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Last active March 17, 2021 07:15
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Hides and recovers an image's pixels into / from a Cover Image of atleast wice ravelled length. Uses the akgm keys from a json to work up the random sequence of inserting / getting pixels.
import cv2
import numpy as np
import json
def randomLiHide(keysTextPath, toHideImgPath, coverImgPath):
ao, c, l = 0, 0, 0
with open(keysTextPath) as jsonKeys:
akgm = json.load(jsonKeys)["akgm"]
ao, c = float(akgm[0]) / (int(akgm[0]) + 1), (1 + str(akgm[1]).count('0'))
imgShape = cv2.imread(toHideImgPath, 0).shape
l = imgShape[0] * imgShape[1]
coverShape = cv2.imread(coverImgPath, 0).shape
coverLen = coverShape[0] * coverShape[1]
maxDistance = coverLen // l
m = maxDistance
randomLi = []
for iters in range(l):
ao = c * ao * (1 - ao)
sumDigits = sum(int(i) if i in '0123456789' else 0 for i in str(ao)) % m
randomLi.append(1 + sumDigits)
# from collections import Counter
# print(Counter(randomLi), len(randomLi))
return randomLi
def randomLiReveal(keysTextPath, resTextPath, hiddenImagePath):
ao, c, l = 0, 0, 0
with open(keysTextPath) as jsonKeys:
akgm = json.load(jsonKeys)["akgm"]
ao, c = float(akgm[0]) / (int(akgm[0]) + 1), (1 + str(akgm[1]).count('0'))
with open(resTextPath) as resolution:
imgShape = [int(x) for x in]
l = imgShape[0] * imgShape[1]
coverShape = cv2.imread(hiddenImagePath, 0).shape
coverLen = coverShape[0] * coverShape[1]
maxDistance = coverLen // l
m = maxDistance
randomLi = []
for iters in range(l):
ao = c * ao * (1 - ao)
sumDigits = sum(int(i) if i in '0123456789' else 0 for i in str(ao)) % m
randomLi.append(1 + sumDigits)
# from collections import Counter
# print(Counter(randomLi), len(randomLi))
return randomLi
def hide(coverImgPath, toHideImgPath, outImgPath, outResTextPath, keysTextPath):
# Size of image at coverImgPath must surely be
# atleast thrice that of the image at toHideImagePath
cover = cv2.imread(coverImgPath, 1)
toHide = cv2.imread(toHideImgPath, 1)
liCover = []
for i in range(cover.shape[0]):
for j in range(cover.shape[1]):
liToHide = []
for i in range(toHide.shape[0]):
for j in range(toHide.shape[1]):
k = 0
distanceLi = randomLiHide(keysTextPath, toHideImgPath, coverImgPath)
for i in range(len(liToHide)):
liCover[k] = liToHide[i]
k += distanceLi[i]
hiddenImg = np.reshape(liCover, cover.shape)
cv2.imwrite(outImgPath, hiddenImg)
with open(outResTextPath, "w+") as hiddenFileSize:
hiddenFileSize.write(str(toHide.shape[0]) + " " + str(toHide.shape[1]) + " " + str(toHide.shape[2]))
def reveal(inResTextPath, hiddenImgPath, revealedImgPath, keysTextPath):
originalShape = ()
with open(inResTextPath, "r") as hiddenFileSize:
originalShape = tuple(int(x) for x in
hidden = cv2.imread(hiddenImgPath, 1)
liHidden= []
for i in range(hidden.shape[0]):
for j in range(hidden.shape[1]):
revealed = []
k = 0
distanceLi = randomLiReveal(keysTextPath, inResTextPath, hiddenImgPath)
# print(len(distanceLi), originalShape[0] * originalShape[1])
for i in range(originalShape[0] * originalShape[1]):
k += distanceLi[i]
revealedImg = np.reshape(revealed, originalShape)
cv2.imwrite(revealedImgPath, revealedImg)
if __name__ == "__main__":
hide("./cover.jpg", "./encrypted.png", "./hidden.png", "./hiddenFileSize", "./keys.txt")
reveal("./hiddenFileSize", "./hidden.png", "./revealed.png", "./keys.txt")
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