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Created February 5, 2020 02:47
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Klipper configuration for Artillery Sidewinder X1
# Artillery Sidewinder X1 printer.cfg file for Klipper
# Garth Snyder - 2/4/2020
# NOTE! Nonstandard configuration:
# BLTouch with custom mount (output on XMAX pin)
# Dual Z endstops (second on YMAX pin)
# SKR v1.3 with TMC2208 drivers
# 0.9 degree stepper motors on X and Y
step_pin: P2.2
dir_pin: !P2.6
enable_pin: !P2.1
step_distance: 0.006240639
endstop_pin: !P1.29 # P1.28 for X-max
position_endstop: -1
position_min: -1
position_max: 305
homing_speed: 65
second_homing_speed: 5
step_pin: P0.19
dir_pin: P0.20
enable_pin: !P2.8
step_distance: 0.006240639
endstop_pin: !P1.27 # P1.26 for Y-max
position_endstop: -11
position_min: -11
position_max: 305
homing_speed: 65
second_homing_speed: 5
step_pin: P0.22
dir_pin: P2.11
enable_pin: !P0.21
step_distance: 0.0025013758
endstop_pin: !P1.25 # P1.24 for Z-max
homing_speed: 15
second_homing_speed: 5
position_endstop: 0.0
position_max: 400
position_min: -2
position_endstop: -2
endstop_pin: !P1.26 # YMAX
step_pin: P0.1
dir_pin: P0.0
enable_pin: !P0.10
step_distance: 0.0025013758
step_pin: P2.13
dir_pin: !P0.11
enable_pin: !P2.12
step_distance: 0.0023255814
nozzle_diameter: 0.400
filament_diameter: 1.750
heater_pin: P2.7
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
sensor_pin: P0.24
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 260
max_power: 0.75 # Ribbon cable current capacity concern
pressure_advance: 0.0612
# From Marlin
# pid_Kp: 11.41
# pid_Ki: 0.74
# pid_Kd: 44.0
# Former autotune
# pid_kp = 13.350
# pid_ki = 0.530
# pid_kd = 84.104
[heater_fan my_nozzle_fan]
pin: P2.4
heater: extruder
heater_temp: 50.0
fan_speed: 1.0
heater_pin: P2.5
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
sensor_pin: P0.23
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 130
pin: P2.3
kick_start_time: 0.5
off_below: 0.05
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_lpc1768_0910000329811DAFDBA1F359C42000F5-if00
kinematics: cartesian
max_velocity: 300
max_accel: 3200
max_z_velocity: 30
max_z_accel: 400
speed: 100
mesh_min: 26,0
mesh_max: 300,267
probe_count: 6
mesh_pps: 3,3
fade_start: 1.0
fade_end: 10.0
sensor_pin: P1.24
control_pin: P2.0
x_offset: 25.2
y_offset: -32.7
samples: 3
lift_speed: 20
speed: 5
sample_retract_dist: 5
samples_tolerance: 0.05
samples_tolerance_retries: 5
screw1: 50,50
screw1_name: front left
screw2: 250,50
screw2_name: front right
screw3: 250,250
screw3_name: back right
screw4: 50,250
screw4_name: back left
speed: 100.0
screw1: 50,50
screw1_name: front left
screw2: 250,50
screw2_name: front right
screw3: 250,250
screw3_name: back right
screw4: 50,250
screw4_name: back left
speed: 100.0
screw_thread: CW-M5
; [homing_override]
; gcode:
; G28 XY
; G0 X150 Y-11 F3000
; G28 Z
; axes: z
home_xy_position: 150,-11
speed: 100
z_hop: 10
z_hop_speed: 25
[endstop_phase stepper_z1]
[endstop_phase stepper_z]
endstop_phase: 62
[endstop_phase stepper_x]
#endstop_phase: 35
[endstop_phase stepper_y]
endstop_phase: 4
# TMC2208 configuration
# For TMC2208 UART
# 1) Remove all of the jumpers below the stepper drivers
# 2) Place jumpers on the red pin headers labeled XUART (XUART, YUART etc.)
[tmc2208 stepper_x]
uart_pin: P1.17
microsteps: 16
run_current: 0.800
hold_current: 0.400
stealthchop_threshold: 250
[tmc2208 stepper_y]
uart_pin: P1.15
microsteps: 16
run_current: 0.800
hold_current: 0.400
stealthchop_threshold: 250
[tmc2208 stepper_z]
uart_pin: P1.10
microsteps: 16
run_current: 0.650
hold_current: 0.450
stealthchop_threshold: 250
[tmc2208 extruder]
uart_pin: P1.8
microsteps: 16
run_current: 0.800
hold_current: 0.400
#stealthchop_threshold: 5
[tmc2208 stepper_z1]
uart_pin: P1.1
microsteps: 16
run_current: 0.650
hold_current: 0.450
stealthchop_threshold: 250
# EXP1 / EXP2 (display) pins
# EXP1 header
EXP1_1=P1.30, EXP1_3=P1.18, EXP1_5=P1.20, EXP1_7=P1.22, EXP1_9=<GND>,
EXP1_2=P0.28, EXP1_4=P1.19, EXP1_6=P1.21, EXP1_8=P1.23, EXP1_10=<5V>,
# EXP2 header
EXP2_1=P0.17, EXP2_3=P3.26, EXP2_5=P3.25, EXP2_7=P1.31, EXP2_9=<GND>,
EXP2_2=P0.15, EXP2_4=P0.16, EXP2_6=P0.18, EXP2_8=<RST>, EXP2_10=<NC>
# Pins EXP2_1, EXP2_6, EXP2_2 are also MISO, MOSI, SCK of bus "ssp0"
# See the sample-lcd.cfg file for definitions of common LCD displays.
#*# <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG ---------------------->
#*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated.
#*# [extruder]
#*# control = pid
#*# pid_kp = 15.230
#*# pid_ki = 0.608
#*# pid_kd = 95.380
#*# [heater_bed]
#*# control = pid
#*# pid_kp = 46.594
#*# pid_ki = 0.401
#*# pid_kd = 1352.382
#*# [bltouch]
#*# z_offset = 1.911
#*# [endstop_phase stepper_x]
#*# endstop_phase = 35
#*# [bed_mesh default]
#*# version = 1
#*# points =
#*# 0.021997, -0.033868, -0.061383, -0.060549, -0.073056, -0.123917
#*# 0.097038, 0.037839, -0.021361, -0.029699, -0.048042, -0.109743
#*# 0.095370, 0.043675, 0.006988, 0.006155, -0.008020, -0.063050
#*# 0.046177, 0.030334, 0.026166, 0.047844, 0.077027, 0.053681
#*# 0.012825, 0.002819, 0.012825, 0.052013, 0.074525, 0.085365
#*# 0.132891, 0.126221, 0.104542, 0.128722, 0.150401, 0.132891
#*# x_count = 6
#*# y_count = 6
#*# mesh_x_pps = 3
#*# mesh_y_pps = 3
#*# algo = lagrange
#*# tension = 0.2
#*# min_x = 25.998802788
#*# max_x = 300.000298722
#*# min_y = -0.00304572200412
#*# max_y = 267.002693893
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