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Created January 9, 2020 23:35
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Ouija board bot
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Haboli.Euphoria.WegaBorad where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Data.Char
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Haboli.Euphoria.Api
import Haboli.Euphoria.Client
{- Range stuff -}
data Range = Range Char Char
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Range where
show (Range a b)
| a == b = [a]
| otherwise = "[" ++ [a] ++ ".." ++ [b] ++ "]"
fullRange :: Range
fullRange = Range 'a' 'z'
getRangeChar :: Range -> Maybe Char
getRangeChar (Range a b)
| a == b = Just a
| otherwise = Nothing
splitRange :: Int -> Range -> [Range]
splitRange steps (Range a b) =
let amount = ord b - ord a + 1
width = amount `div` steps
leftover = amount `mod` steps
widths = zipWith (+) (replicate steps width) (replicate leftover 1 ++ repeat 0)
skips = scanl (+) 0 (init widths)
in nub $ zipWith (\s w -> Range (chr $ ord a + s) (chr $ ord a + s + w - 1)) skips widths
{- Bot logic -}
data Search = Search
{ searchStartMsg :: Message
, searchOptions :: Map.Map Snowflake Range
} deriving (Show)
data MyState = MyState
{ msSplitInto :: Int
, msCurrentSearch :: Maybe Search
} deriving (Show)
defaultState :: MyState
defaultState = MyState 3 Nothing
type MyClient a = StateT MyState (Client ()) a
wegaBot :: MyClient ()
wegaBot = forever $ do
event <- lift $ respondingToPing nextEvent
case event of
EventSnapshot _ -> void $ lift $ nick "WegaBot"
EventSend e -> onMessage (sendMessage e)
_ -> pure ()
runWegaBot :: MyState -> MyClient a -> Client () a
runWegaBot start bot = fst <$> runStateT bot start
onMessage :: Message -> MyClient ()
onMessage msg
| msgContent msg == "!wega" = startNewWega msg
| otherwise = do
s <- get
for_ (msCurrentSearch s) $ \search -> do
let maybeRange = do
parent <- msgParent msg
searchOptions search Map.!? parent
for_ maybeRange $ closeInOn search msg
startNewWega :: Message -> MyClient ()
startNewWega msg = do
startMsg <- lift $ reply msg "New character!"
closeInOn (Search msg Map.empty) startMsg fullRange
-- | @'closeInOn' search msg range@ closes in on the currently running @search@,
-- where @msg@ has just selected @range@.
closeInOn :: Search -> Message -> Range -> MyClient ()
closeInOn search msg range =
case getRangeChar range of
Just char -> do
void $ lift $ reply msg $ "You've selected " <> T.pack (show char)
startNewWega $ searchStartMsg search
Nothing -> do
s <- get
let possibleRanges = splitRange (msSplitInto s) range
rangesWithMessageIds <- mapM (sendRange msg) possibleRanges
let options = Map.fromList rangesWithMessageIds
put s{msCurrentSearch = Just search{searchOptions = options}}
sendRange :: Message -> Range -> MyClient (Snowflake, Range)
sendRange msg range = do
msg' <- lift $ reply msg $ "Reply to this message to choose " <> T.pack (show range) <> "."
pure (msgId msg', range)
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