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Last active October 18, 2023 23:58
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Functional Replacement Pattern
// Interface de controle
interface ClientFlow {
fun executeFlow()
class ClientFlowTransform(
private val executionFlow: ExecutionFlow,
private val emitterFlow: EmitterFlow
) : ClientFlow {
override fun executeFlow() {
executionFlow.contextFlow { data: Any ->
// Edições, criações, atualizações, etc.
interface ClientFlow {
override fun createState()
class ClientFlowTransform(
private val executionFlow: ExecutionFlow,
private val emitterFlow: EmitterFlow
) : ClientFlow {
override fun createState() {
executionFlow.onScope { newContext: NewContext ->
// Interface funcional
fun interface ContextScope {
fun onContext(contextData: Any)
// Interface de isolamento
interface ExecutionFlow {
fun contextFlow(scope: ContextScope)
// Interface de recepção
interface EmitterFlow {
fun emitFlow(data: Any)
interface EmitterFlow {
fun emitFlow(data: String)
class EmitterFlowReceiverFake : EmitterFlow {
private var lastMessage = String()
override fun emitFlow(data: String) {
lastMessage = data
fun getLastMessage(): String = lastMessage
interface ExecutionFlow {
fun contextFlow(scope: ContextScope)
class ExecutionFlowFake(
private val newContext: NewContext
) : ExecutionFlow {
override fun contextFlow(scope: ContextScope) {
data class NewContext(
val param: String
// Estrutura de testes manual
fun main() {
val expected = "ANY"
val newContext = NewContext("any")
val fakeEnvironment = ExecutionFlowFake(newContext)
val emitterFlowReceiverFake = EmitterFlowReceiverFake()
val processState: ClientFlow = ClientFlowTransform(fakeEnvironment, emitterFlowReceiverFake)
val result = terminateEnvironmentFake.getLastMessage()
println(expected == result) // Saída: True
class LegacyExecutionFlow : ExecutionFlow {
// Contexto não interpretável isolado
private val legacyContext = LegacyContext()
// Contexto transformado e emitido
override fun contextFlow(scope: ContextScope) {
* Criações, invocações e definições dos dados que
* gostaria de passar para a nova estrutura de execução
* do código.
val contextData = // Código final mapeado.
class NewFeatureContext : EmitterFlow {
// Método de recepção e processamento final.
override fun emitFlow(data: Any) {
* Criação dos novos algoritmos que serão
* mantidos e estruturados de forma testável.
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