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Last active November 13, 2019 18:56
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  • Save GameplayJDK/84e4e4abe855c21fe2df to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save GameplayJDK/84e4e4abe855c21fe2df to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
package de.GameplayJDK.Code.Util;
// --Snip--
new de.GameplayJDK.Code.Util.Timer(owner)
.setTimerHandler(new de.GameplayJDK.Code.Util.Timer.TimerHandler() { // Start, Stop and Tick actions
public void onStart(de.GameplayJDK.Code.Util.Timer parent) {
// Do something when it starts..
public void onFinish(de.GameplayJDK.Code.Util.Timer parent) {
// Or when it's finished..
public void onCount(de.GameplayJDK.Code.Util.Timer parent) {
// And do something when it is counting!
.setInterval(20L) // count -1 down every 20 ticks (servers mainly run with 20 TPS)
.setLength(60) // count from 60 to 0 --> one minute
.addTimerAction(30, new de.GameplayJDK.Code.Util.Timer.TimerActionHandler() { // TimerAction at 30 seconds
public void onAction(de.GameplayJDK.Code.Util.Timer parent) {
// Now 30s are over.. Time to do something!
.addTimerAction(5, new de.GameplayJDK.Code.Util.Timer.TimerActionHandler() { // TimerAction at 5 seconds
public void onAction(de.GameplayJDK.Code.Util.Timer parent) {
// Oh! Only 5 seconds left! Hurry up!!!
// --Snip--
* Published through <a href="">Github gist service</a> by GameplayJDK (gpn)
* Working with all known CraftBukkit server versions (05/21/2014;MC-1.7.9;CB-1.7.9-R0.1)
package de.GameplayJDK.Code.Util;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask;
* @author GameplayJDK
* No License. Open Source. For Free.
* Usage examples: <a href="">Bukkit Forums</a>
* (This class uses MethodChaining <a href="">Wikipedia</a>)
public class Timer {
/* Public interfaces */
* @author GameplayJDK
* Interface to store an action at a specific time
public static interface TimerActionHandler {
public void onAction(Timer parent);
* @author GameplayJDK
* Interface to store actions on start, finish and count
public static interface TimerHandler {
public void onStart(Timer parent);
public void onFinish(Timer parent);
public void onCount(Timer parent);
/* Public enums */
* @author GameplayJDK
* Describes the state of the timer
public static enum TimerState {
/* Private variables */
private Plugin plugin;
private TimerHandler handler;
private Long interval;
private Integer length;
private HashMap<Integer, TimerActionHandler> actions;
private Integer count;
private BukkitTask task;
private TimerState state;
/* Constructor */
* Default constructor
* @param plugin The plugin which is running the timer
public Timer(Plugin plugin) { this.state = TimerState.PREINIT;
this.actions = new HashMap<Integer, TimerActionHandler>();
this.plugin = plugin;
/* Public methods */
* Sets the TimerHandler of the Timer
* @param handler A TimerHandler which stores actions on start, finish and count {@link TimerHandler}
* @return The timer itself with changes applied
public Timer setTimerHandler(TimerHandler handler) { this.handler = handler;
return this; }
* Sets the interval of the timer
* @param interval A Long which equals the interval (in ticks - default: 20L tps = 1s)
* @return The timer itself with changes applied
public Timer setInterval(Long interval) { this.interval = interval;
return this; }
* Sets the length and count of the timer
* @param length An Integer which equals the length (in seconds)
* @return The timer itself with changes applied
public Timer setLength(Integer length) { this.length = length; this.count = length;
return this; }
* Adds a new TimerActionHandler to the timer
* @param at Run the specified action at this count value
* @param action A TimeActionHandler which stores an action at a specific time {@link TimerActionHandler}
* @return The timer itself with changes applied
public Timer addTimerAction(Integer at, TimerActionHandler action) { this.actions.put(at, action);
return this; }
* Removes an existing TimerActionHandler interval of the timer
* @param at Remove the TimerActionHandler with this count value
* @return The timer itself with changes applied
public Timer removeTimerAction(Integer at) { if (this.actions.containsKey(at)) { this.actions.remove(at); }
return this; }
* Sets the state of the timer to {@link TimerState.RUNNING} and starts the BukkitTask of the timer
* @return The timer itself with changes applied
public Timer start() {
this.state = TimerState.RUNNING;
this.task = new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
if (state == TimerState.PAUSED) { return; } else if (state == TimerState.PREINIT) { task.cancel(); return; } else if (state == TimerState.FINISHED) { task.cancel(); return; }
if (count <1) {
state = TimerState.FINISHED;
if (actions.containsKey(count)) { actions.get(count).onAction(self()); }
}.runTaskTimer(this.plugin, this.interval, this.interval);
return this; }
* Sets the state of the timer to {@link TimerState.PAUSED}
* @return The timer itself with changes applied
public Timer pause() { this.state = TimerState.PAUSED;
return this; }
* Sets the state of the timer to {@link TimerState.FINISHED} and cancels the BukkitTask of it
* @return The timer itself with changes applied
public Timer stop() { if (this.state != TimerState.FINISHED || this.task != null) { this.state = TimerState.FINISHED; this.task.cancel(); }
return this; }
/* Private methods */
* Represents the Timer object (to allow usage of "this")
* @return The timer itself
private Timer self() {
return this; }
/* Getters */
* The Plugin that owns the timer
* @return The timers Plugin
public Plugin getPlugin() {
return this.plugin; }
* The TimerHandler of the timer
* @return The timers TimerHandler
public final TimerHandler getTimerHandler() {
return this.handler; }
* The value of the interval of the timer
* @return The timers interval (L)
public final Long getInterval() {
return this.interval; }
* The start length of the timer
* @return The timers length
public final Integer getLength() {
return this.length; }
* All actions which are applied to the timer
* @return The timers actions
public final HashMap<Integer, TimerActionHandler> getActions() {
return this.actions; }
* The current count of the timer
* @return The timers count
public final Integer getCount() {
return this.count; }
* The BukkitTask object of the timer
* @return The timers BukkitTask
public final BukkitTask getTask() {
return this.task; }
* The current state of the timer
* @return The timers state
public final TimerState getState() {
return this.state; }
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