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Last active September 15, 2020 21:48
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  • Save GaProgMan/8a201c91b3cccd8294ef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save GaProgMan/8a201c91b3cccd8294ef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The LaTeX Template that I have used for typesetting my C.V for several years.
%%% LaTeX Template: Curriculum Vitae
%%% Source:
%%% Feel free to distribute this template, but please keep the referal to
%%% Date: July 2011
%%% Edited by Jamie Taylor (
%%% Added a definition for a "hobbies" section
%%% Added pdfinfo call to add metadata to outputted PDF
%%% Date April 2015
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
% KOMA-article class
% Math packages
% Enable pdflatex
% Saving trees ;-)
% Clickable URL's
% Better looking spacings after full stops
% No pagenumbers/headers/footers
%%% pdfstartview=Fit - forces the outputted pdf to open in a
%%% "fit to window" zoom level.
%%% hidelinks - tells pdflatex to NOT draw borders
%%% around any and all links in the compiled document
\usepackage[pdfstartview=Fit, hidelinks]{hyperref}
Title={Author Name- CV.pdf},
Author={Author Name},
Producer={LaTeX version},
Subject={Curriculum Vitae}
%%% Custom sectioning (sectsty package)
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\usepackage{sectsty} % Custom sectioning (see below)
\sectionfont{% % Change font of \section command
\usefont{OT1}{phv}{b}{n}% % bch-b-n: CharterBT-Bold font
%%% Macros
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\settowidth{\spacebox}{8888888888} % Box to align text
\newcommand{\sepspace}{\vspace*{1em}} % Vertical space macro
\Large \usefont{OT1}{phv}{b}{n} \hfill #1 % Name
\par \normalsize \normalfont}
% \large
\usefont{OT1}{phv}{m}{n}\hfill \textit{#1} % Slogan - can be used as a subtitle
\par \normalsize \normalfont}
\newcommand{\NewPart}[1]{\section*{\uppercase{#1}}} % Header for a new section of the CV
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% SkillsEntry COMMAND
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Used to create a list of targetted skills
%%% Useage: \SkillsEntry{Header}{list of skills related to header}
%%% Example: \SkillsEntry{Programming Languages}{C\#, PHP, jQuery}
\hspace{1.5em} #2 \par
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% ExperienceEntry COMMAND
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Used to describe some experience with a company, explicitly
%%% naming the company in the description, giving a start and end
%%% date, and the role/job title while at the company.
%%% Useage: \ExperienceEntry{Role or Job Title}{From - To}{Company Name}{Description}
%%% Example: \ExperienceEntry{C\# Developer}{2002 - 2005}{Acme Development}{ProjectDetails entries}
\noindent \textbf{#1} \hfill
#2 \par
\noindent #3 \par
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 \small #4
\normalsize \par
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% ExperienceEntryNoCompanyName COMMAND
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Exactly the same as the ExperienceEntry command, except
%%% the company name is not explicitly given (i.e. confidentiality reasons)
%%% Useage: \ExperienceEntryNoCompanyName{Role or Job Title}{From - To}{Description}
%%% Example: \ExperienceEntryNoCompanyName{C\# Developer}{2002 - 2005}{ProjectDetails entries}
\noindent \textbf{#1} \hfill
#2 \par
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 \small #3
\normalsize \par
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% \ProjectDetails COMMAND
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Used to describe a project that was undertaken at some point
%%% in time. Most often use is to describe a project understaken
%%% while working at a company.
%%% Useage: \ProjectDetails{Name of the project}{Languages and tools used}{Description of the project}
%%% Example: \ProjectDetails{Cheese grater}{ArnoldC}{Created a cheese grater using the ArnoldC language}
\textbf{#1} \hfill
#2 \par
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 \small #3
\normalsize \par
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% \OnlineEntry COMMAND
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Used to describe an online listing, preferably one that is relevant
%%% to the role, and provides some greater insight into the applicant
%%% Useage: \OnlineEntry{Site Name}{url}{Description of info found at site}
%%% Example: \OnlineEntry{GitHub}{}{Open source code I have worked on}
\noindent \textbf{#1} \hfill
\noindent \textit{\href{#2}{#2}} \par
\noindent \hangindent=2em \hangafter=0 \small #3
\normalsize \par
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% \EducationEntry COMMAND
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Used to describe a course or qulification that the applicant has
%%% taken, naming the school, duration, grade achieved and a description
%%% of the course
%%% Useage: \EducationEntry{Course Name}{From - To}{Grade Achieved}{Description}
%%% Example: \EducationEntry{Cheese Appreciation}{2004 - 2005}{Artisan}{Cheese tasting course}
\noindent \textbf{#1} \hfill
#2 \par
\noindent #3
\hfill #4 \par
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 \small #5
\normalsize \par
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% \EducationEntryNoDetail COMMAND
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Used to describe a course or qulification that the applicant has
%%% taken, naming the school, duration, and grade achieved on the course
%%% Useage: \EducationEntryNoDetail{Course Name}{From - To}{Grade Achieved}
%%% Example: \EducationEntryNoDetail{Cheese Appreciation}{2004 - 2005}{Artisan}
\noindent \textbf{#1} \hfill
#2 \par
\noindent #3
\hfill #4 \par
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 \small
\normalsize \par
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Author information
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% author's name and contact details
\MyName{Author Name}
\MySlogan{Phone Number}
\MySlogan{House Number and Street, City, State, Postal / Zip Code}
%%% Work experience
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Perhaps listing two or three of the most recent/relevant roles;
%%% describing how you fit into the teams and the work that was done.
\ExperienceEntry{Role}{Year from - Year to}{Company Name}
\item{Sometimes a bulleted list of projects is required}
\item{Especially when it would be impractical to go into each one in detail}
\item{These bulleted items could be useful as prompts to anyone asking questions about you}
\item{Especially if they are short and snappy descriptions}
\ProjectDetails{Project Name}{Comma separated list of technologies used. Can use \textsc{textsc} for emphasis }
Short description of the project, what your role in it was and that fit within the team.
\\ A description of the technologies used and how they were used.
\\ Going into more detail as necessary, in areas prepended with new line markers
% sep space command to provide spacing between the previous entry and the next
\ProjectDetails{Project Name}{Comma separated list of technologies used. Can use \textsc{textsc} for emphasis }
Short description of the project, what your role in it was and that fit within the team.
\\ A description of the technologies used and how they were used.
\\ Going into more detail as necessary, in areas prepended with new line markers
% sep space command to provide spacing between the previous entry and the next
\par Any text that is applicable to all projects undertaken can go in separate paragraphs here.
\par Perhaps mentioning things like \textsc{Agile}, \textsc{Scrum} or stand ups if they where used in the role for this company.
% sep space command to provide spacing from this entry to the next one
\ExperienceEntry{Role}{Year from - Year to}{Company Name}
\item{Sometimes a bulleted list of projects is required}
\item{Especially when it would be impractical to go into each one in detail}
\item{These bulleted items could be useful as prompts to anyone asking questions about you}
\item{Especially if they are short and snappy descriptions}
% sep space command to provide visual spacing between the header and the following entry
\ProjectDetails{Project Name}{Comma separated list of technologies used. Can use \textsc{textsc} for emphasis }
Short description of the project, what your role in it was and that fit within the team.
\\ A description of the technologies used and how they were used.
\\ Going into more detail as necessary, in areas prepended with new line markers
% sep space command to provide spacing between the previous entry and the next
\ProjectDetails{Project Name}{Comma separated list of technologies used. Can use \textsc{textsc} for emphasis }
Short description of the project, what your role in it was and that fit within the team.
\\ A description of the technologies used and how they were used.
\\ Going into more detail as necessary, in areas prepended with new line markers
% sep space command to provide spacing between the previous entry and the next
\par Any text that is applicable to all projects undertaken can go in separate paragraphs here.
\par Perhaps mentioning things like \textsc{Agile}, \textsc{Scrum} or stand ups if they where used in the role for this company.
% sep space command to provide spacing from this entry to the next one
%%% Skills
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% A short list of skills that you posses, which the emloyer
%%% might wish to see from applicants.
%%% Each entry: go from most proficient to least
\SkillsEntry{Header}{\textsc{C\#}, \textsc{Git}/\textsc{SVN}, \LaTeX, textsc{C/C++}, \textsc{javascript}}
\SkillsEntry{Operating Systems}{Microsoft Windows, Linux (Debian based distributions)}
%%% Education
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Where applicable, this section can give an employer more
%%% information about your academic background.
%%% This section might not be applicable for all applications, so
%%% either remove or comment out.
\EducationEntry{Course Name Here}{Year from - Year to}{School Name}{Grade achieved}
Short description of the course. Might not be applicable at all, but could be useful to have.
\\ If not useful, then leave this pair of curly braces empty.
% sep space command to add spacing after each entry
\EducationEntryNoDetail{Course Name Here}{Year from - Year to}{School Name}{Grade achieved}
\NewPart{Online Presence}
Description of what can be found at the url/domain and how that might be useful to the employer.
% sep space command to add spacing after each entry
Perhaps a Github repository or a Stack Exchange account.
Copy link

I am here because of this line of code,\usefont{OT1}{phv}{b}{n}% what other posable values you can put if you want the font to be the same as the article default

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