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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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Ltac eq_ids :=
repeat progress match goal with
[i1 : id, i2 : id |- _] => extend (eq_id_dec i1 i2)
Lemma subst_aexp_equiv : forall i a1 a2 st,
aeval st (subst_aexp i a2 a1) = aeval (update st i (aeval st a2)) a1.
Proof. induction a1; simpl; auto; unfold update; eq_ids; crush. Qed.
Hint Rewrite aeval_weakening subst_aexp_equiv.
Theorem subst_equiv : forall i1 i2 a1 a2,
var_not_used_in_aexp i1 a2 ->
cequiv (i2 ::= a2) (i2 ::= subst_aexp i1 a1 a2).
Proof. introv Hnu. split; inversion 1;
match goal with [p : ((i2 ::= _) / _ || _) |- _] => inverts p end;
apply E_Ass; crush.
Qed (* Note that this is stronger than the original statement of the property *).
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