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Created September 28, 2018 04:29
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Entropy, KL Divergence, & Rcpp
# Visualizing entropy ---------------------------------------------------------
entropy <- function(p) -sum(p * log(p))
n <- 1e6
p <- runif(n)
q <- 1 - p
z <- matrix(c(p, q), ncol = 2)
ent <- apply(z, 1, entropy)
qplot(q, ent, geom = "line") +
xlab("Probability") +
ylab("Entropy") +
ggtitle("Entropy For Two Events")
# C++
apply_entropy <- Kmisc::rcpp_apply_generator("return -sum(x * log(x));")
entropy_bm <- bench::mark(
base = apply(z, 1, entropy),
rcpp = apply_entropy(z, 1)
summary(entropy_bm, relative = TRUE)
# Visualizing KL divergence ---------------------------------------------------
kld <- function(p, q) sum(p * log(p / q))
n <- 1e6
p <- c(0.6, 0.4)
q1 <- runif(n)
q2 <- 1 - q1
z <- matrix(c(q1, q2), ncol = 2)
kl <- apply(z, 1, kld, p = p)
qplot(q1, kl, geom = "line") +
xlab("Probability") +
ylab("KL Divergence") +
geom_vline(xintercept = p[1], colour = "grey")
# C++
apply_kld <- Kmisc::rcpp_apply_generator('return sum(p * log(p / x));',
additional = '
// [[Rcpp::plugins("cpp11")]]
NumericVector p {0.6, 0.4};')
kld_bm <- bench::mark(
base = apply(z, 1, kld, p = p),
rcpp = apply_kld(z, 1)
summary(kld_bm, relative = T)
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