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Created December 23, 2011 01:09
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Jitsu Install HTTP
Garrett-Smiths-MacBook-Pro:missionmassage garrettsmith$ jitsu install http-server
info: Welcome to Nodejitsu
info: It worked if it ends with Nodejitsu ok
info: Executing command install http-server
info: Installing http-server locally.
warn: Downloading packages from npm, this may take a moment...
info: http-server installed.
help: You can now jitsu deploy this application
prompt: Would you like to start this application locally? (yes): yes
warn: Outputting logs from: http-server
Starting up http-server, serving ./public on port: 8080
"process": {
"pid": 3384,
"uid": 501,
"gid": 20,
"cwd": "/Users/garrettsmith/missionmassage",
"execPath": "/usr/bin/node",
"version": "v0.4.11",
"argv": [
"memoryUsage": {
"rss": 20451328,
"vsize": 3112767488,
"heapTotal": 14897344,
"heapUsed": 7448160
"os": {
"loadavg": [
"uptime": 425476
"trace": [
"column": 5,
"file": "net.js",
"function": "Server._doListen",
"line": 1106,
"method": "_doListen",
"native": false
"column": 14,
"file": "net.js",
"function": null,
"line": 1077,
"method": null,
"native": false
"column": 30,
"file": "dns.js",
"function": null,
"line": 192,
"method": null,
"native": false
"column": 11,
"file": "dns.js",
"function": "Object.lookup",
"line": 190,
"method": "lookup",
"native": false
"column": 20,
"file": "net.js",
"function": "Server.listen",
"line": 1071,
"method": "listen",
"native": false
"column": 20,
"file": "Object].listen (/Users/garrettsmith/missionmassage/node_modules/flatiron/lib/flatiron/plugins/http.js",
"function": "[object",
"line": 81,
"method": null,
"native": false
"column": 11,
"file": "/Users/garrettsmith/missionmassage/node_modules/flatiron/lib/flatiron/plugins/http.js",
"function": null,
"line": 59,
"method": null,
"native": false
"column": 12,
"file": "Object].<anonymous> (/Users/garrettsmith/missionmassage/node_modules/flatiron/node_modules/broadway/lib/broadway/app.js",
"function": "[object",
"line": 74,
"method": null,
"native": false
"column": 31,
"file": "Object].init (/Users/garrettsmith/missionmassage/node_modules/flatiron/lib/flatiron/app.js",
"function": "[object",
"line": 31,
"method": null,
"native": false
"column": 9,
"file": "Object].start (/Users/garrettsmith/missionmassage/node_modules/flatiron/lib/flatiron/plugins/http.js",
"function": "[object",
"line": 50,
"method": null,
"native": false
"stack": [
"Error: EADDRINUSE, Address already in use",
" at Server._doListen (net.js:1106:5)",
" at net.js:1077:14",
" at dns.js:192:30",
" at Object.lookup (dns.js:190:11)",
" at Server.listen (net.js:1071:20)",
" at [object Object].listen (/Users/garrettsmith/missionmassage/node_modules/flatiron/lib/flatiron/plugins/http.js:81:20)",
" at /Users/garrettsmith/missionmassage/node_modules/flatiron/lib/flatiron/plugins/http.js:59:11",
" at [object Object].<anonymous> (/Users/garrettsmith/missionmassage/node_modules/flatiron/node_modules/broadway/lib/broadway/app.js:74:12)",
" at [object Object].init (/Users/garrettsmith/missionmassage/node_modules/flatiron/lib/flatiron/app.js:31:31)",
" at [object Object].start (/Users/garrettsmith/missionmassage/node_modules/flatiron/lib/flatiron/plugins/http.js:50:9)"
"level": "error",
"message": "uncaughtException"
Application exited 1
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