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Last active January 20, 2021 15:32
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Write-Verbose "Importing modules"
$Module = Get-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -ListAvailable
if($Module.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Verbose "Installing MicrosoftTeams module"
Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -AllowPrerelease -AllowClobber -Force
Function New-MicrosoftTeam([object]$Team) {
Try {
Write-Verbose "Creating $($Team.DisplayName) $($Team.Visibility) team"
$NewTeam = New-Team -DisplayName $Team.DisplayName -Visibility $Team.Visibility
Write-Verbose "Adding $($Team.Users.Length) users to $($Team.DisplayName) team"
$Team.Users | ForEach-Object -Begin {
$Index = 0
} -Process {
$Index = $Index + 1
Write-Progress -Id 1 -ParentId 0 -Activity "Add user to the team" -Status "$($Index) of $($Team.Users.Length) - User: $($_.Email), Role: $($_.Role)" -PercentComplete ($Index/$Team.Users.Length*100)
Write-Verbose "Adding $($_.Email) to $($Team.DisplayName) teams as $($_.Role)"
Add-TeamUser -User $_.Email -Role $_.Role -GroupId $NewTeam.GroupId
} -End {
Write-Verbose "Users succesfully added to the $($Team.DisplayName) team"
Write-Verbose "Add $($Team.Channels.Length) channels to $($Team.DisplayName) team"
$Team.Channels | ForEach-Object -Begin {
$Index = 0
} -Process {
$Index = $Index + 1
Write-Progress -Id 2 -ParentId 0 -Activity "Creation of a new channel" -Status "$($Index) of $($Team.Channels.Length) - Display Name: $($_.DisplayName), Membership Type: $($_.MembershipType)" -PercentComplete ($index/$Team.Channels.Length*100)
New-TeamChannel -DisplayName $_.DisplayName -MembershipType $_.MembershipType -GroupId $NewTeam.GroupId
Write-Verbose "Check channel membership type"
if('Private' -eq $_.MembershipType -And $_.Users.Length -gt 0) {
Write-Verbose "Add $($_.Users.Length) users to $($_.DisplayName) private channel"
$_.Users | ForEach-Object -Begin {
$IndexUsers = 0
$UsersLength = $_.Users.Length
$DisplayName = $_.DisplayName
} -Process {
$IndexUsers = $IndexUsers + 1
Write-Progress -Id 3 -ParentId 2 -Activity "Add user to the private channel" -Status "$($IndexUsers) of $($UsersLength) - User: $($_.Email), Role: $($_.Role)" -PercentComplete ($IndexUsers/$UsersLength*100)
Write-Verbose "Adding $($_.Email) to $($DisplayName) private channel as $($_.Role)"
Add-UserToPrivateChannel -DisplayName $DisplayName -Email $_.Email -Role $_.Role -GroupId $NewTeam.groupId
} -End {
Write-Verbose "Users succesfully added to the $($_.DisplayName) channel"
} -End {
Write-Verbose "Channels succesfully created"
Catch {
Write-Error "Message: [$($_.Exception.Message)]" -ErrorId B1
Function Add-UserToPrivateChannel([string]$DisplayName, [string]$Email, [string]$Role, [string]$GroupId) {
$MaxNumberOfAttemps = 5
$Attemps = 0
do {
try {
Write-Verbose "$($Attemps) attempt/s"
Write-Verbose "Waiting $(60*$Attemps) seconds"
Start-Sleep -s (60*$Attemps)
Write-Verbose "Adding $($Email) to $($DisplayName) private channel"
Add-TeamChannelUser -DisplayName $DisplayName -User $Email -GroupId $GroupId
Write-Verbose "Check user role"
if("Owner" -eq $Role){
Write-Verbose "Set $($Email) as owner of the $($DisplayName) private channel"
Add-TeamChannelUser -DisplayName $DisplayName -User $Email -Role "Owner" -GroupId $GroupId
} catch {
$Attemps = $Attemps + 1
if($_.Exception.ErrorCode -ne 404 -And $attemps -eq $MaxNumberOfAttemps){
} while ($Attemps -lt $MaxNumberOfAttemps)
Write-Verbose "Generating secure password"
$SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $Office365Password -Force
Write-Verbose "Generating PSCredential object"
$Credentials = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -Argumentlist $Office365Username, $SecurePassword;
Write-Verbose "Connecting to Microsoft Teams"
Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Credential $Credentials
Write-Verbose "Read JSON file from $($TeamsFilePath)"
$Json = Get-Content -Raw -Path $TeamsFilePath | ConvertFrom-Json
$Json.Teams | ForEach-Object -Begin {
$Index = 0
} -Process {
$Index = $Index + 1
Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity "Creation of the teams" -Status "$($Index) of $($Json.Teams.Length) - Display Name: $($_.DisplayName), Visibility: $($_.Visibility)" -PercentComplete ($Index/$Json.Teams.Length*100)
New-MicrosoftTeam -Team $_
} -End {
Write-Host "Update completed" -ForegroundColor Green
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