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Last active August 12, 2020 20:36
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Parse font text
Method __drawNew:SVec2i(txt:String,x:Float,y:Float, color:SBitmapFontColor, doDraw:Int=True)
Const commandCharCode:Int = Asc("|")
Const payloadCharCode:Int = Asc("=")
Const escapeCharCode:Int = Asc("\")
Local currentColor:SColor8
Local hasCurrentColor:Int = False
Local colorBackup:SColor8 = New SColor8(0,0,0,255)
' retrieve current screen color
Local stylesB:Int = 0
Local stylesI:Int = 0
Local stylesColors:SColor8[]
Local stylesColorsIndex:Int = 0
Local fontChanged:Int = False
'currently in use font
' Local font:TBitmapFont = Self
Local command:String
For Local i:Int = 0 Until txt.length
Local charCode:Int = txt[i]
Local escaped:Int = False
' escaping command or escape char?
If charCode = escapeCharCode And i < txt.length - 2 And (txt[i+1] = commandCharCode Or txt[i+1] = escapeCharCode)
i :+ 1
charCode = txt[i]
escaped = True
' reading command?
' for now we ignore any escape chars within an active command
' so no "|b \|escaped stuff|bold text|/b|" -- this would fail!
If charCode = commandCharCode And Not escaped
' finished processing txt if last char is a command char
If i = txt.length - 1 Then Exit
' read command until next commandCharCode
' if encountering the "=" sign, read payload
Local j:Int = i
Local isPayload:Int = False
'Local payload:String
Local payloadStart:Int = -1
Local payloadEnd:Int = -1
While j < txt.length - 1
j :+ 1
If txt[j] = payloadCharCode
command = txt[i + 1 .. j]
i = j
isPayload = True
ElseIf txt[j] = commandCharCode
If isPayload
payloadStart = i + 1
payloadEnd = j
'payload = txt[i + 1 .. j]
command = txt[i + 1 .. j]
i = j
' handle command
' If payloadStart >= 0
' Print "handle command: " + command + " payload: " + txt[payloadStart .. payloadEnd] 'payload
' Else
' Print "handle command: " + command + " payload: NONE"
' EndIf
Select command
Case "b"
stylesB :+ 1
If stylesB = 1 Then fontChanged = True
Case "/b"
If stylesB = 1 Then fontChanged = True
stylesB = Max(stylesB - 1, 0)
Case "i"
stylesI :+ 1
If stylesI = 1 Then fontChanged = True
Case "/i"
If stylesI = 1 Then fontChanged = True
stylesI = Max(stylesI - 1, 0)
Case "color"
'read colors
'(avoiding "split" command which creates more strings)
Local cStart:Int = payloadStart
Local cIndex:Int = 0
Local StaticArray c:Byte[4]; c[3] = 255 'default to alpha = 1.0
For Local ci:Int = payloadStart To payloadEnd
If txt[ci] = Asc(",")
c[cIndex] = Byte( txt[cStart .. ci+1] )
cIndex :+ 1
cStart = ci + 1
'last element
ElseIf ci = payloadEnd
c[cIndex] = Byte( txt[cStart ..] )
If cIndex >= 4 Then Exit
If Not hasCurrentColor Or (currentColor.r <> c[0] Or currentColor.g <> c[1] Or currentColor.b <> c[2] Or currentColor.a <> c[3])
currentColor = New SColor8(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3])
hasCurrentColor = True
stylesColorsIndex :+ 1
If stylesColorsIndex >= stylesColors.length
stylesColors = stylesColors[.. stylesColorsIndex + 1]
stylesColors[stylesColorsIndex] = currentColor
fontChanged = True
Case "/color"
If stylesColorsIndex >= 1
stylesColorsIndex = stylesColorsIndex - 1
currentColor = stylesColors[stylesColorsIndex]
fontChanged = True
' fall back to initial color
currentColor = colorBackup
hasCurrentColor = False
End Select
' received char to render
If fontChanged
' font = GetBitmapFont(, stylesB > 0, styl
fontChanged = False
' Print "Fetch font: color="+currentColor.r+","+currentColor.g+","+currentColor.b+","+currentColor.a+ " bold="+(stylesB>0) + " italic="+(stylesI>0)
' DrawChar(charCode
' Print "drawing: " + Chr(charCode)
End Method
Struct SBitmapFontColor
Field ReadOnly r:Int
Field ReadOnly g:Int
Field ReadOnly b:Int
Field ReadOnly a:Float
Global WHITE:SBitmapFontColor = New SBitmapFontColor(255,255,255, 1.0)
Method New(r:Int, g:Int, b:Int, a:Float)
self.r = r
self.g = g
self.b = b
self.a = a
End Method
Function FromScreen:SBitmapFontColor()
Local r:Int, g:Int, b:Int
GetColor(r, g, b)
Return new SBitmapFontColor(r,g,b, GetAlpha())
End Function
Function FromTColor:SBitmapFontColor(c:TColor)
If Not c
Return new SBitmapFontColor(255,255,255, 1.0)
Return new SBitmapFontColor(c.r,c.g,c.b, c.a)
End Function
Method Copy:SBitmapFontColor()
Return new SBitmapFontColor(r,g,b,a)
End Method
Method SetScreenRGBA()
SetColor r,g,b
SetAlpha a
End Method
End Struct
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