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Created May 27, 2015 15:57
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Generate an ellipse through the MVEE method
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
# import time
def mvee(points, tol=0.0001):
Finds the ellipse equation in "center form"
(x-c).T * A * (x-c) = 1
N, d = points.shape
Q = np.column_stack((points, np.ones(N))).T
err = tol+1.0
u = np.ones(N)/N
while err > tol:
# assert u.sum() == 1 # invariant
X =, np.diag(u)), Q.T)
M = np.diag(, la.inv(X)), Q))
jdx = np.argmax(M)
step_size = (M[jdx]-d-1.0)/((d+1)*(M[jdx]-1.0))
new_u = (1-step_size)*u
new_u[jdx] += step_size
err = la.norm(new_u-u)
u = new_u
c =, points)
A = la.inv(, np.diag(u)), points)
- np.multiply.outer(c, c))/d
return A, c
# def mvee(points, tol=0.001):
# """
# Find the minimum volume ellipse.
# Return A, c where the equation for the ellipse given in "center form" is
# (x-c).T * A * (x-c) = 1
# """
# points = np.asmatrix(points)
# N, d = points.shape
# Q = np.column_stack((points, np.ones(N))).T
# err = tol+1.0
# u = np.ones(N)/N
# while err > tol:
# # assert u.sum() == 1 # invariant
# X = Q * np.diag(u) * Q.T
# M = np.diag(Q.T * la.inv(X) * Q)
# jdx = np.argmax(M)
# step_size = (M[jdx]-d-1.0)/((d+1)*(M[jdx]-1.0))
# new_u = (1-step_size)*u
# new_u[jdx] += step_size
# err = la.norm(new_u-u)
# u = new_u
# c = u*points
# A = la.inv(points.T*np.diag(u)*points - c.T*c)/d
# return np.asarray(A), np.squeeze(np.asarray(c))
def dist_2_cent(x, y, center):
Obtain distance to center coordinates for the entire x,y array passed.
# delta_x, delta_y = abs(x - center[0]), abs(y - center[1])
delta_x, delta_y = (x - center[0]), (y - center[1])
dist = np.sqrt(delta_x ** 2 + delta_y ** 2)
return delta_x, delta_y, dist
def get_outer_shell(center, x, y):
Selects those stars located in an 'outer shell' of the points cloud,
according to a given accuracy (ie: the 'delta_angle' of the slices the
circle is divided in).
delta_x, delta_y, dist = dist_2_cent(x, y, center)
# Obtain correct angle with positive x axis for each point.
angles = []
for dx, dy in zip(*[delta_x, delta_y]):
ang = np.rad2deg(np.arctan(abs(dx / dy)))
if dx > 0. and dy > 0.:
elif dx < 0. and dy > 0.:
angles.append(180. - ang)
elif dx < 0. and dy < 0.:
angles.append(270. - ang)
elif dx > 0. and dy < 0.:
angles.append(360. - ang)
# Get indexes of angles from min to max value.
min_max_ind = np.argsort(angles)
# Determine sliced circumference. 'delta_angle' sets the number of slices.
delta_angle = 1.
circle_slices = np.arange(delta_angle, 361., delta_angle)
# Fill outer shell with as many empty lists as slices.
outer_shell = [[] for _ in range(len(circle_slices))]
# Initialize first angle value (0\degrees) and index of stars in list
# ordered from min to max distance value to center.
ang_slice_prev, j = 0., 0
# For each slice.
for k, ang_slice in enumerate(circle_slices):
# Initialize previous maximum distance and counter of stars that have
# been processed 'p'.
dist_old, p = 0., 0
# For each star in the list, except those already processed (ie: with
# an angle smaller than 'ang_slice_prev')
for i in min_max_ind[j:]:
# If the angle is within the slice.
if ang_slice_prev <= angles[i] < ang_slice:
# Increase the index that stores the number of stars processed.
p += 1
# If the distance to the center is greater than the previous
# one found (if any).
if dist[i] > dist_old:
# Store coordinates of new star farthest away from center
# in this slice.
outer_shell[k] = [x[i], y[i]]
# Re-assign previous max distance value.
dist_old = dist[i]
# If the angle value is greater than the max slice value.
elif angles[i] >= ang_slice:
# Increase index of last star processed and break out of
# stars loop.
j += p
# Re-assign minimum slice angle value.
ang_slice_prev = ang_slice
# Remove empty lists from array (ie: slices with no stars in it).
outer_shell = np.asarray([x for x in outer_shell if x != []])
return outer_shell
def random_points():
mu, sigma = np.random.uniform(-10, 10), np.random.uniform(0., 10)
return mu, sigma
def main():
# some random points
N = 20000
mux, sigmax = random_points()
muy, sigmay = random_points()
x = np.random.normal(mux, sigmax, N)
y = np.random.normal(muy, sigmay, N)
# points0 = np.array(zip(x, y))
center = [mux, muy]
points = get_outer_shell(center, x, y)
# Singular matrix error!
# points = np.eye(3)
# A : (d x d) matrix of the ellipse equation in the 'center form':
# (x-c)' * A * (x-c) = 1
# 'centroid' is the center coordinates of the ellipse.
A, centroid = mvee(points)
# print A
# V is the rotation matrix that gives the orientation of the ellipsoid.
U, D, V = la.svd(A)
# x, y radii.
rx, ry = 1./np.sqrt(D)
# Major and minor semi-axis of the ellipse.
dx, dy = 2 * rx, 2 * ry
a, b = max(dx, dy), min(dx, dy)
# Eccentricity
e = np.sqrt(a ** 2 - b ** 2) / a
print e
# print '\n', U
# print D
# print V, '\n'
arcsin = -1. * np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(V[0][0]))
arccos = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(V[0][1]))
# Orientation angle (with respect to the x axis counterclockwise).
alpha = arccos if arcsin > 0. else -1. * arccos
# print -1*np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(V[0][0])), np.rad2deg(np.arccos(V[0][1]))
# print np.rad2deg(np.arccos(V[1][0])), np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(V[1][1]))
# Plot.
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal')
# u, v = np.mgrid[0:2*np.pi:20j, -np.pi/2:np.pi/2:10j]
# x0 = rx * np.cos(u) * np.cos(v)
# y0 = ry * np.sin(u) * np.cos(v)
# E = np.dstack([x0, y0])
# E =, V) + centroid
# x1, y1 = np.rollaxis(E, axis=-1)
# ax.plot(x1, y1)
# Plot ellipsoid.
ax = plt.gca()
ellipse2 = Ellipse(xy=centroid, width=a, height=b, edgecolor='k',
angle=alpha, fc='None', lw=2)
# Plot points.
plt.scatter(x, y, s=10, zorder=4)
plt.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], s=75, c='r', zorder=3)
# Plot center.
plt.scatter(*centroid, s=70, c='g')
if __name__ == "__main__":
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jasnyder commented Apr 6, 2022

Hey, thanks for putting this up! I found it by googling around for a MVEE function. In case it's useful for anyone else, I modified the function to use pytorch, and to handle much larger datasets by rewriting some of the linear algebra (i.e. avoiding creating NxN matrices). It can be found in my fork of this gist.

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