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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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module Lob where
open import Data.Product
open import Function
_←→_ : Set → Set → Set
A ←→ B = (A → B) × (B → A)
postulate -- provability axioms
□ : Set → Set
ev : ∀ {A} → A → □ A
a3 : ∀ {A B} → □ (A → B) → □ A → □ B
postulate -- Assuming fixed point theorem
fp : (F : Set → Set) → Σ[ Q ∈ Set ] (F (□ Q) ←→ Q)
_<$>_ : ∀ {A B} → (A → B) → □ A → □ B
f <$> x = a3 (ev f) x
infix 1 _<$>_
lob : ∀ P → (□ P → P) → P
lob P prf with fp (λ X → X → P)
lob P prf | ψ , ψ₁ , ψ₂ = ψ→P $ ψ₁ λ □ψ → prf $ ψ→P <$> □ψ
where ψ→P : ψ → P
ψ→P Ψ = ψ₂ Ψ (ev Ψ)
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