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Created October 3, 2021 10:51
Allow to coerce boolean input, this decorator can Be applied on property or setter
export function CoerceBoolean() {
return function(target: any, key: string, propertyDescriptor?: PropertyDescriptor): void {
if (!!propertyDescriptor && !!propertyDescriptor.set) {
const original = propertyDescriptor.set;
propertyDescriptor.set = function(next) {
original.apply(this, [next !== null && next !== undefined && `${next}` !== 'false']);
} else {
coerceWithoutAccessors(target, key);
function coerceWithoutAccessors(target: any, key: string): void {
const getter = function() {
// using Typescript reflection
// @ts-ignore
return this['__' + key];
const setter = function(next: any) {
// using Typescript reflection
// @ts-ignore
this['__' + key] = next !== null && next !== undefined && `${next}` !== 'false';
Object.defineProperty(target, key, {
get: getter,
set: setter,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
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