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Last active March 19, 2022 19:43
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Can you please check my code?
# this is my first module
# this is about users
import ssl, smtplib
import random, re
verify_code = random.randint(1000,9999)
regex = r'\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z|a-z]{2,}\b'
# pfp
pfp = r'C:\Users\gyana\Desktop\Users\Photos\default pfp.png'
# the class
class User:
# how many users
active_users = 0
# the init
def __init__(self,username,first, last, age,):
self.username = username
self.first_name = first
self.last_name = last
self.age = age
User.active_users += 1
# the repr
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.username} name is {self.first_name} {self.last_name}. He/she is {self.age}. Their profile pic is {self.pfp}"
# these are the class methods
def display_active_users(cls):
return f"There are currently {cls.active_users} users on."
def eztype(cls, data_str):
username, first, last, age = data_str.split(", ")
return cls(username, first, last, int(age))
# post alert
def post(self, post): = post
return f"{self.username} posted '{}'."
def reply(self, reply):
self.reply = reply
return f"{self.username} replied '{self.reply}'."
# their full name
def name_display(self):
return f'{self.first_name} {self.last_name}.'
# their public real name
def public_real_name_display(self):
return f"{self.first_name[0]}.{self.last_name}."
# users likes
def likes(self, things):
return f"{self.username} likes {things}."
# big for things?
def is_big_for_alot(self):
return self.age >= 13
# birthday
def birthday(self):
self.age += 1
return f"Happy {self.age}th birthday, {self.first_name}!"
# rename name
def rename(self,rename):
self.username = rename
# photo
def profile_pic(self,photo=pfp):
self.pfp = photo
return self.pfp
# logout
def logout(self):
User.active_users -= 1
return f"{self.username} has loged out."
# banned
def __del__(self):
return "You have been banned."
# their email
# note: for send_email, use the email you are going to send it from and password, use its password
def verify_email(self, user_email, sending_email, password):
port = 465
self.sending_mail = sending_email
self.password = password
if (re.fullmatch(regex, user_email)):
self.user_email = user_email
raise Exception("Sorry, your email is invalid.")
self.email_msg = f"""
Subject: Verify Email
Is this you, {self.username}?
Please enter the code below to verify:
context = ssl.create_default_context()
with smtplib.SMTP_SSL("", port, context=context) as server:
server.login(self.sending_mail, self.password)
server.sendmail(self.sending_mail, self.user_email, self.email_msg)
# for mod
class Moderator(User):
# how many mods
mods = 0
def __init__(self, username,first, last, age):
super().__init__(username, first, last, age)
# how many mods active
def display_active_mods(cls):
return f"There are currently {cls.mods} moderators on."
# allowed to remove post and reply
def remove_post(self):
return f"{self.username} (a moderator) removed a post."
def remove_reply(self):
return f"{self.username} (a moderator) removed a post."
# make a server and invite and rename
def make_server(self,server_name):
self.server_name = server_name
return f"{self.username} made a server {self.server_name}."
def invite_to_server(self):
return f"{self.username} invited you to {self.server_name}."
def rename_server(self,rename):
self.server_name = rename
return f"{self.username} has renamed this server to {self.server_name}."
test = User(username="Papa", first="me", last="not me", age=42)
try :
test.verify_email("", "", password="")
print("An error has happened. Please check the spelling of your email, or try again. 🙂")
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