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Created August 19, 2013 18:45
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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import datetime
from socorro.external.postgresql.backfill import Backfill
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
from .unittestbase import PostgreSQLTestCase
from socorro.lib import datetimeutil
from socorro.external.postgresql import fakedata
from socorro.external import MissingOrBadArgumentError
from socorro.external.postgresql import setupdb_app
import socorro.database.database as db
import cStringIO
class TestBackfill(PostgreSQLTestCase):
"""Tests the calling of all backfill functions"""
def setUp(self):
""" Populate tables with fake data """
super(TestBackfill, self).setUp()
cursor = self.connection.cursor()
self.tables = []
for table in fakedata.tables:
table = table(days=1)
table_name = table.table
table_columns = table.columns
values = str(tuple(["%("+i+")s" for i in table_columns]))
columns = str(tuple(table_columns))
for rows in table.generate_rows():
data = dict(zip(table_columns, rows))
query = "INSERT INTO %(table)s " % {'table': table_name}
query = query + columns.replace("'", "").replace(",)", ")")
query = query + " VALUES "
query = query + values.replace(",)", ")").replace("'", "")
cursor.execute(query, data)
def tearDown(self):
""" Cleanup the database, delete tables and functions """
cursor = self.connection.cursor()
tables = str(self.tables).replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
cursor.execute("TRUNCATE "+ tables.replace("'", "") + " CASCADE;")
super(TestBackfill, self).tearDown()
def test_get(self):
backfill = Backfill(config=self.config) = datetimeutil.utc_now()
now =
yesterday = now - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
lastweek = now - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
# Test Raise error if parameter is not passed
params = {"kind_of_backfill": ''}
self.assertRaises(MissingOrBadArgumentError, backfill.get, **params)
# Test backfill_adu(updateday date) RETURNS boolean
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'adu',
"start_date": yesterday,
result = backfill.get(**params)
# Test backfill_all_dups(start_date timestamp without time zone,
# end_date timestamp without time zone) RETURNS boolean
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'all_dups',
"start_date": yesterday,
"end_date": now,
result = backfill.get(**params)
# Test backfill_build_adu(updateday date) RETURNS boolean
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'build_adu',
"start_date": yesterday,
result = backfill.get(**params)
# Test backfill_correlations(updateday date) RETURNS boolean
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'correlations',
"start_date": yesterday,
result = backfill.get(**params)
# Test backfill_reports_clean(begin_time timestamp with time zone,
# end_time timestamp with time zone DEFAULT NULL::timestamp with
# time zone) RETURNS boolean
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'reports_clean',
"start_date": yesterday,
"end_date": now,
result = backfill.get(**params)
# Test backfill_explosiveness(updateday date) RETURNS boolean
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'explosiveness',
"update_date": yesterday,
result = backfill.get(**params)
# Test backfill_home_page_graph(updateday date, check_period interval
# DEFAULT '01:00:00'::interval) RETURNS boolean
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'home_page_graph',
"update_date": yesterday,
result = backfill.get(**params)
# Test backfill_weekly_report_partitions(startweek DATE, endweek DATE,
# tablename TEXT) RETURNS boolean
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'weekly_report_partitions',
"start_date": '2012-01-02',
"end_date": '2013-03-04',
"tablename": 'raw_crashes',
result = backfill.get(**params)
# Test backfill_crashes_by_user_build(updateday date, check_period
# interval DEFAULT '01:00:00'::interval) RETURNS boolean
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'crashes_by_user_build',
"update_date": yesterday,
result = backfill.get(**params)
# Test backfill_matviews(firstday date, lastday date DEFAULT
# NULL::date, reportsclean boolean DEFAULT true, check_period interval
# DEFAULT '01:00:00'::interval) RETURNS boolean
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'matviews',
"start_date": yesterday,
"end_date": now,
"check_data": 'false',
result = backfill.get(**params)
# Test backfill_nightly_builds(updateday date) RETURNS boolean
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'nightly_builds',
"update_date": yesterday,
result = backfill.get(**params)
# Test backfill_tcbs_build(updateday date, check_period interval
# DEFAULT '01:00:00'::interval) RETURNS boolean
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'tcbs_build',
"update_date": yesterday,
result = backfill.get(**params)
# Test backfill_exploitability(updateday date) RETURNS boolean
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'exploitability',
"update_date": yesterday,
result = backfill.get(**params)
# Test backfill_tcbs(updateday date, check_period interval DEFAULT
# '01:00:00'::interval) RETURNS boolean
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'tcbs',
"update_date": yesterday,
result = backfill.get(**params)
# Test backfill_rank_compare(updateday date DEFAULT NULL::date)
# RETURNS boolean
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'rank_compare',
"update_date": yesterday,
result = backfill.get(**params)
# Test backfill_reports_duplicates(start_time timestamp without
# time zone, end_time timestamp without time zone) RETURNS integer
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'reports_duplicates',
"start_date": yesterday,
"end_date": now,
result = backfill.get(**params)
# Test backfill_crashes_by_user(updateday date, check_period
# interval DEFAULT '01:00:00'::interval) RETURNS boolean
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'crashes_by_user',
"update_date": yesterday,
result = backfill.get(**params)
# Test backfill_hang_report(backfilldate date) RETURNS boolean
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'hang_report',
"backfilldate": yesterday,
result = backfill.get(**params)
# Test backfill_one_day(bkdate date) RETURNS text
params = {# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
from socorro.external.postgresql.base import PostgreSQLBase
from socorro.external import MissingOrBadArgumentError
from socorro.lib import external_common
class Backfill(PostgreSQLBase):
def get(self, **kwargs):
filters = [
("kind_of_backfill", None, "str"),
("start_date", None, "date"),
("end_date", None, "date"),
("update_date", None, "date"),
("tablename", None, "str"),
("check_data", None, "boolean"),
params = external_common.parse_arguments(filters, kwargs)
if not params.kind_of_backfill:
raise MissingOrBadArgumentError(
"Mandatory parameter 'kind_of_backfill' is missing or empty"
query = "SELECT backfill_%(kind)s " \
% {"kind": params.kind_of_backfill}
if len(kwargs) <= 1:
query = query + "()"
if kwargs['kind_of_backfill'] == 'weekly_report_partitions':
weekly_report_partitions = ['start_date', 'end_date', 'tablename']
query_params = [(i, params[i]) for i in weekly_report_partitions]
params = [i[1] for i in query_params]
query = query + str(tuple(params))
params = kwargs.copy()
params = str(params.keys())
params = params.replace("'", "").replace("[", "(%(")
params = params.replace("]", ")s)").replace(", ", ")s, %(")
query += params
error_message = "Failed to retrieve backfill %s from PostgreSQL"
error_message = error_message % kwargs['kind_of_backfill']
if kwargs == {}:
results = self.query(query, error_message=error_message)
print query
results = self.query(query, kwargs, error_message=error_message)
print query % kwargs
return results
"kind_of_backfill": 'one_day',
"bkdate": now,
result = backfill.get(**params)
self.assertEqual(result, [('done',)])
# Test backfill_daily_crashes(updateday date) RETURNS boolean -- "last_backfill_temp"
cursor = self.connection.cursor()
# CREATE TABLE daily_crashes
# (count INTEGER, report_type VARCHAR(50),
# productdims_id INTEGER, os_short_name VARCHAR(50),
# adu_day DATE)
# """
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'daily_crashes',
"update_date": now,
result = backfill.get(**params)
# Test backfill_signature_counts(begindate date, enddate date) RETURNS boolean -- os_signature_counts
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'signature_counts',
"start_date": yesterday,
"end_date": now,
result = backfill.get(**params)
# Test backfill_home_page_graph_build(updateday date, check_period
# interval DEFAULT '01:00:00'::interval) RETURNS boolean
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'home_page_graph_build',
"update_date": yesterday,
result = backfill.get(**params)
# Test backfill_signature_summary(updateday date) RETURNS boolean
params = {
"kind_of_backfill": 'signature_summary',
"update_date": yesterday,
result = backfill.get(**params)
SELECT backfill_adu (2013-08-18)
SELECT backfill_all_dups (2013-08-18, 2013-08-19)
SELECT backfill_build_adu (2013-08-18)
SELECT backfill_correlations (2013-08-18)
SELECT backfill_explosiveness (2013-08-18)
SELECT backfill_home_page_graph (2013-08-18)
SELECT backfill_weekly_report_partitions ('2012-01-02', '2013-03-04', 'raw_crashes')
SELECT backfill_crashes_by_user_build (2013-08-18)
SELECT backfill_matviews (2013-08-18, 2013-08-19, false)
SELECT backfill_nightly_builds (2013-08-18)
SELECT backfill_tcbs_build (2013-08-18)
SELECT backfill_exploitability (2013-08-18)
SELECT backfill_tcbs (2013-08-18)
SELECT backfill_rank_compare (2013-08-18)
SELECT backfill_crashes_by_user (2013-08-18)
SELECT backfill_hang_report (2013-08-18)
SELECT backfill_one_day (2013-08-19)
SELECT backfill_daily_crashes (2013-08-19)
SELECT backfill_home_page_graph_build (2013-08-18)
SELECT backfill_signature_summary (2013-08-18)
Ran 1 test in 31.336s
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
from socorro.external.postgresql.base import PostgreSQLBase
from socorro.external import MissingOrBadArgumentError
from socorro.lib import external_common
class Backfill(PostgreSQLBase):
def get(self, **kwargs):
filters = [
("kind_of_backfill", None, "str"),
("start_date", None, "date"),
("end_date", None, "date"),
("update_date", None, "date"),
("tablename", None, "str"),
("check_data", None, "boolean"),
params = external_common.parse_arguments(filters, kwargs)
if not params.kind_of_backfill:
raise MissingOrBadArgumentError(
"Mandatory parameter 'kind_of_backfill' is missing or empty"
query = "SELECT backfill_%(kind)s " \
% {"kind": params.kind_of_backfill}
if len(kwargs) <= 1:
query = query + "()"
if kwargs['kind_of_backfill'] == 'weekly_report_partitions':
weekly_report_partitions = ['start_date', 'end_date', 'tablename']
query_params = [(i, params[i]) for i in weekly_report_partitions]
params = [i[1] for i in query_params]
query = query + str(tuple(params))
params = kwargs.copy()
params = str(params.keys())
params = params.replace("'", "").replace("[", "(%(")
params = params.replace("]", ")s)").replace(", ", ")s, %(")
query += params
error_message = "Failed to retrieve backfill %s from PostgreSQL"
error_message = error_message % kwargs['kind_of_backfill']
if kwargs == {}:
results = self.query(query, error_message=error_message)
print query
results = self.query(query, kwargs, error_message=error_message)
print query % kwargs
return results
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