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Last active February 29, 2024 20:54
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Mirror only a few Ubuntu releases using rsync
set -euo pipefail;
#A considerably simpler take on apt-mirror - parses the Packages files like apt-mirror, but then builds a file of .debs to download, which is then passed to rsync which does the rest.
#Saves the overhead of downloading each file over HTTP and considerably simpler to debug. Can now be configured using a file containing paths instead of running rsync many times in a loop.
#Just like apt-mirror, capable of running on only one Ubuntu release to save space.
#Author: Rob Johnson
#Date: 2017-09-20
syncDate=$(date +%F);
#File to build a list of files to rsync from the remote mirror - will contain one line for every file in the dists/ to sync
#Assumes a 'master source' file in /etc/mirror-rsync.d named for the masterSource value below. The file contains newline-separated
#entries of which dists/ to sync. See example in other file here.
#Adapt as necessary to your package mirror setup
if [ ! -f /etc/mirror-rsync.d/$masterSource ]; then
echo "No master source file found at /etc/mirror-rsync.d/$masterSource, create one and add one line per dists/ entry to sync";
exit 1;
#Add a marker for a second APT mirror to look for - if the sync falls on its face, can drop this out of the pair and sync exclusively from the mirror until fixed
if [ -f /srv/packagemirror/lastSuccess ]; then
rm -v /srv/packagemirror/lastSuccess;
echo "$syncDate $(date +%T) Starting, exporting to /tmp/$filename";
#In case leftover from testing or failed previous run
if [[ -f /tmp/$filename ]]; then
rm -v "/tmp/$filename";
echo "$(date +%T) Syncing releases";
rsync --no-motd --delete-during --archive --recursive --human-readable --files-from="/etc/mirror-rsync.d/$masterSource" $masterSource::ubuntu "$localPackageStore/";
echo "$(date +%T) Generating package list";
#rather than hard-coding, use a config file to run the loop. The same config file as used above to sync the releases
while read release; do
for repo in 'main' 'restricted' 'universe' 'multiverse'; do #Adapt if necessary
for arch in 'amd64' 'i386'; do #Adapt if necessary
if [[ ! -f $localPackageStore/$release/$repo/binary-$arch/Packages ]]; then #uncompressed file not found
echo "$(date +%T) Extracking $release $repo $arch Packages file from archive";
gunzip --keep "$localPackageStore/$release/$repo/binary-$arch/Packages.gz";
echo "$(date +%T) Extracting packages from $release $repo $arch";
if [[ -s $localPackageStore/$release/$repo/binary-$arch/Packages ]]; then
grep 'Filename: ' "$localPackageStore/$release/$repo/binary-$arch/Packages" | sed 's/Filename: //' >> "/tmp/$filename";
echo "$(date +%T) Package list is empty, skipping";
done </etc/mirror-rsync.d/$masterSource
echo "$(date +%T) Deduplicating";
sort --unique "/tmp/$filename" > "/tmp/$filename.sorted";
rm -v "/tmp/$filename";
mv -v "/tmp/$filename.sorted" "/tmp/$filename";
echo "$(wc -l \"/tmp/$filename\" | awk '{print $1}') files to be sync'd";
echo "$(date +%T) Running rsync";
#rsync may error out due to excessive load on the source server, so try up to 3 times
set +e;
while [[ $exitCode -gt 0 ]] && [[ $attempt -lt 4 ]];
rsync --copy-links --files-from="/tmp/$filename" --no-motd --delete-during --archive --recursive --human-readable $masterSource::ubuntu "$localPackageStore/" 2>&1;
if [[ $exitCode -gt 0 ]]; then
waitTime=$((attempt*300)); #increasing wait time - 5, 10 and 15 minutes between attempts
echo "rsync attempt $attempt failed with exit code $exitCode, waiting $waitTime seconds to retry";
sleep $waitTime;
let attempt+=1;
set -e;
#Exiting here will stop the lastSuccess file being created, and will stop APT02 running its own sync
if [[ $exitCode -gt 0 ]]; then
echo "rsync failed all 3 attempts, erroring out";
exit 2;
echo "$(date +%T) Sync complete, runtime: $SECONDS s";
echo "$(date +%T) Deleting obsolete packages";
#Build a list of files that have been synced and delete any that are not in the list
find "$localPackageStore/pool/" -type f | { grep -Fvf "/tmp/$filename" || true; } | xargs --no-run-if-empty -I {} rm -v {}; # '|| true' used here to prevent grep causing pipefail if there are no packages to delete - grep normally returns 1 if no files are found
echo "$(date +%T) Complete";
rm -v "/tmp/$filename";
touch /srv/packagemirror/lastSuccess;
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Thank you @Gargravarr2112, it still shows the same error. I created my file /etc/mirror-rsync.d/ubuntu with the following content : bionic main restricted bionic-updates main restricted bionic universe bionic-updates universe bionic multiverse bionic-updates multiverse bionic-backports main restricted universe multiverse bionic-security main restricted bionic-security universe bionic-security multiverse

It seems like the release keyword is not referenced anywhere. I don't see how the script can deduce to take this ubuntu file anywhere.

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Gargravarr2112 commented May 13, 2020

@flavienbwk Sorry, didn't see your reply until now. Also, I see I was wrong - I forgot how I wrote my own script, sorry!
The config file needs to have as the filename the mirror source. In your case, this means you create a file named ''. Within that file you would list the releases, which are 'bionic', 'bionic-updates' and 'bionic-backports'. You could do the same for '' but I feel it is better to pull security updates directly from Ubuntu to avoid a rapid update being behind. Pulling the main packages from a local mirror will dramatically reduce your required bandwidth in any case. I've added the file I used. Hope this helps!

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jms1989 commented May 1, 2021

So I tried your script there and ran into this problem.

rsync: link_stat "/bionic" (in ubuntu) failed: No such file or directory (2)

I'm not sure exactly how to resolve it, I don't understand where it's failing. all I did was remove the path part for the source file so it'd work from wherever and ofc the destination path. I get that same error if I run the rsync command directly after I replace the variables ofc.

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flavienbwk commented May 1, 2021

@jms1989 you might want to use this script. It's a bit more robust for downloading mirrors.

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@jms1989 probably best to do what @flavienbwk suggests, I don't recognise that error, nor do I use this script at the moment (don't have a use for it). I may revisit it in the future, but otherwise I'd be debugging it the same as you. You could try set -x to see what commands are actually being run when it fails.

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To anyone finding this script - I have restarted development on it for my own needs and have created a repo:
Updated code (that actually works!) and instructions can be found there.

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