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Last active October 4, 2023 17:00
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  • Save GabrielDelepine/024e20a99a6e1e78fe34f4052988857c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Typescript types for BANO
// Tested on the 5.086.571 objects available mid-September 2023
type BanoCity = {
adm_weight: number
city: string
departement: string
id: string
importance: number
lat: number
lon: number
name: string
population: number
postcode: string
region: string
type: "city" | "town" | "village"
// BanoLocation target type:street AND type:place (recommended)
type BanoLocation = {
city: string
citycode: string
departement: string
id: string
importance: number
lat: string
lon: string
name: string
postcode: string | string[]
region: string
} & (
| {
type: "place"
housenumbers?: undefined
| {
type: "street"
housenumbers?: Record<string, { lat: number; lon: number }>
// BanoPlace target ONLY type:place
type BanoPlace = {
city: string
citycode: string
departement: string
id: string
importance: number
lat: string
lon: string
name: string
postcode: string | string[]
region: string
type: "place"
// BanoStreet target ONLY type:street
type BanoStreet = {
city: string
citycode: string
departement: string
housenumbers?: Record<string, { lat: number; lon: number }>
id: string
importance: number
lat: string
lon: string
name: string
postcode: string | string[]
region: string
type: "street"
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