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Last active March 24, 2020 20:50
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Fetch COVID-19 cases from the G1 website
import requests
import json
from datetime import datetime
import csv
import sys
#G1 source
urlBrazilMap = ""
urlCases = ""
mapData = json.loads(requests.get(urlBrazilMap).content)
mapDataDict = {}
for cityEntry in mapData["objects"]["BR_LEVE"]["geometries"]:
mapDataDict[int(cityEntry["properties"]["id"])] = tuple(map(float, cityEntry["properties"]["centroide"][1:-1].split(',')))
del mapData, cityEntry
geo = {
"AC": [-8.77, -70.55],
"AL": [-9.62, -36.82],
"AM": [-3.47, -65.10],
"AP": [1.41, -51.77],
"BA": [-13.29, -41.71],
"CE": [-5.20, -39.53],
"DF": [-15.83, -47.86],
"ES": [-19.19, -40.34],
"GO": [-15.98, -49.86],
"MA": [-5.42, -45.44],
"MT": [-12.64, -55.42],
"MS": [-20.51, -54.54],
"MG": [-18.10, -44.38],
"PA": [-3.79, -52.48],
"PB": [-7.28, -36.72],
"PR": [-24.89, -51.55],
"PE": [-8.38, -37.86],
"PI": [-6.60, -42.28],
"RJ": [-22.25, -42.66],
"RN": [-5.81, -36.59],
"RO": [-10.83, -63.34],
"RS": [-30.17, -53.50],
"RR": [1.99, -61.33],
"SC": [-27.45, -50.95],
"SE": [-10.57, -37.45],
"SP": [-22.19, -48.79],
"TO": [-9.46, -48.26]
response = requests.get(urlCases)
if response.ok:
#Fetch json
data = json.loads(response.content)
#Remove older entries
cities = {}
for cityData in data["docs"]:
cityStateTuple = (cityData["state"], cityData["city_name"])
if cityStateTuple not in cities:
cities[cityStateTuple] = cityData
if cityData["date"] > cities[cityStateTuple]["date"]:
cities[cityStateTuple] = cityData
#Sort by state
sortedCityKeys = sorted(cities)
w = csv.writer(sys.stdout)
w.writerow(["City, State", "Country", "Last Update", "Confirmed", "Deaths", "Recovered", "Latitude", "Longitude"])
for cityKey in sortedCityKeys:
#Format date
formattedDate = datetime.strptime(cities[cityKey]["date"], '%Y-%m-%d')
formattedDate = formattedDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
#If the city has not been informed, use the state coordinates
if cityKey[1] not in ["Não informado"]:
cityCoordinates = mapDataDict[cities[cityKey]["city_cod"]]
cityCoordinates = (geo[cityKey[0]][1], geo[cityKey[0]][0])
#Write to the output
w.writerow([cities[cityKey]["city_name"], #City
cities[cityKey]["state"], #State
"Brazil", #Country
formattedDate, #Last Update
cities[cityKey]["count"], #Confirmed
0, #Deaths
0, #Recovered
cityCoordinates[1], #Latitude
cityCoordinates[0] #Longitude
#print("%f,%f" % (cityCoordinates[1], cityCoordinates[0])) # tested on
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