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Last active February 22, 2017 17:12
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Script to rotate the touch screen driver on Raspberry Pi official touchscreen.
#script to set correct touchscreen orientation after x start
#this won't rotate the displayed image, only the touchscreen input
#to rotate the displayed image add the following to /boot/config.txt
#"display_rotate=1" to rotate display 90 degrees
#"display_rotate=3" to rotate display 270 degrees
# To execute this script on boot, add the following line:
#to (Wheezy):
#to (Jessie):
xinput set-prop 'FT5406 memory based driver' 'Evdev Axes Swap' 1
#Uncomment this for 90 rotation
xinput --set-prop 'FT5406 memory based driver' 'Evdev Axis Inversion' 0 1
#Uncomment this for 270 rotation
#xinput --set-prop 'FT5406 memory based driver' 'Evdev Axis Inversion' 1 0
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