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Last active April 3, 2024 01:00
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Install script for Wuhu (tested on Debian)
# install script for
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]
echo "[wuhu] ERROR: This script needs to install a bunch of things, so please run as root"
echo "[wuhu] Installing packages..."
apt-get install \
apache2 \
php7.3 \
php7.3-gd \
php7.3-mysql \
php7.3-curl \
php7.3-mbstring \
mariadb-server \
libapache2-mod-php7.3 \
mc \
git \
ssh \
# -------------------------------------------------
# set up the files / WWW dir
rm -rf /var/www/*
chmod -R g+rw /var/www
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www
echo "[wuhu] Fetching the latest version of Wuhu..."
git clone /var/www/
mkdir /var/www/entries_private
mkdir /var/www/entries_public
mkdir /var/www/screenshots
chmod -R g+rw /var/www/*
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/*
# -------------------------------------------------
# set up PHP
echo "[wuhu] Setting up PHP..."
for i in /etc/php/7.3/*/php.ini
sed -i -e 's/^upload_max_filesize.*$/upload_max_filesize = 128M/' $i
sed -i -e 's/^post_max_size.*$/post_max_size = 256M/' $i
sed -i -e 's/^memory_limit.*$/memory_limit = 512M/' $i
sed -i -e 's/^session.gc_maxlifetime.*$/session.gc_maxlifetime = 604800/' $i
sed -i -e 's/^short_open_tag.*$/short_open_tag = On/' $i
# -------------------------------------------------
# set up Apache
echo "[wuhu] Setting up Apache..."
rm /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/*
echo -e \
"<VirtualHost *:80>\n" \
"\tDocumentRoot /var/www/www_party\n" \
"\t<Directory />\n" \
"\t\tOptions FollowSymLinks\n" \
"\t\tAllowOverride All\n" \
"\t</Directory>\n" \
"\tErrorLog \${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/party_error.log\n" \
"\tCustomLog \${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/party_access.log combined\n" \
"\t</VirtualHost>\n" \
"\n" \
"<VirtualHost *:80>\n" \
"\tDocumentRoot /var/www/www_admin\n" \
"\tServerName admin.lan\n" \
"\t<Directory />\n" \
"\t\tOptions FollowSymLinks\n" \
"\t\tAllowOverride All\n" \
"\t</Directory>\n" \
"\tErrorLog \${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/admin_error.log\n" \
"\tCustomLog \${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/admin_access.log combined\n" \
"</VirtualHost>\n" \
> /etc/apache2/sites-available/wuhu.conf
a2ensite wuhu
echo "[wuhu] Restarting Apache..."
service apache2 restart
# -------------------------------------------------
# TODO? set up nameserver / dhcp?
# -------------------------------------------------
# set up MySQL
service mysql restart
echo "[wuhu] Setting up MySQL (MariaDB)..."
echo -e "Enter a MySQL password for the Wuhu user: \c"
echo "Now connecting to MySQL..."
echo -e \
| mysql -u root -p
# -------------------------------------------------
# We're done, wahey!
printf "\n\n\n*** CONGRATULATIONS, Wuhu is now ready to configure at http://admin.lan\n"
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Bug in line #48, it should be:

for i in /etc/php/7.3/*/php.ini

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chainq commented Jan 30, 2021

I have installed this on a recent freshly installed Debian Buster AMD64. On top of what's described in this Gist, I found two things:

  • I had to modify apache2.conf to say AllowOverride all in the <Directory /var/www> section, despite having the required AllowOverride in the virtualhost config. (Although I installed it the whole shebang in directory /var/www/<mypartyname>,
    not sure if that would change this behavior, compared to /var/www.)
  • I had to run a2enmod authz_groupfile, otherwise the the generated .htaccess file couldn't be interpreted by Apache because of the AuthGroupFile /dev/null line in it. (An alternative would be deleting that line from the generated. .htaccess file in config.php, but I'm not sure which one is the better solution.)

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