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Last active August 8, 2021 11:09
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// struct and classes have their own method and its called properties
// two kind of properties observer and it is willset and didset
//willset provides a new value for the properties
//Didset gives old value
import UIKit
struct Person {
var clothes: String {
willSet {
updateUI(msg: "I'm changing from \(clothes) to \(newValue)")
didSet {
updateUI(msg: "I just change from \(oldValue) to \(clothes)")
func updateUI(msg: String){
var taylor = Person(clothes: "T-shirts")
taylor.clothes = "short skirts"
// computed properties
struct Person1{
var age: Int
var ageInDogYears: Int {
get {
return age * 7
var fan = Person1(age: 25)
// swift allow one to create property
//that belong to a type
// it use the keyword static
struct TaylorFan {
static var favoriteSong = "Look What You Made Me Do"
var name: String
var age: Int
let fan1 = TaylorFan(name: "James", age: 25 )
//let one specify code inside struct and classes
//that need to be expose or not to the outside world
// private propety means only swift code in same file
//as a type can read the property or its extensions
//code within the file can be access
//to make a property private you just write private
//public means everyone can read and write the property
class Person3{
private var name : String?
class Album {
var name: String
init(name: String){ = name
func getPerformance() -> String{
return "The album \(name) sold lots"
class StudioAlbum: Album {
var studio: String
init(name:String, studio: String){ = studio
super.init(name: name)
override func getPerformance() -> String {
return "The album \(name) sold lots"
class LiveAlbum: Album {
var location: String
init(name: String, location: String){
self.location = location
super.init(name: name)
override func getPerformance() -> String {
return "The album \(name) sold lots"
var taylorSwift = StudioAlbum(name: "Taylor Swift", studio: "The Castles Studio")
var fearless = StudioAlbum(name: "Fearless", studio: "Aimeeland Studio")
var iTunesLive = LiveAlbum(name: "iTumes Live from SoHo", location: "New York")
var allAlbums: [Album] = [taylorSwift, fearless, iTunesLive]
for album in allAlbums {
if let studioAlbum = album as? StudioAlbum{ // typecasting
if let liveAlbum = album as? LiveAlbum{ // typecasting
// the Album class serve as a single interface to the subclasses without
//the subclasses losing their original class at the same time .
//This is a scenario of converting an object of one type to another
//optional down casting (?) this is use when not sure of conversion
//force down casting (!) this is when one is certain of conversion
// when it is force down casted and it is not true then app can crash
// closure are use to hold lines of swift code
// the copy of values use inside them can be taken
// below is a cocoa touch example
let vw = UIView()
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5, animations:{ vw.alpha = 0
// the UIView use the animate property inside it to set duration to
// 5seconds and use the closure animations to set opacity (alpha)
// to zero then continue doing that after interval of 5secs
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5) {
vw.alpha = 0
// above is a trailing closure, it express the code in a shorter
// and neater way
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On line 1, it reads: Structs and classes have their methods and its called properties.

This expression is not correct: Structs and classes have members that could either be properties or methods!

What are methods?
Methods are simply functions that live in a struct or class.

So, they are different things.

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Gabbrolee commented Aug 8, 2021 via email

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