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Created June 20, 2011 15:13
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* Copyright 2010 Facebook
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#import "Facebook.h"
#import "FBLoginDialog.h"
#import "FBRequest.h"
static NSString* kDialogBaseURL = @"";
static NSString* kGraphBaseURL = @"";
static NSString* kRestserverBaseURL = @"";
static NSString* kFBAppAuthURLScheme = @"fbauth";
static NSString* kFBAppAuthURLPath = @"authorize";
static NSString* kRedirectURL = @"fbconnect://success";
static NSString* kLogin = @"oauth";
static NSString* kSDK = @"ios";
static NSString* kSDKVersion = @"2";
@interface Facebook ()
// private properties
@property(nonatomic, retain) NSArray* permissions;
@implementation Facebook
@synthesize accessToken = _accessToken,
expirationDate = _expirationDate,
sessionDelegate = _sessionDelegate,
permissions = _permissions,
localAppId = _localAppId;
// private
* Initialize the Facebook object with application ID.
- (id)initWithAppId:(NSString *)app_id {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
[_appId release];
_appId = [app_id copy];
return self;
* Override NSObject : free the space
- (void)dealloc {
[_accessToken release];
[_expirationDate release];
[_request release];
[_loginDialog release];
[_fbDialog release];
[_appId release];
[_permissions release];
[_localAppId release];
[super dealloc];
* A private helper function for sending HTTP requests.
* @param url
* url to send http request
* @param params
* parameters to append to the url
* @param httpMethod
* http method @"GET" or @"POST"
* @param delegate
* Callback interface for notifying the calling application when
* the request has received response
- (FBRequest*)openUrl:(NSString *)url
params:(NSMutableDictionary *)params
httpMethod:(NSString *)httpMethod
delegate:(id<FBRequestDelegate>)delegate {
[params setValue:@"json" forKey:@"format"];
[params setValue:kSDK forKey:@"sdk"];
[params setValue:kSDKVersion forKey:@"sdk_version"];
if ([self isSessionValid]) {
[params setValue:self.accessToken forKey:@"access_token"];
[_request release];
_request = [[FBRequest getRequestWithParams:params
requestURL:url] retain];
[_request connect];
return _request;
* A private function for getting the app's base url.
- (NSString *)getOwnBaseUrl {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"fb%@%@://authorize",
_localAppId ? _localAppId : @""];
* A private function for opening the authorization dialog.
- (void)authorizeWithFBAppAuth:(BOOL)tryFBAppAuth
safariAuth:(BOOL)trySafariAuth {
NSMutableDictionary* params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
_appId, @"client_id",
@"user_agent", @"type",
kRedirectURL, @"redirect_uri",
@"touch", @"display",
kSDKVersion, @"sdk",
NSString *loginDialogURL = [kDialogBaseURL stringByAppendingString:kLogin];
if (_permissions != nil) {
NSString* scope = [_permissions componentsJoinedByString:@","];
[params setValue:scope forKey:@"scope"];
if (_localAppId) {
[params setValue:_localAppId forKey:@"local_client_id"];
// If the device is running a version of iOS that supports multitasking,
// try to obtain the access token from the Facebook app installed
// on the device.
// If the Facebook app isn't installed or it doesn't support
// the fbauth:// URL scheme, fall back on Safari for obtaining the access token.
// This minimizes the chance that the user will have to enter his or
// her credentials in order to authorize the application.
BOOL didOpenOtherApp = NO;
UIDevice *device = [UIDevice currentDevice];
if ([device respondsToSelector:@selector(isMultitaskingSupported)] && [device isMultitaskingSupported]) {
if (tryFBAppAuth) {
NSString *scheme = kFBAppAuthURLScheme;
if (_localAppId) {
scheme = [scheme stringByAppendingString:@"2"];
NSString *urlPrefix = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@://%@", scheme, kFBAppAuthURLPath];
NSString *fbAppUrl = [FBRequest serializeURL:urlPrefix params:params];
didOpenOtherApp = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:fbAppUrl]];
if (trySafariAuth && !didOpenOtherApp) {
NSString *nextUrl = [self getOwnBaseUrl];
[params setValue:nextUrl forKey:@"redirect_uri"];
NSString *fbAppUrl = [FBRequest serializeURL:loginDialogURL params:params];
didOpenOtherApp = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:fbAppUrl]];
// If single sign-on failed, open an inline login dialog. This will require the user to
// enter his or her credentials.
if (!didOpenOtherApp) {
[_loginDialog release];
_loginDialog = [[FBLoginDialog alloc] initWithURL:loginDialogURL
[_loginDialog show];
* A function for parsing URL parameters.
- (NSDictionary*)parseURLParams:(NSString *)query {
NSArray *pairs = [query componentsSeparatedByString:@"&"];
NSMutableDictionary *params = [[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init] autorelease];
for (NSString *pair in pairs) {
NSArray *kv = [pair componentsSeparatedByString:@"="];
NSString *val =
[[kv objectAtIndex:1]
[params setObject:val forKey:[kv objectAtIndex:0]];
return params;
- (void)authorize:(NSArray *)permissions
delegate:(id<FBSessionDelegate>)delegate {
[self authorize:permissions
* Starts a dialog which prompts the user to log in to Facebook and grant
* the requested permissions to the application.
* If the device supports multitasking, we use fast app switching to show
* the dialog in the Facebook app or, if the Facebook app isn't installed,
* in Safari (this enables single sign-on by allowing multiple apps on
* the device to share the same user session).
* When the user grants or denies the permissions, the app that
* showed the dialog (the Facebook app or Safari) redirects back to
* the calling application, passing in the URL the access token
* and/or any other parameters the Facebook backend includes in
* the result (such as an error code if an error occurs).
* See for more details.
* Also note that requests may be made to the API without calling
* authorize() first, in which case only public information is returned.
* @param permissions
* A list of permission required for this application: e.g.
* "read_stream", "publish_stream", or "offline_access". see
* This parameter should not be null -- if you do not require any
* permissions, then pass in an empty String array.
* @param delegate
* Callback interface for notifying the calling application when
* the user has logged in.
* @param localAppId
* localAppId is a string of lowercase letters that is
* appended to the base URL scheme used for SSO. For example,
* if your facebook ID is "350685531728" and you set localAppId to
* "abcd", the Facebook app will expect your application to bind to
* the following URL scheme: "fb350685531728abcd".
* This is useful if your have multiple iOS applications that
* share a single Facebook application id (for example, if you
* have a free and a paid version on the same app) and you want
* to use SSO with both apps. Giving both apps different
* localAppId values will allow the Facebook app to disambiguate
* their URL schemes and always redirect the user back to the
* correct app, even if both the free and the app is installed
* on the device.
* localAppId is supported on version 3.4.1 and above of the Facebook
* app. If the user has an older version of the Facebook app
* installed and your app uses localAppId parameter, the SDK will
* proceed as if the Facebook app isn't installed on the device
* and redirect the user to Safari.
- (void)authorize:(NSArray *)permissions
localAppId:(NSString *)localAppId {
self.localAppId = localAppId;
self.permissions = permissions;
_sessionDelegate = delegate;
[self authorizeWithFBAppAuth:YES safariAuth:YES];
* This function processes the URL the Facebook application or Safari used to
* open your application during a single sign-on flow.
* You MUST call this function in your UIApplicationDelegate's handleOpenURL
* method (see
* for more info).
* This will ensure that the authorization process will proceed smoothly once the
* Facebook application or Safari redirects back to your application.
* @param URL the URL that was passed to the application delegate's handleOpenURL method.
* @return YES if the URL starts with 'fb[app_id]://authorize and hence was handled
* by SDK, NO otherwise.
- (BOOL)handleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url {
// If the URL's structure doesn't match the structure used for Facebook authorization, abort.
if (![[url absoluteString] hasPrefix:[self getOwnBaseUrl]]) {
return NO;
NSString *query = [url fragment];
// Version 3.2.3 of the Facebook app encodes the parameters in the query but
// version 3.3 and above encode the parameters in the fragment. To support
// both versions of the Facebook app, we try to parse the query if
// the fragment is missing.
if (!query) {
query = [url query];
NSDictionary *params = [self parseURLParams:query];
NSString *accessToken = [params valueForKey:@"access_token"];
// If the URL doesn't contain the access token, an error has occurred.
if (!accessToken) {
NSString *errorReason = [params valueForKey:@"error"];
// If the error response indicates that we should try again using Safari, open
// the authorization dialog in Safari.
if (errorReason && [errorReason isEqualToString:@"service_disabled_use_browser"]) {
[self authorizeWithFBAppAuth:NO safariAuth:YES];
return YES;
// If the error response indicates that we should try the authorization flow
// in an inline dialog, do that.
if (errorReason && [errorReason isEqualToString:@"service_disabled"]) {
[self authorizeWithFBAppAuth:NO safariAuth:NO];
return YES;
// The facebook app may return an error_code parameter in case it
// encounters a UIWebViewDelegate error. This should not be treated
// as a cancel.
NSString *errorCode = [params valueForKey:@"error_code"];
BOOL userDidCancel =
!errorCode && (!errorReason || [errorReason isEqualToString:@"access_denied"]);
[self fbDialogNotLogin:userDidCancel];
return YES;
// We have an access token, so parse the expiration date.
NSString *expTime = [params valueForKey:@"expires_in"];
NSDate *expirationDate = [NSDate distantFuture];
if (expTime != nil) {
int expVal = [expTime intValue];
if (expVal != 0) {
expirationDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:expVal];
[self fbDialogLogin:accessToken expirationDate:expirationDate];
return YES;
* Invalidate the current user session by removing the access token in
* memory, clearing the browser cookie, and calling auth.expireSession
* through the API.
* Note that this method dosen't unauthorize the application --
* it just invalidates the access token. To unauthorize the application,
* the user must remove the app in the app settings page under the privacy
* settings screen on
* @param delegate
* Callback interface for notifying the calling application when
* the application has logged out
- (void)logout:(id<FBSessionDelegate>)delegate {
_sessionDelegate = delegate;
NSMutableDictionary * params = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[self requestWithMethodName:@"auth.expireSession"
andParams:params andHttpMethod:@"GET"
[params release];
[_accessToken release];
_accessToken = nil;
[_expirationDate release];
_expirationDate = nil;
NSHTTPCookieStorage* cookies = [NSHTTPCookieStorage sharedHTTPCookieStorage];
NSArray* facebookCookies = [cookies cookiesForURL:
[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];
for (NSHTTPCookie* cookie in facebookCookies) {
[cookies deleteCookie:cookie];
if ([self.sessionDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(fbDidLogout)]) {
[_sessionDelegate fbDidLogout];
* Make a request to Facebook's REST API with the given
* parameters. One of the parameter keys must be "method" and its value
* should be a valid REST server API method.
* See
* @param parameters
* Key-value pairs of parameters to the request. Refer to the
* documentation: one of the parameters must be "method".
* @param delegate
* Callback interface for notifying the calling application when
* the request has received response
* @return FBRequest*
* Returns a pointer to the FBRequest object.
- (FBRequest*)requestWithParams:(NSMutableDictionary *)params
andDelegate:(id <FBRequestDelegate>)delegate {
if ([params objectForKey:@"method"] == nil) {
NSLog(@"API Method must be specified");
return nil;
NSString * methodName = [params objectForKey:@"method"];
[params removeObjectForKey:@"method"];
return [self requestWithMethodName:methodName
* Make a request to Facebook's REST API with the given method name and
* parameters.
* See
* @param methodName
* a valid REST server API method.
* @param parameters
* Key-value pairs of parameters to the request. Refer to the
* documentation: one of the parameters must be "method". To upload
* a file, you should specify the httpMethod to be "POST" and the
* “params” you passed in should contain a value of the type
* (UIImage *) or (NSData *) which contains the content that you
* want to upload
* @param delegate
* Callback interface for notifying the calling application when
* the request has received response
* @return FBRequest*
* Returns a pointer to the FBRequest object.
- (FBRequest*)requestWithMethodName:(NSString *)methodName
andParams:(NSMutableDictionary *)params
andHttpMethod:(NSString *)httpMethod
andDelegate:(id <FBRequestDelegate>)delegate {
NSString * fullURL = [kRestserverBaseURL stringByAppendingString:methodName];
return [self openUrl:fullURL
* Make a request to the Facebook Graph API without any parameters.
* See
* @param graphPath
* Path to resource in the Facebook graph, e.g., to fetch data
* about the currently logged authenticated user, provide "me",
* which will fetch
* @param delegate
* Callback interface for notifying the calling application when
* the request has received response
* @return FBRequest*
* Returns a pointer to the FBRequest object.
- (FBRequest*)requestWithGraphPath:(NSString *)graphPath
andDelegate:(id <FBRequestDelegate>)delegate {
return [self requestWithGraphPath:graphPath
andParams:[NSMutableDictionary dictionary]
* Make a request to the Facebook Graph API with the given string
* parameters using an HTTP GET (default method).
* See
* @param graphPath
* Path to resource in the Facebook graph, e.g., to fetch data
* about the currently logged authenticated user, provide "me",
* which will fetch
* @param parameters
* key-value string parameters, e.g. the path "search" with
* parameters "q" : "facebook" would produce a query for the
* following graph resource:
* @param delegate
* Callback interface for notifying the calling application when
* the request has received response
* @return FBRequest*
* Returns a pointer to the FBRequest object.
- (FBRequest*)requestWithGraphPath:(NSString *)graphPath
andParams:(NSMutableDictionary *)params
andDelegate:(id <FBRequestDelegate>)delegate {
return [self requestWithGraphPath:graphPath
* Make a request to the Facebook Graph API with the given
* HTTP method and string parameters. Note that binary data parameters
* (e.g. pictures) are not yet supported by this helper function.
* See
* @param graphPath
* Path to resource in the Facebook graph, e.g., to fetch data
* about the currently logged authenticated user, provide "me",
* which will fetch
* @param parameters
* key-value string parameters, e.g. the path "search" with
* parameters {"q" : "facebook"} would produce a query for the
* following graph resource:
* To upload a file, you should specify the httpMethod to be
* "POST" and the “params” you passed in should contain a value
* of the type (UIImage *) or (NSData *) which contains the
* content that you want to upload
* @param httpMethod
* http verb, e.g. "GET", "POST", "DELETE"
* @param delegate
* Callback interface for notifying the calling application when
* the request has received response
* @return FBRequest*
* Returns a pointer to the FBRequest object.
- (FBRequest*)requestWithGraphPath:(NSString *)graphPath
andParams:(NSMutableDictionary *)params
andHttpMethod:(NSString *)httpMethod
andDelegate:(id <FBRequestDelegate>)delegate {
NSString * fullURL = [kGraphBaseURL stringByAppendingString:graphPath];
return [self openUrl:fullURL
* Generate a UI dialog for the request action.
* @param action
* String representation of the desired method: e.g. "login",
* "feed", ...
* @param delegate
* Callback interface to notify the calling application when the
* dialog has completed.
- (void)dialog:(NSString *)action
andDelegate:(id<FBDialogDelegate>)delegate {
NSMutableDictionary * params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[self dialog:action andParams:params andDelegate:delegate];
* Generate a UI dialog for the request action with the provided parameters.
* @param action
* String representation of the desired method: e.g. "login",
* "feed", ...
* @param parameters
* key-value string parameters
* @param delegate
* Callback interface to notify the calling application when the
* dialog has completed.
- (void)dialog:(NSString *)action
andParams:(NSMutableDictionary *)params
andDelegate:(id <FBDialogDelegate>)delegate {
[_fbDialog release];
NSString *dialogURL = [kDialogBaseURL stringByAppendingString:action];
[params setObject:@"touch" forKey:@"display"];
[params setObject:kSDKVersion forKey:@"sdk"];
[params setObject:kRedirectURL forKey:@"redirect_uri"];
if (action == kLogin) {
[params setObject:@"user_agent" forKey:@"type"];
_fbDialog = [[FBLoginDialog alloc] initWithURL:dialogURL loginParams:params delegate:self];
} else {
[params setObject:_appId forKey:@"app_id"];
if ([self isSessionValid]) {
[params setValue:[self.accessToken stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]
_fbDialog = [[FBDialog alloc] initWithURL:dialogURL params:params delegate:delegate];
[_fbDialog show];
* @return boolean - whether this object has an non-expired session token
- (BOOL)isSessionValid {
return (self.accessToken != nil && self.expirationDate != nil
&& NSOrderedDescending == [self.expirationDate compare:[NSDate date]]);
* Set the authToken and expirationDate after login succeed
- (void)fbDialogLogin:(NSString *)token expirationDate:(NSDate *)expirationDate {
self.accessToken = token;
self.expirationDate = expirationDate;
if ([self.sessionDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(fbDidLogin)]) {
[_sessionDelegate fbDidLogin];
* Did not login call the not login delegate
- (void)fbDialogNotLogin:(BOOL)cancelled {
if ([self.sessionDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(fbDidNotLogin:)]) {
[_sessionDelegate fbDidNotLogin:cancelled];
* Handle the auth.ExpireSession api call failure
- (void)request:(FBRequest*)request didFailWithError:(NSError*)error{
NSLog(@"Failed to expire the session");
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