angle (* 2 da))))
(* r2 (sin (+ angle (* 2 da))))
(* width -0.5))
(gl:vertex (* r2 (cos (+ angle da))) (* r2 (sin (+ angle da)))
(* width -0.5))
(gl:vertex (* r1 (cos angle)) (* r1 (sin angle)) (* width -0.5)))))
;; Draw outward faces of teeth.
(gl:with-primitives :quad-strip
(dotimes (i n-teeth)
(let ((angle (/ (* i 2.0 +pif+) n-teeth)))
(gl:vertex (* r1 (cos angle)) (* r1 (sin angle)) (* width 0.5))
(gl:vertex (* r1 (cos angle)) (* r1 (sin angle)) (* width -0.5))
(let* ((u (- (* r2 (cos (+ angle da))) (* r1 (cos angle))))
(v (- (* r2 (sin (+ angle da))) (* r1 (sin angle))))
(len (sqrt (+ (* u u) (* v v)))))
(setq u (/ u len))
(setq v (/ u len))
(gl:normal v (- u) 0.0)
(gl:vertex (* r2 (cos (+ angle da))) (* r2 (sin (+ angle da)))
(* width 0.5))
(gl:vertex (* r2 (cos (+ angle da))) (* r2 (sin (+ angle da)))
(* width -0.5))
(gl:normal (cos angle) (sin angle) 0.0)
(gl:vertex (* r2 (cos (+ angle (* 2 da))))
(* r2 (sin (+ angle (* 2 da))))
(* width 0.5))
(gl:vertex (* r2 (cos (+ angle (* 2 da))))
(* r2 (sin (+ angle (* 2 da))))
(* width -0.5))
(setq u (- (* r1 (cos (+ angle (* 3 da))))
(* r2 (cos (+ angle (* 2 da))))))
(setq v (- (* r1 (sin (+ angle (* 3 da))))
(* r2 (sin (+ angle (* 2 da))))))
(gl:normal v (- u) 0.0)
(gl:vertex (* r1 (cos (+ angle (* 3 da))))
(* r1 (sin (+ angle (* 3 da))))
(* width 0.5))
(gl:vertex (* r1 (cos (+ angle (* 3 da))))
(* r1 (sin (+ angle (* 3 da))))
(* width -0.5))
(gl:normal (cos angle) (sin angle) 0.0))))
(gl:vertex (* r1 (cos 0)) (* r1 (sin 0)) (* width 0.5))
(gl:vertex (* r1 (cos 0)) (* r1 (sin 0)) (* width -0.5)))
;; Draw inside radius cylinder.
(gl:shade-model :smooth)
(gl:with-primitives :quad-strip
(dotimes (i (1+ n-teeth))
(let ((angle (/ (* i 2.0 +pif+) n-teeth)))
(gl:normal (- (cos angle)) (- (sin angle)) 0.0)
(gl:vertex (* r0 (cos angle)) (* r0 (sin angle)) (* width -0.5))
(gl:vertex (* r0 (cos angle)) (* r0 (sin angle)) (* width 0.5)))))))
(defclass gears-opengl-view (ns:ns-opengl-view)
((animation-runloop :foreign-type :id :accessor animation-runloop)
(animation-timer :foreign-type :id :accessor animation-timer)
(animation-thread :initform nil :accessor animation-thread)
(view-rotx :initform 20.0)
(view-roty :initform 30.0)
(view-rotz :initform 0.0)
gear1 gear2 gear3
(angle :initform 0.0)
(count :initform 1)
(t0 :initform 0))
(:metaclass ns:+ns-object))
(objc:defmethod (#/acceptsFirstResponder :<BOOL>) ((self gears-opengl-view))
(defun make-opengl-view ()
(let ((opengl-view (make-instance 'gears-opengl-view)))
(#/setPixelFormat: opengl-view (new-pixel-format #$NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer
#$NSOpenGLPFAColorSize 32
#$NSOpenGLPFADepthSize 32)) ; alt
(#/setWantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface: opengl-view 1) ; Retina display
(#/autorelease opengl-view)))
;;; this should specialize on the window to check for visibility
(objc:defmethod (#/rotateGears: :void) ((self gears-opengl-view) timer)
(declare (ignorable timer))
(incf (slot-value self 'angle) 0.04) ; rotate gears
(#/setNeedsDisplay: self t))) ; tell Cocoa to redraw gears
(objc:defmethod (#/prepareOpenGL :void) ((self gears-opengl-view))
(ccl:rlet ((swap-int #>GLint 1))
(#/setValues:forParameter: (#/openGLContext self) swap-int #$NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval))
(with-slots (gear1 gear2 gear3) self
(gl:light :light0 :position #(5.0 5.0 10.0 0.0))
(gl:enable :cull-face :lighting :light0 :depth-test)
;; gear 1
(setq gear1 (gl:gen-lists 1))
(gl:with-new-list (gear1 :compile)
(gl:material :front :ambient-and-diffuse #(0.8 0.1 0.0 1.0)) ; red
(draw-gear 1.0 4.0 1.0 20 0.7))
;; gear 2
(setq gear2 (gl:gen-lists 1))
(gl:with-new-list (gear2 :compile)
(gl:material :front :ambient-and-diffuse #(0.0 0.8 0.2 1.0)) ; green
(draw-gear 0.5 2.0 2.0 10 0.7))
;; gear 3
(setq gear3 (gl:gen-lists 1))
(gl:with-new-list (gear3 :compile)
(gl:material :front :ambient-and-diffuse #(0.2 0.2 1.0 1.0)) ; blue
(draw-gear 1.3 2.0 0.5 10 0.7))
(gl:enable :normalize)))
(objc:defmethod (#/drawRect: :void) ((self gears-opengl-view) (rect :<NSR>ect))
(declare (ignorable rect))
(with-slots (view-rotx view-roty view-rotz angle gear1 gear2 gear3) self
(gl:clear :color-buffer :depth-buffer)
(gl:rotate view-rotx 1 0 0)
(gl:rotate view-roty 0 1 0)
(gl:rotate view-rotz 0 0 1)
(gl:with-pushed-matrix ; gear1
(gl:translate -3 -2 0)
(gl:rotate angle 0 0 1)
(gl:call-list gear1))
(gl:with-pushed-matrix ; gear2
(gl:translate 3.1 -2 0)
(gl:rotate (- (* -2 angle) 9) 0 0 1)
(gl:call-list gear2))
(gl:with-pushed-matrix ; gear3
(gl:translate -3.1 4.2 0.0)
(gl:rotate (- (* -2 angle) 25) 0 0 1)
(gl:call-list gear3)))
(#/flushBuffer (#/openGLContext self)))); maybe?
(objc:defmethod (#/reshape :void) ((gl-view gears-opengl-view))
(let* ((frame (#/frame gl-view))
(width (truncate (ns:ns-rect-width frame)))
(height (truncate (ns:ns-rect-height frame))))
(gl:viewport 0 0 (* 2 width) (* 2 height)) ; display correctly in Retina display
(gl:matrix-mode :projection)
(let ((h (/ height width)))
(gl:frustum -1 1 (- h) h 5 60))
(gl:matrix-mode :modelview)
(gl:translate 0 0 -40)))
(defclass cocoa-gears-window (ns:ns-window)
(:metaclass ns:+ns-object))
(objc:defmethod (#/keyDown: :void) ((self gears-opengl-view) the-event)
(let ((char (ns-keypress-to-lisp-char the-event)))
(with-slots (view-rotx view-roty view-rotz) self
(case char
(#\Z (incf view-rotz 2.0))
(#\z (decf view-rotz 2.0))
(#\U+F700 (incf view-rotx 2.0))
(#\U+F701 (decf view-rotx 2.0))
(#\U+F702 (incf view-roty 2.0))
(#\U+F703 (decf view-roty 2.0)))))
(#/setNeedsDisplay: self t))
(defmethod animate-gears ((self gears-opengl-view) done)
(setf (animation-thread self) *current-process*)
(let* ((runloop (#/currentRunLoop ns:ns-run-loop)))
(setf (animation-runloop self) runloop)
(setf (animation-timer self)
0.001d0 ;~60fps
(objc:@selector #/rotateGears:)
(#/addTimer:forMode: runloop (animation-timer self) #$NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
(signal-semaphore done)
(#/run runloop))))
(defmethod start-gears ((self gears-opengl-view))
(let* ((created (make-semaphore)))
(process-run-function "Animator" #'animate-gears self created)
(wait-on-semaphore created)))
(objc:defmethod (#/close :void) ((self cocoa-gears-window))
(let ((view (#/contentView self)))
;; make sure timer is stopped to avoid race condition
(process-interrupt (animation-thread view)
#'(lambda () (#/invalidate (animation-timer view))))
(process-kill (animation-thread view)))
(defun run-gears-demo ()
(let* ((w (gui::execute-in-gui
#'(lambda () (gui::new-cocoa-window :class (find-class 'cocoa-gears-window)
:title "Cocoa Gears Window"
:height 600
:width 600
:expandable nil))))
(v (make-opengl-view)))
(#/setContentView: w v)
(start-gears v)
(list w v))))
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GOFAI commented Oct 16, 2017

Tested on OS X 10.10.5, MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014). Make sure cl-opengl is loaded first.

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