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Created January 3, 2021 12:23
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#! /bin/sh -
# Use this script to get logs of whether your fingers are on keys or mice
# Add the script to (X)session startup be it i3config or directly on xinitrc
# Daemonize a tool to read the actionLog for simple display
# Keep this in accord with the scripts that aim to work upon the extracted data
# Also as a part of the permanent memory, the logs maybe used across sessions
# Provided in seconds, keep >1s
# If too quick, frequent Action Logging and frequent Buffer Switching
# If too tardy, each Action Logging is expensive and is less real time
getDevices() {
# deviceIDArray=("${(@f)$(xinput list --id-only)}")
# Use the previous line for a simpler implementation in zsh
xinput list --id-only >> DevicesIDListFile
# bash 4.0+ could go for mapfile or readarray.
# For backward compatibility, read the file onto an array explicitly.
local deviceIDArray=()
while IFS= read -r line; do
done < DevicesIDListFile
rm DevicesIDListFile
echo ${deviceIDArray[*]}
getRedirectCommand() {
# returns an to-be evaluated command which redirects xinput from Devices
local deviceIDArray=$(getDevices)
local redirectCommand=""
local InputBuffer="$1"
for deviceID in ${deviceIDArray[@]}; do
redirectCommand+="xinput test $deviceID >> $InputBuffer & "
if [ -z "$redirectCommand" ]; then
printf "No Devices found to be added to the Redirection Buffer"
echo $redirectCommand >> redirectCommandFile
redirectCommand=$(rev redirectCommandFile | cut -c 3- | rev)
rm redirectCommandFile
echo $redirectCommand
initDeviceInputRedirect() {
killall -q xinput
# starts the process unaffected by previous run
local InputBuffer="$1"
local redirectCommand=$(getRedirectCommand $InputBuffer)
eval $redirectCommand 2> DeviceError.log
# Logs errors of xinput failing for master virtual devices or otherwise
getPointerActions() {
local InputBuffer="$1"
local pointerMotionActionCount=$(grep -o 'motion' $InputBuffer | wc -l)
# avoided motion coordinates as it isn't quantifiable aginst keystrokes
local pointerButtonActionCount=$(grep -o 'button' $InputBuffer | wc -l)
local ret=`expr $pointerMotionActionCount + $pointerButtonActionCount`
echo $ret >> "$actionLog"
getKeyActions() {
local InputBuffer="$1"
local keyActionCount=$(grep -o 'press' $InputBuffer | wc -l)
# Counting key release will only duplicate the effective keystrokes
# Key release also may break concurrency of a keystroke on buffer change
echo "$keyActionCount" >> "$actionLog"
bufferControld() {
local bufferNumber=0
while true; do
let bufferNumber=1-bufferNumber
# need just two buffers to maintain concurrenct read and write
# echo $newBufferName
touch $newBufferName
initDeviceInputRedirect $newBufferName &
sleep 1
# ensures that previous bg function invocation has success
# thus buffer is switched without losing any information in the moment
# further loss of info may arise from failure of xinput to provide
# then implement with watch on /dev/input events and mouse / mice
if [ -n "$bufferName" ]; then
# log the Action functions into the $actionLog
getPointerActions $bufferName
getKeyActions $bufferName
rm $bufferName
local bufferName=$newBufferName
sleep `expr $bufferSwitchTime - 1`
killall -q xinput
rm Buffer*
# Test the bufferControld by `watch cat Buffer1` and `watch cat Buffer0`
# At this commit, other neccessary debug statements would go into the console
# After aborting the daemon, clean its zombies by `killall xinput`
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