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Created January 24, 2018 15:25
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Zabbix powershell remote script
# ===========================================================================================
# NAME: Zabbix_InstallAgent.ps1
# AUTHOR: Pierre-Emmanuel Turcotte,
# DATE : 2012-11-05
# COMMENT: Remote installation of Zabbix agent from central location.
# The zabbix source folder is a folder containing subfolder corresponding to the
# different agent versions. These subfolders contain the win32 and win64 subfolders
# along with the configuration file.
# You must have administrative priviledges on the remote computers you will specify
# in the computerName parameter. You can either use the following format:
# zabbix_installagent.ps1 -ComputerName server1,server2,server3
# or do not specify any servers, you will be prompted for servers, one at a time.
# Additionnally, you have the following parameters you can optionally define:
# -ZabbixVersion #Version of the agent to be installed(points to subfolder)
# Defaults to "2.0.3"
# -ZabbixPath #Folder where the agent installation resides on the central
# server. This is the folder that will be copied over to the
# remote locations.
# Defaults to "O:\Zabbix"
# About the zabbix path, on my installation, this folder holds 3 subfolders:
# O:\Zabbix
# \1.8.10
# \2.0
# \2.0.3
# $ZabbixPath and $ZabbixVersion will be assembled in a new variable named
# $ZabbixSource, look for it for a better undestanding.
# The sample script provided here are not supported by Pierre-Emmanuel Turcotte or his
# employer. All scripts are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Pierre-Emmanuel
# Turcotte and his employer further disclaims all implied warranties including, without
# limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular
# purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the sample scripts
# and documentation remains with you. In no event shall Pierre-Emmanuel Turcotte or his
# employer, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery
# of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation,
# damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information,
# or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the sample scripts
# or documentation, even if Pierre-Emmanuel Turcotte or his employer has been advised of the
# possibility of such damages.
# ===========================================================================================
# ===========================================================================================
# Parameters
# ===========================================================================================
[string]$ZabbixPath = "E:\Proyectos\zabbix",
[string]$ZabbixVersion = "3.4.4"
# ===========================================================================================
# Initialization
# ===========================================================================================
$ZabbixService = "Zabbix Agent"
$ZabbixSource = "$ZabbixPath\$ZabbixVersion"
# ===========================================================================================
# Welcome message
# ===========================================================================================
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host " Welcome!"
Write-Host " This script requires administrative privileges on all implicated servers!"
Write-Host "================================================================================"
# ===========================================================================================
# Verifying the source installation folder
# ===========================================================================================
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host " Zabbix source installation folder:" $ZabbixSource
if (!(Test-Path $ZabbixSource))
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "########################################"
Write-Host "# Error! - Folder does not exist! #"
Write-Host "########################################"
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "================================================================================"
# ===========================================================================================
# Execute actions for each server in list
# ===========================================================================================
foreach($computer in $computerName)
$zabbixDestination = "\\$computer\C$\Zabbix\$ZabbixVersion"
$ZabbixServiceState = $false
If ((Test-Connection $computer -quiet -count 1))
# Server pings!
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host $computer "is available"
Write-Host "================================================================================"
# Verify if service is present...
# Negative response may be caused by the absence of service (good!) or lack of priviledges (bad!)
if (Get-Service -ComputerName $computer -Name $ZabbixService -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
# Zabbix Agent is present!
# Bool. Get service state!
$ZabbixServiceState = ((Get-Service -ComputerName $computer -Name $ZabbixService).status -ne "Stopped")
# Verify service state! Stop if necessary!
if ($ZabbixServiceState)
# Zabbix agent present and started!
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host " Stopping Zabbix Agent..."
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Set-Service -ComputerName $computer -Status Stopped -Name $ZabbixService -ErrorAction Stop
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host " $computer - Zabbix agent could not be installed!"
Write-Host " Service operation error!" $_
Write-Host "================================================================================"
$instBad += $computer + " "
Continue # Next server!
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host " Zabbix service stopped."
Write-Host " Install new agent..."
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host " Service $ZabbixService on $computer is stopped." # Ok!
Write-Host " Install new agent..."
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host " Service $zabbixAgent not found." # Ok!
Write-Host " Install Zabbix agent..."
# Copy over zabbix folder, make sure no FW could block this
# If folder exists, it will be overwritten.
# At this point, service should've been stopped...
Copy-Item -Recurse $ZabbixSource $zabbixDestination -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host " Copying folder..."
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host " $computer - Zabbix agent could not be installed!"
Write-Host " Make sure you have administrative rights on target!"
Write-Host " Copy error!" $_
Write-Host "================================================================================"
$instBad += $computer + " "
continue # Next Server
Write-Host " Folder successfully copied!" # No catch triggered, so far so good...
# At this point, the service state has been determined and the folder has been copied to, rights should not be an issue...
# Let's install...
### Get architecture x86 or x64...
$os= Get-WMIObject -Class win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName $computer -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host " $computer - Zabbix agent could not be installed!"
Write-Host " -- Make sure you have administrative rights!"
Write-Host " -- Make sure no firewall is blocking communications!"
Write-Host " Error!" $_
Write-Host "================================================================================"
$instBad += $computer + " "
if($os.OSArchitecture -ne $null)
# Architecture can be determined by $os.OSArchitecture...
if ($os.OSArchitecture -eq "64-bit")
Write-Host " 64bit system detected!"
$osArch = "win64"
elseif($os.OSArchitecture -eq "32-bit")
Write-Host " 32bit system detected!"
$osArch = "win32"
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host " Unknown architecture! Operation Canceled..."
Write-Host $osArch
Write-Host "================================================================================"
$instBad += $computer + " "
Write-Host " Windows Pre-2008"
# Here have to analyze $os.Caption to determine architecture...
if($os.Caption -match "x64")
Write-Host " 64bit system detected!"
$osArch = "win64"
Write-Host " 32bit system detected!"
$osArch = "win32"
### Architecture detection ended.
### Begin installation...
# Create uninstall string
Write-Host " Create uninstall string..."
$exec = "c:\zabbix\" + $zabbixVersion + "\bin\" + $osArch + "\zabbix_agentd.exe -c c:\zabbix\" + $zabbixVersion + "\conf\ -d"
Write-Host "$exec"
# Execute uninstall string
Write-Host " Execute uninstall string..."
$remoteWMI = Invoke-WMIMethod -Class Win32_Process -Name Create -Computername $computer -ArgumentList $exec
Start-Sleep -Second 3
if ($remoteWMI.ReturnValue -ne 0)
# Oops...
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host " Problem while uninstalling previous zabbix agent! Cancelling..."
Write-Host " Error:" $remoteWMI.ReturnValue
Write-Host " 0 Successful Completion"
Write-Host " 3 Insufficient Privilege"
Write-Host " 8 Unknown Failure"
Write-Host " 9 Path Not Found"
Write-Host " 21 Invalid Parameter"
Write-Host "================================================================================"
$instBad += $computer + " "
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host " Problem while uninstalling previous zabbix agent! Cancelling..."
Write-Host $_
Write-Host "================================================================================"
$instBad += $computer + " "
# Create install string
Write-Host " Create install string..."
$exec = "c:\zabbix\" + $zabbixVersion + "\bin\" + $osArch + "\zabbix_agentd.exe -c c:\zabbix\" + $zabbixVersion + "\conf\ -i"
Write-Host "$exec"
# Execute install string
Write-Host " Execute install string..."
$remoteWMI = Invoke-WMIMethod -Class Win32_Process -Name Create -Computername $computer -ArgumentList $exec
Start-Sleep -Second 3
$enabledresult = (gwmi win32_service -computername $computer -filter "name='Zabbix Agent'").ChangeStartMode("Automatic")
Write-Host '$enabledresult'
if ($remoteWMI.ReturnValue -ne 0)
# Oops...
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host " Problem while installing new agent! Cancelling..."
Write-Host " Error: " $remoteWMI.ReturnedValue
Write-Host " 0 Successful Completion"
Write-Host " 3 Insufficient Privilege"
Write-Host " 8 Unknown Failure"
Write-Host " 9 Path Not Found"
Write-Host " 21 Invalid Parameter"
Write-Host "================================================================================"
$instBad += $computer + " "
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host " Problem while installing new agent! Cancelling..."
Write-Host $_
Write-Host "================================================================================"
$instBad += $computer + " "
# Create run string
Write-Host " Create run string..."
$exec = "c:\zabbix\" + $zabbixVersion + "\bin\" + $osArch + "\zabbix_agentd.exe -c c:\zabbix\" + $zabbixVersion + "\conf\ -s"
Write-Host "$exec"
# Execute run string
Write-Host " Execute run string..."
$remoteWMI = Invoke-WMIMethod -Class Win32_Process -Name Create -Computername $computer -ArgumentList $exec
Start-Sleep -Second 3
if ($remoteWMI.ReturnValue -ne 0)
# Problème...
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host " Problem while starting the agent! Cancelling..."
Write-Host " Error: " $remoteWMI.ReturnedValue
Write-Host " 0 Successful Completion"
Write-Host " 3 Insufficient Privilege"
Write-Host " 8 Unknown Failure"
Write-Host " 9 Path Not Found"
Write-Host " 21 Invalid Parameter"
Write-Host "================================================================================"
$instBad += $computer + " "
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host " Problem while starting the agent! Cancelling..."
Write-Host $_
Write-Host "================================================================================"
$instBad += $computer + " "
### Installation end...
### Start verification
$InstallStatus = Get-Service -ComputerName $computer -Name $ZabbixService
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host " Problem while verifying service!"
Write-Host " Error! " $_
Write-Host "================================================================================"
$instBad += $computer + " "
if ($InstallStatus.Status -eq "Running")
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host " Service installed and started!"
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host " Service installed but not started!"
Write-Host " Service state: " $InstallStatus.Status
Write-Host "================================================================================"
$instOk += $computer + " "
Write-Host $computer "is not available! Skipping!"
$instBad += $computer + " "
Continue # Next server
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host " Successful installations: " $instOk
Write-Host " Unsuccessful installations: " $instBad
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host " "
Write-Host " Press any key!"
$waitForIt = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
exit 0
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