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Created September 16, 2020 21:46
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# Gabriel Hoffman
# September 16, 2020
# Find expression of genes in iPS-neurons and NPCs
geneExpr_rpkm = read.table(synGet('syn6613774')$path, header=TRUE, row.names=1, sep=',', check.names=FALSE)
info = read.table(synGet('syn7079773')$path, header=TRUE, row.names=1, sep=',')
geneInfo = read.table(synGet('syn7113731')$path, header=TRUE, row.names=1, sep=',')
# Calculate TPM from RPKM
tpm_from_rpkm <- function(x) {
rpkm.sum <- colSums(x)
return(t(t(x) / (1e-06 * rpkm.sum)))
geneExpr_tpm = tpm_from_rpkm( geneExpr_rpkm)
genes = c('RERE', 'RPS21', 'EEF1A2')
ensID = rownames(geneInfo)[match(genes, geneInfo$geneName)]
names(ensID) = genes
idx = which(info$cellType == 'F')
df_FB = data.frame( t(geneExpr_tpm[ensID,idx]), cellType = "FB neuron")
colnames(df_FB)[match(ensID, colnames(df_FB))] = names(ensID)
d_FB = density(log2(geneExpr_tpm[,idx]))
idx = which(info$cellType == 'N')
df_NPC = data.frame( t(geneExpr_tpm[ensID,idx]), cellType = "NPC")
colnames(df_NPC)[match(ensID, colnames(df_NPC))] = names(ensID)
d_NPC = density(log2(geneExpr_tpm[,idx]))
# plot(d_FB, col="orange")
# lines(d_NPC, col="green")
df = rbind(melt(df_FB), melt(df_NPC))
ggplot(df, aes(variable, log2(value))) + geom_point() + theme_bw() + facet_wrap(~cellType) + theme(aspect.ratio=1) + ylab(bquote(log[2]~transcripts~per~million)) + xlab("")
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