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Last active November 10, 2016 04:47
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Improve my understanding of JavaScript

Current Status

  • I am at a beginner-intermediate level with JavaScript.
  • 90%+ of my experience with JavaScript is with ES5.

One-Year Milestone

  • Understand and use ES6.
  • Ability to recreate all/most projects I've worked on thus far using JavaScript.

Learning Resources

  • List books, blogs, talks, podcasts and courses that would be useful in learning more
  • List mentors you know or places you could find mentors who could help you along the way
  • List meetups and conferences related to this goal (if relevant)
  • List ideas or links to things you could or are currently building to achieve this goal. (check out the side-hustle assignment)
  • List ideas for lightning talks or conference talks that you could give on this topic. (check out the community involvement assignment)
  • List open source projects that relate to this goal (check out the open source assignment)


  • When first introduced to JavaScript, it was the most daunting thing I'd ever seen. It didn't appear readable to me, like gibberish, and it seemed like I might never be able to understand it. It became the proverbial "white whale" that I was, and still am determined to conquer.


Create a project that more than fifty people frequently use

Current Status

  • I have a project that a few --- maybe 2-4 --- people use infrequently, and that I consider to be incomplete.
  • The potential is there, but needs a few improvements.

One-Year Milestone

  • All bugs are fixed.
  • All features, like pagination and user profiles, are implemented.
  • At least a dozen people use it frequently.

Learning Resources

  • List books, blogs, talks, podcasts and courses that would be useful in learning more
  • List mentors you know or places you could find mentors who could help you along the way
  • List meetups and conferences related to this goal (if relevant)
  • List ideas or links to things you could or are currently building to achieve this goal. (check out the side-hustle assignment)
  • List ideas for lightning talks or conference talks that you could give on this topic. (check out the community involvement assignment)
  • List open source projects that relate to this goal (check out the open source assignment)


  • I enjoyed working on the project, and felt the most compelled to keep going with that project more than any other. After sending the link to several people simply because I was proud of it, one person asked me (twice now) if they can invest, and a number of others have said that they would use it (a few already have). I hadn't viewed it as a widely-used project when I worked on it. I certainly hadn't considered making money from it. But the feedback made me think I might be on to something, and I would like to see where I can take it from here.


Learn Go

Current Status

  • I have no experience yet with Go.

One-Year Milestone

  • Ability to recreate all/most projects I've worked on thus far using Go.
  • Intermediate level understanding of Go.

Learning Resources

  • List books, blogs, talks, podcasts and courses that would be useful in learning more
  • List mentors you know or places you could find mentors who could help you along the way
  • List meetups and conferences related to this goal (if relevant)
  • List ideas or links to things you could or are currently building to achieve this goal. (check out the side-hustle assignment)
  • List ideas for lightning talks or conference talks that you could give on this topic. (check out the community involvement assignment)
  • List open source projects that relate to this goal (check out the open source assignment)


  • A number of senior and experienced developers have mentioned Go when I've asked what language(s) (other than those taught at Turing) I should learn.
  • Ruby has been around for a long time, and although it is an extremely powerful and useful language, many others are coming out or have already come out that are just as powerful, useful, and sought after --- if not more so.
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