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Created March 17, 2022 18:24
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  • Save Gapstare/14f4c3d9bf74575103380ab9f1fea8fa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Python port of MS-DOS program SUXX.COM.
# Python port of SUXX.COM (,
# sans music. Preferably used with a black background.
# Dependencies: ansicolors, click
# Bugs: Will not restore cursor state when shut down.
# Ported by El Topo 2022. License CC0.
from colors import color
from time import sleep
from click import clear
fu = """
◄►◄►◄►◄►◄► ◄► ◄►◄►◄► ◄► ◄► ◄► ◄► ◄►◄►◄► ◄► ♀♀
◄► ◄► ◄► ◄► ◄► ◄► ◄► ◄► ◄► ◄► ◄► ♀♀
◄►◄►◄► ◄► ◄► ◄► ◄►◄► ◄►◄►◄► ◄► ◄► ◄► ◄► ♀♀
◄► ◄► ◄► ◄► ◄► ◄► ◄► ◄► ◄► ◄► ◄►
◄► ◄►◄►◄►◄► ◄►◄►◄►◄► ◄► ◄► ◄► ◄►◄►◄► ◄►◄►◄►◄► ♂♂
dEATH-mETAL Rules !!! and you ?? suXX
Elite now's !!!"""
i = 0
while i > -1:
print(color(fu, fg=i))
i = i + 1
if i == 16:
i = 0
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