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Created January 12, 2019 10:17
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NOTE: The imports are found by simple walking throught the AST and looking after `nkFromStmt` and `nkImportStmt` nodes.
The stdlib modules are identified by simple string comparisions.
This method is not entirely accurate, but it does give some indication of which modules are used and which are not.
File imports (tot: 14078)
0 volatile
0 db_odbc
0 asyncftpclient
0 punycode
0 ssl
0 channels
1 varints
1 threads
1 unidecode
1 chains
1 strmisc
2 cstrutils
2 sexp
2 cpuload
2 rtarrays
2 matchers
2 parsejson
2 oswalkdir
2 sharedtables
2 distros
3 rlocks
3 ftpclient
4 parsesql
4 scgi
4 rationals
4 asyncjs
4 xmldomparser
4 sharedlist
4 linenoise
5 coro
6 highlite
6 rstast
6 rstgen
6 db_mysql
7 httpserver
8 lenientops
8 xmldom
9 nimscript
9 rst
9 cookies
9 heapqueue
9 db_postgres
10 selectors
10 nimprof
11 fenv
12 smtp
13 parsexml
13 subexes
14 bitops
14 xmlparser
15 complex
15 browsers
15 mersenne
16 htmlparser
17 jsconsole
17 mimetypes
18 db_common
19 encodings
19 lexbase
20 asyncstreams
21 asyncio
21 parsecsv
22 cpuinfo
22 memfiles
23 queues
25 asyncfile
25 oids
30 dynlib
32 jsffi
33 stats
33 htmlgen
35 critbits
36 rdstdin
38 sha1
40 ropes
42 sockets
46 strscans
47 xmltree
51 marshal
51 system
51 colors
52 lists
52 typeinfo
54 cgi
57 md5
61 asyncfutures
61 nre
62 dom
63 locks
64 endians
67 deques
71 db_sqlite
75 pegs
79 parsecfg
81 httpcore
84 nativesockets
89 intsets
92 parseopt
92 asynchttpserver
94 uri
96 base64
110 winlean
129 ospaths
132 threadpool
144 re
156 terminal
164 sugar
165 asyncnet
180 net
200 unicode
206 logging
207 util
207 parseutils
210 httpclient
232 hashes
238 strtabs
254 typetraits
283 sets
289 osproc
396 algorithm
432 strformat
475 options
493 random
531 asyncdispatch
542 streams
755 json
841 times
874 macros
933 unittest
1203 math
1247 sequtils
1327 tables
1779 os
3422 strutils
Repo imports (tot: 1015)
0 volatile
0 db_odbc
0 asyncftpclient
0 punycode
0 ssl
0 channels
1 nimscript
1 sexp
1 varints
1 matchers
1 threads
1 unidecode
1 chains
1 strmisc
2 cstrutils
2 parsesql
2 asyncjs
2 cpuload
2 rtarrays
2 coro
2 rlocks
2 parsejson
2 oswalkdir
2 xmldomparser
2 sharedlist
2 sharedtables
2 distros
3 scgi
3 rationals
3 ftpclient
4 rstast
4 subexes
4 asyncfutures
4 lenientops
4 linenoise
5 highlite
5 asyncstreams
5 rstgen
5 xmldom
6 complex
6 heapqueue
6 httpserver
6 db_mysql
7 selectors
7 rst
7 db_common
7 cookies
7 lexbase
8 asyncio
8 smtp
9 fenv
9 jsconsole
9 nimprof
9 cpuinfo
9 db_postgres
9 ropes
10 parsexml
10 mersenne
10 queues
11 browsers
11 stats
12 bitops
12 memfiles
12 mimetypes
13 htmlparser
14 encodings
14 xmlparser
14 sockets
15 jsffi
15 asyncfile
15 critbits
16 oids
17 rdstdin
17 parsecsv
18 strscans
19 system
20 typeinfo
20 dynlib
20 htmlgen
21 sha1
23 marshal
24 intsets
25 nre
26 colors
26 db_sqlite
28 lists
30 dom
31 md5
32 cgi
32 xmltree
33 nativesockets
34 httpcore
36 locks
38 pegs
39 parsecfg
39 deques
43 endians
43 asynchttpserver
44 util
45 winlean
46 sugar
50 uri
58 base64
61 logging
61 ospaths
62 threadpool
63 parseopt
71 re
72 asyncnet
80 unicode
84 strtabs
88 terminal
90 parseutils
92 net
102 httpclient
102 hashes
102 sets
105 typetraits
113 options
133 strformat
145 asyncdispatch
147 osproc
172 algorithm
179 random
186 streams
211 json
273 unittest
278 macros
308 math
314 times
328 sequtils
378 tables
536 os
719 strutils
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timotheecour commented Jan 12, 2019

  • wouldn't a compiler hook be easier/more accurate?
    It would be quite useful to add a compiler hook that gets called whenever foo imports bar; with that we can for eg generate import DAG and answer questions like:
    • why did baz get imported?
    • what is a import path from foo to bar ?

example of compile hook:

  • graph.onDefinition = writeUsage (see nimfind.nim)

  • are these direct imports?

  • if so, another metric would be reporting numbers after applying transitive closure; eg if module foo is imported by sequtils

  • ditto with include instead of import

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GULPF commented Jan 12, 2019


wouldn't a compiler hook be easier/more accurate?

More accurate - yes. Easier - no idea. The current code is just ~30 lines of tree traversal code. This is not something I currently plan on developing further, hence why I haven't uploaded the code for finding the imports.

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