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Last active June 19, 2016 08:46
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  • Save GWuk/0fb500b02591e173a4659dded5bf18b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save GWuk/0fb500b02591e173a4659dded5bf18b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
copy new image+video files from Fuji X-T10 to local staging directories, either from mtp or sd card
# for direct start: exec powershell command "Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted" once in elevated prompt
# store variables used before to clean up afterwards (
new-variable -force -name startupVariables -value ( Get-Variable | % { $_.Name } )
#$WIAdialog = New-Object -ComObject "WIA.CommonDialog"
#$Device = $WIAdialog.ShowSelectDevice()
#$Device.Properties | sort name | format-table –autosize name,value
#$img = $device.items.item(2)
#$img.Properties | sort name | format-table propertyID,name,value,type,isreadonly –autosize
#foreach ($i in $device.items) { $i.Properties | sort name | format-table propertyID,name,value,type,isreadonly –autosize }
#foreach ($i in $device.items) { if ($i.Properties.Item('Filename extension').Value -eq "JPG") { $i.Properties.Item('Item Name').Value } }
# no movies :-(
#foreach ($i in $device.items) { if ($i.Properties.Item('Filename extension').Value -eq "MOV") { $i.Properties.Item('Item Name').Value } }
# staging area
$destname = 'C:\Temp\FujiStage\'
$maxfile = "$destname\max.txt"
# read state file
[int]$max = Get-Content $maxfile
echo "current max: $max"
# init explorer object and staging
$o = New-Object -com Shell.Application
$dest = $o.NameSpace($destname)
# get constant for namespace from ShellSpecialFolderConstants enumeration (, should be 17 (=0x11)
$MyComputer = [int]($o.gettype().assembly.getexportedtypes() | where-object {$_.IsEnum -and $ -eq 'SpecialFolder'})::MyComputer
# search MTP and SD card
foreach ($i in $o.NameSpace($MyComputer).Items()) {
if ($i.Name -eq "X-T10") {
$srcdir = $i.GetFolder.Items().item(0).GetFolder.Items().item(0).GetFolder.Items().item(0).GetFolder.Items()
if ($i.GetFolder.Items().item(0).Name -eq "DCIM" -and $i.GetFolder.Items().item(0).GetFolder.Items().item(0).Name.EndsWith('_FUJI') ) {
$srcdir = $i.GetFolder.Items().item(0).GetFolder.Items().item($i.GetFolder.Items().item(0).GetFolder.Items().Count - 1).GetFolder.Items()
$eject = $i
# copy all jpg and mov to staging and raise max
foreach ($i in $srcdir) {
if ($'.jpg') -or $'.mov')) {
[int]$n = $ -Replace '^DSCF(\d{4})\.(MOV|JPG)$', '$1'
if ($n -gt $max) {
if ($n -gt $newmax) { $newmax=$n }
echo " new max: $newmax"
# write to state file
$newmax | out-file -filepath $maxfile
# eject SD Card
if ($eject) { $eject.InvokeVerb('Eject') }
Write-Host 'Press any key to continue ...'
try { $dummy = [console]::ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown") } catch {}
# clean up variables
Get-Variable | Where-Object { $startupVariables -notcontains $_.Name } | % { try { Remove-Variable -Name "$($_.Name)" -Force -Scope "global" -ErrorAction Stop } catch {} }
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