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Created July 22, 2015 18:34
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module well-typed-syntax where
open import Data.Nat
infixl 2 _▻_
infixl 2 _▻Type_
infixl 3 _‘’_
data Context : ℕ → Set where
ε₀ : Context 0
_▻_ : ∀ {n} (Γ : Context n) → Type Γ → Context (suc n)
data Type : ∀ {n} → Context n → Set where
_‘’_ : ∀ {n} {Γ : Context n} {A} → Type (Γ ▻ A) → Term {Γ = Γ} A → Type Γ
W : ∀ {n} {Γ : Context n} {A} → Type Γ → Type (Γ ▻ A)
W₁ : ∀ {n} {Γ : Context n} {A B} → Type (Γ ▻ A) → Type (Γ ▻ B ▻ W A)
‘Π’ : ∀ {n} {Γ : Context n} A → Type (Γ ▻ A) → Type Γ
‘Σ’ : ∀ {n} {Γ : Context n} T → Type (Γ ▻ T) → Type Γ
‘Context’ : Type ε₀
‘Type’ : Type (ε₀ ▻ ‘Context’)
data Term : ∀ {n} {Γ : Context n} → Type Γ → Set where -- definitely missing some constructors, but haven't figured out which are semantic and which are structural
_‘’_ : ∀ {n} {Γ : Context n} {A B} → Term (‘Π’ A B) → (a : Term {Γ = Γ} A) → Term (B ‘’ a)
w : ∀ {n} {Γ : Context n} {A B : Type Γ} → Term B → Term (W {A = A} B)
‘λ∙’ : ∀ {n} {Γ : Context n} {A B} → Term B → Term {Γ = Γ} (‘Π’ A B)
_▻Type_ : ∀ {n m} → Context n → Context m → Context (m + n)
Γ ▻Type ε₀ = Γ
Γ ▻Type (Γ' ▻ x) = Γ ▻Type Γ' ▻ weakenty Γ Γ' x
weakenty : ∀ {n m} (Γ : Context n) (Γ' : Context m) → Type Γ' → Type (Γ ▻Type Γ')
weakenty Γ Γ' (t₁ ‘’ x) = weakenty _ _ t₁ ‘’ weakentm _ _ x
weakenty Γ ._ (W t₁) = W (weakenty _ _ t₁)
weakenty Γ ._ (W₁ t₂) = W₁ (weakenty _ _ t₂)
weakenty Γ Γ' (‘Π’ t b) = ‘Π’ (weakenty _ _ t) (weakenty _ _ b)
weakenty Γ Γ' (‘Σ’ t b) = ‘Σ’ (weakenty _ _ t) (weakenty _ _ b)
weakenty ε₀ .ε₀ ‘Context’ = ‘Context’
weakenty (Γ ▻ x) .ε₀ ‘Context’ = W (weakenty _ _ ‘Context’)
weakenty ε₀ .(ε₀ ▻ ‘Context’) ‘Type’ = ‘Type’
weakenty (Γ ▻ x) .(ε₀ ▻ ‘Context’) ‘Type’ = W₁ (weakenty Γ (ε₀ ▻ ‘Context’) ‘Type’)
weakentm : ∀ {n m} (Γ : Context n) {Γ' : Context m} (t : Type Γ') → Term t → Term (weakenty Γ Γ' t)
weakentm Γ ._ (f ‘’ x) = weakentm _ _ f ‘’ weakentm _ _ x
weakentm Γ ._ (w tm) = w (weakentm _ _ tm)
weakentm Γ ._ (‘λ∙’ tm) = ‘λ∙’ (weakentm _ _ tm)
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