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Instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

Created June 7, 2019 15:59
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  • Save Gasol/8db57237f2a13636b6efe1abfdba4043 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Gasol/8db57237f2a13636b6efe1abfdba4043 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The output of AST Parse Result generated by drafter for example.apib in Aglio repo
"_version": "2.2",
"ast": {
"_version": "4.0",
"metadata": [
"name": "FORMAT",
"value": "1A"
"name": "HOST",
"value": ""
"name": "API Title",
"description": "[Markdown]( **formatted** description.\n\n## Subtitle\n\nAlso Markdown *formatted*. This also includes automatic \"smartypants\" formatting -- hooray!\n\n> \"A quote from another time and place\"\n\nAnother paragraph. Code sample:\n\n```http\nAuthorization: bearer 5262d64b892e8d4341000001\n```\n\nAnd some code with no highlighting:\n\n```no-highlight\nFoo bar baz\n```\n\n1. A list\n\n2. Of items\n\n3. Can be\n\n4. Very useful\n\nHere is a table:\n\nID | Name | Description\n--:| ---- | -----------\n 1 | Foo | I am a foo.\n 8 | Bar | I am a bar.\n15 | Baz | I am a baz.\n\n::: note\n\n## Extensions\n\nSome non-standard Markdown extensions are also supported, such as this informational container, which can also contain **formatting**. Features include:\n\n* Informational block fenced with `::: note` and `:::`\n\n* Warning block fenced with `::: warning` and `:::`\n\n* [x] GitHub-style checkboxes using `[x]` and `[ ]`\n\n* Emoji support :smile: :ship: :cake: using `:smile:` ([cheat sheet](\n\nThese extensions may change in the future as the [CommonMark specification]( defines a [standard extension syntax](\n:::\n\n<!-- include( -->",
"element": "category",
"resourceGroups": [
"name": "Notes",
"description": "Group description (also with *Markdown*)\n\n## Important Info\n\nDescriptions may also contain sub-headings and **more Markdown**.",
"resources": [
"element": "resource",
"name": "Note List",
"description": "Note list description\n\n+ Even\n\n+ More\n\n+ Markdown",
"uriTemplate": "/notes",
"model": {},
"parameters": [],
"actions": [
"name": "Get Notes",
"description": "Get a list of notes.",
"method": "GET",
"parameters": [],
"attributes": {
"relation": "",
"uriTemplate": ""
"content": [],
"examples": [
"name": "",
"description": "",
"requests": [],
"responses": [
"name": "200",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"name": "X-Request-ID",
"value": "f72fc914"
"name": "X-Response-Time",
"value": "4ms"
"body": "[\n {\n \"id\": 1,\n \"title\": \"Grocery list\",\n \"body\": \"Buy milk\"\n }\n]",
"schema": "{\n \"$schema\": \"\",\n \"type\": \"array\"\n}",
"content": [
"element": "dataStructure",
"content": [
"element": "NoteList"
"name": "Create New Note",
"description": "Create a new note using a title and an optional content body.",
"method": "POST",
"parameters": [],
"attributes": {
"relation": "",
"uriTemplate": ""
"content": [],
"examples": [
"name": "",
"description": "",
"requests": [
"name": "with body",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"body": "{\n \"title\": \"My new note\",\n \"body\": \"This is the body\"\n}\n",
"schema": "",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "{\n \"title\": \"My new note\",\n \"body\": \"This is the body\"\n}\n"
"responses": [
"name": "201",
"description": "",
"headers": [],
"body": "",
"schema": "",
"content": []
"name": "400",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"body": "{\n \"error\": \"Invalid title\"\n}\n",
"schema": "",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "{\n \"error\": \"Invalid title\"\n}\n"
"name": "",
"description": "",
"requests": [
"name": "without body",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"body": "{\n \"title\": \"My new note\"\n}\n",
"schema": "",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "{\n \"title\": \"My new note\"\n}\n"
"responses": [
"name": "201",
"description": "",
"headers": [],
"body": "",
"schema": "",
"content": []
"name": "400",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"body": "{\n \"error\": \"Invalid title\"\n}\n",
"schema": "",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "{\n \"error\": \"Invalid title\"\n}\n"
"content": []
"element": "resource",
"name": "Note",
"description": "Note description",
"uriTemplate": "/notes/{id}{?body}",
"model": {},
"parameters": [
"name": "id",
"description": "The note ID",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"default": "",
"example": "68a5sdf67",
"values": []
"actions": [
"name": "Get Note",
"description": "Get a single note.",
"method": "GET",
"parameters": [
"name": "body",
"description": "Set to `false` to exclude note body content.",
"type": "boolean",
"required": true,
"default": "",
"example": "false",
"values": []
"attributes": {
"relation": "",
"uriTemplate": ""
"content": [],
"examples": [
"name": "",
"description": "",
"requests": [],
"responses": [
"name": "200",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"name": "X-Request-ID",
"value": "f72fc914"
"name": "X-Response-Time",
"value": "4ms"
"body": "{\n \"id\": 1,\n \"title\": \"Grocery list\",\n \"body\": \"Buy milk\"\n}",
"schema": "{\n \"$schema\": \"\",\n \"type\": \"object\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"id\": {\n \"type\": \"number\",\n \"description\": \"Unique identifier\"\n },\n \"title\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"Single line description\"\n },\n \"body\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"Full description of the note which supports Markdown.\"\n }\n },\n \"required\": [\n \"id\",\n \"title\"\n ]\n}",
"content": [
"element": "dataStructure",
"content": [
"element": "NoteData"
"name": "404",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"name": "X-Request-ID",
"value": "f72fc914"
"name": "X-Response-Time",
"value": "4ms"
"body": "{\n \"error\": \"Note not found\"\n}\n",
"schema": "",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "{\n \"error\": \"Note not found\"\n}\n"
"name": "Update a Note",
"description": "Update a single note by setting the title and/or body.\n\n::: warning\n\n#### <i class=\"fa fa-warning\"></i> Caution\n\nIf the value for `title` or `body` is `null` or `undefined`, then the corresponding value is not modified on the server. However, if you send an empty string instead then it will **permanently overwrite** the original value.\n:::",
"method": "PUT",
"parameters": [],
"attributes": {
"relation": "",
"uriTemplate": ""
"content": [],
"examples": [
"name": "",
"description": "",
"requests": [
"name": "",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"body": "{\n \"title\": \"Grocery List (Safeway)\"\n}\n",
"schema": "",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "{\n \"title\": \"Grocery List (Safeway)\"\n}\n"
"responses": [
"name": "200",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"name": "X-Request-ID",
"value": "f72fc914"
"name": "X-Response-Time",
"value": "4ms"
"body": "{\n \"id\": 1,\n \"title\": \"Grocery list\",\n \"body\": \"Buy milk\"\n}",
"schema": "{\n \"$schema\": \"\",\n \"type\": \"object\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"id\": {\n \"type\": \"number\",\n \"description\": \"Unique identifier\"\n },\n \"title\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"Single line description\"\n },\n \"body\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"Full description of the note which supports Markdown.\"\n }\n },\n \"required\": [\n \"id\",\n \"title\"\n ]\n}",
"content": [
"element": "dataStructure",
"content": [
"element": "NoteData"
"name": "404",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"name": "X-Request-ID",
"value": "f72fc914"
"name": "X-Response-Time",
"value": "4ms"
"body": "{\n \"error\": \"Note not found\"\n}\n",
"schema": "",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "{\n \"error\": \"Note not found\"\n}\n"
"name": "",
"description": "",
"requests": [
"name": "delete body",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"body": "{\n \"body\": \"\"\n}\n",
"schema": "",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "{\n \"body\": \"\"\n}\n"
"responses": [
"name": "200",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"name": "X-Request-ID",
"value": "f72fc914"
"name": "X-Response-Time",
"value": "4ms"
"body": "{\n \"id\": 1,\n \"title\": \"Grocery list\",\n \"body\": \"Buy milk\"\n}",
"schema": "{\n \"$schema\": \"\",\n \"type\": \"object\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"id\": {\n \"type\": \"number\",\n \"description\": \"Unique identifier\"\n },\n \"title\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"Single line description\"\n },\n \"body\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"Full description of the note which supports Markdown.\"\n }\n },\n \"required\": [\n \"id\",\n \"title\"\n ]\n}",
"content": [
"element": "dataStructure",
"content": [
"element": "NoteData"
"name": "404",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"name": "X-Request-ID",
"value": "f72fc914"
"name": "X-Response-Time",
"value": "4ms"
"body": "{\n \"error\": \"Note not found\"\n}\n",
"schema": "",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "{\n \"error\": \"Note not found\"\n}\n"
"name": "Delete a Note",
"description": "Delete a single note",
"method": "DELETE",
"parameters": [],
"attributes": {
"relation": "",
"uriTemplate": ""
"content": [],
"examples": [
"name": "",
"description": "",
"requests": [],
"responses": [
"name": "204",
"description": "",
"headers": [],
"body": "",
"schema": "",
"content": []
"name": "404",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"name": "X-Request-ID",
"value": "f72fc914"
"name": "X-Response-Time",
"value": "4ms"
"body": "{\n \"error\": \"Note not found\"\n}\n",
"schema": "",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "{\n \"error\": \"Note not found\"\n}\n"
"content": []
"name": "Users",
"description": "Group description",
"resources": [
"element": "resource",
"name": "User List",
"description": "A list of users",
"uriTemplate": "/users{?name,joinedBefore,joinedAfter,sort,limit}",
"model": {},
"parameters": [
"name": "name",
"description": "Search for a user by name",
"type": "string",
"required": false,
"default": "",
"example": "alice",
"values": []
"name": "joinedBefore",
"description": "Search by join date",
"type": "string",
"required": false,
"default": "",
"example": "2011-01-01",
"values": []
"name": "joinedAfter",
"description": "Search by join date",
"type": "string",
"required": false,
"default": "",
"example": "2011-01-01",
"values": []
"name": "sort",
"description": "Which field to sort by",
"type": "string",
"required": false,
"default": "name",
"example": "joined",
"values": [
"value": "name"
"value": "joined"
"value": "-joined"
"value": "age"
"value": "-age"
"value": "location"
"value": "-location"
"value": "plan"
"value": "-plan"
"name": "limit",
"description": "The maximum number of users to return, up to `50`",
"type": "integer",
"required": false,
"default": "10",
"example": "25",
"values": []
"actions": [
"name": "Get users",
"description": "Get a list of users. Example:\n\n```no-highlight\n\n```",
"method": "GET",
"parameters": [],
"attributes": {
"relation": "",
"uriTemplate": ""
"content": [],
"examples": [
"name": "",
"description": "",
"requests": [],
"responses": [
"name": "200",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"body": "[\n {\n \"name\": \"alice\",\n \"image\": \"\",\n \"joined\": \"2013-11-01\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"bob\",\n \"image\": \"\",\n \"joined\": \"2013-11-02\"\n }\n]\n",
"schema": "<!-- include(example-schema.json) -->\n",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "[\n {\n \"name\": \"alice\",\n \"image\": \"\",\n \"joined\": \"2013-11-01\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"bob\",\n \"image\": \"\",\n \"joined\": \"2013-11-02\"\n }\n]\n"
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodySchema"
"content": "<!-- include(example-schema.json) -->\n"
"content": []
"name": "Tags and Tagging Long Title",
"description": "Get or set tags on notes",
"resources": [
"element": "resource",
"name": "",
"description": "",
"uriTemplate": "/tags",
"model": {},
"parameters": [],
"actions": [
"name": "",
"description": "Get a list of bars",
"method": "GET",
"parameters": [],
"attributes": {
"relation": "",
"uriTemplate": ""
"content": [],
"examples": [
"name": "",
"description": "",
"requests": [],
"responses": [
"name": "200",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"body": "[\"tag1\", \"tag2\", \"tag3\"]\n",
"schema": "",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "[\"tag1\", \"tag2\", \"tag3\"]\n"
"content": []
"element": "resource",
"name": "Get one tag",
"description": "Get a single tag",
"uriTemplate": "/tags/{id}",
"model": {},
"parameters": [
"name": "id",
"description": "Unique tag identifier",
"type": "",
"required": true,
"default": "",
"example": "",
"values": []
"actions": [
"name": "",
"description": "",
"method": "GET",
"parameters": [],
"attributes": {
"relation": "",
"uriTemplate": ""
"content": [],
"examples": [
"name": "",
"description": "",
"requests": [],
"responses": [
"name": "200",
"description": "",
"headers": [],
"body": "",
"schema": "",
"content": []
"content": []
"content": [
"element": "category",
"content": [
"element": "dataStructure",
"content": [
"element": "object",
"meta": {
"id": "NoteData"
"content": [
"element": "member",
"meta": {
"description": "Unique identifier"
"attributes": {
"typeAttributes": [
"content": {
"key": {
"element": "string",
"content": "id"
"value": {
"element": "number",
"content": 1
"element": "member",
"meta": {
"description": "Single line description"
"attributes": {
"typeAttributes": [
"content": {
"key": {
"element": "string",
"content": "title"
"value": {
"element": "string",
"content": "Grocery list"
"element": "member",
"meta": {
"description": "Full description of the note which supports Markdown."
"content": {
"key": {
"element": "string",
"content": "body"
"value": {
"element": "string",
"content": "Buy milk"
"element": "dataStructure",
"content": [
"element": "array",
"meta": {
"id": "NoteList"
"content": [
"element": "NoteData"
"element": "category",
"attributes": {
"name": "Notes"
"content": [
"element": "copy",
"content": "Group description (also with *Markdown*)\n\n## Important Info\n\nDescriptions may also contain sub-headings and **more Markdown**."
"element": "resource",
"name": "Note List",
"description": "Note list description\n\n+ Even\n\n+ More\n\n+ Markdown",
"uriTemplate": "/notes",
"model": {},
"parameters": [],
"actions": [
"name": "Get Notes",
"description": "Get a list of notes.",
"method": "GET",
"parameters": [],
"attributes": {
"relation": "",
"uriTemplate": ""
"content": [],
"examples": [
"name": "",
"description": "",
"requests": [],
"responses": [
"name": "200",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"name": "X-Request-ID",
"value": "f72fc914"
"name": "X-Response-Time",
"value": "4ms"
"body": "[\n {\n \"id\": 1,\n \"title\": \"Grocery list\",\n \"body\": \"Buy milk\"\n }\n]",
"schema": "{\n \"$schema\": \"\",\n \"type\": \"array\"\n}",
"content": [
"element": "dataStructure",
"content": [
"element": "NoteList"
"name": "Create New Note",
"description": "Create a new note using a title and an optional content body.",
"method": "POST",
"parameters": [],
"attributes": {
"relation": "",
"uriTemplate": ""
"content": [],
"examples": [
"name": "",
"description": "",
"requests": [
"name": "with body",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"body": "{\n \"title\": \"My new note\",\n \"body\": \"This is the body\"\n}\n",
"schema": "",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "{\n \"title\": \"My new note\",\n \"body\": \"This is the body\"\n}\n"
"responses": [
"name": "201",
"description": "",
"headers": [],
"body": "",
"schema": "",
"content": []
"name": "400",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"body": "{\n \"error\": \"Invalid title\"\n}\n",
"schema": "",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "{\n \"error\": \"Invalid title\"\n}\n"
"name": "",
"description": "",
"requests": [
"name": "without body",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"body": "{\n \"title\": \"My new note\"\n}\n",
"schema": "",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "{\n \"title\": \"My new note\"\n}\n"
"responses": [
"name": "201",
"description": "",
"headers": [],
"body": "",
"schema": "",
"content": []
"name": "400",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"body": "{\n \"error\": \"Invalid title\"\n}\n",
"schema": "",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "{\n \"error\": \"Invalid title\"\n}\n"
"content": []
"element": "resource",
"name": "Note",
"description": "Note description",
"uriTemplate": "/notes/{id}{?body}",
"model": {},
"parameters": [
"name": "id",
"description": "The note ID",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"default": "",
"example": "68a5sdf67",
"values": []
"actions": [
"name": "Get Note",
"description": "Get a single note.",
"method": "GET",
"parameters": [
"name": "body",
"description": "Set to `false` to exclude note body content.",
"type": "boolean",
"required": true,
"default": "",
"example": "false",
"values": []
"attributes": {
"relation": "",
"uriTemplate": ""
"content": [],
"examples": [
"name": "",
"description": "",
"requests": [],
"responses": [
"name": "200",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"name": "X-Request-ID",
"value": "f72fc914"
"name": "X-Response-Time",
"value": "4ms"
"body": "{\n \"id\": 1,\n \"title\": \"Grocery list\",\n \"body\": \"Buy milk\"\n}",
"schema": "{\n \"$schema\": \"\",\n \"type\": \"object\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"id\": {\n \"type\": \"number\",\n \"description\": \"Unique identifier\"\n },\n \"title\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"Single line description\"\n },\n \"body\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"Full description of the note which supports Markdown.\"\n }\n },\n \"required\": [\n \"id\",\n \"title\"\n ]\n}",
"content": [
"element": "dataStructure",
"content": [
"element": "NoteData"
"name": "404",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"name": "X-Request-ID",
"value": "f72fc914"
"name": "X-Response-Time",
"value": "4ms"
"body": "{\n \"error\": \"Note not found\"\n}\n",
"schema": "",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "{\n \"error\": \"Note not found\"\n}\n"
"name": "Update a Note",
"description": "Update a single note by setting the title and/or body.\n\n::: warning\n\n#### <i class=\"fa fa-warning\"></i> Caution\n\nIf the value for `title` or `body` is `null` or `undefined`, then the corresponding value is not modified on the server. However, if you send an empty string instead then it will **permanently overwrite** the original value.\n:::",
"method": "PUT",
"parameters": [],
"attributes": {
"relation": "",
"uriTemplate": ""
"content": [],
"examples": [
"name": "",
"description": "",
"requests": [
"name": "",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"body": "{\n \"title\": \"Grocery List (Safeway)\"\n}\n",
"schema": "",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "{\n \"title\": \"Grocery List (Safeway)\"\n}\n"
"responses": [
"name": "200",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"name": "X-Request-ID",
"value": "f72fc914"
"name": "X-Response-Time",
"value": "4ms"
"body": "{\n \"id\": 1,\n \"title\": \"Grocery list\",\n \"body\": \"Buy milk\"\n}",
"schema": "{\n \"$schema\": \"\",\n \"type\": \"object\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"id\": {\n \"type\": \"number\",\n \"description\": \"Unique identifier\"\n },\n \"title\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"Single line description\"\n },\n \"body\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"Full description of the note which supports Markdown.\"\n }\n },\n \"required\": [\n \"id\",\n \"title\"\n ]\n}",
"content": [
"element": "dataStructure",
"content": [
"element": "NoteData"
"name": "404",
"description": "",
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"value": "4ms"
"body": "{\n \"error\": \"Note not found\"\n}\n",
"schema": "",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "{\n \"error\": \"Note not found\"\n}\n"
"name": "",
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"requests": [
"name": "delete body",
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"content": "{\n \"body\": \"\"\n}\n"
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"body": "{\n \"id\": 1,\n \"title\": \"Grocery list\",\n \"body\": \"Buy milk\"\n}",
"schema": "{\n \"$schema\": \"\",\n \"type\": \"object\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"id\": {\n \"type\": \"number\",\n \"description\": \"Unique identifier\"\n },\n \"title\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"Single line description\"\n },\n \"body\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"Full description of the note which supports Markdown.\"\n }\n },\n \"required\": [\n \"id\",\n \"title\"\n ]\n}",
"content": [
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"content": [
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"name": "404",
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"body": "{\n \"error\": \"Note not found\"\n}\n",
"schema": "",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "{\n \"error\": \"Note not found\"\n}\n"
"name": "Delete a Note",
"description": "Delete a single note",
"method": "DELETE",
"parameters": [],
"attributes": {
"relation": "",
"uriTemplate": ""
"content": [],
"examples": [
"name": "",
"description": "",
"requests": [],
"responses": [
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"description": "",
"headers": [],
"body": "",
"schema": "",
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"body": "{\n \"error\": \"Note not found\"\n}\n",
"schema": "",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "{\n \"error\": \"Note not found\"\n}\n"
"content": []
"element": "category",
"attributes": {
"name": "Users"
"content": [
"element": "copy",
"content": "Group description"
"element": "resource",
"name": "User List",
"description": "A list of users",
"uriTemplate": "/users{?name,joinedBefore,joinedAfter,sort,limit}",
"model": {},
"parameters": [
"name": "name",
"description": "Search for a user by name",
"type": "string",
"required": false,
"default": "",
"example": "alice",
"values": []
"name": "joinedBefore",
"description": "Search by join date",
"type": "string",
"required": false,
"default": "",
"example": "2011-01-01",
"values": []
"name": "joinedAfter",
"description": "Search by join date",
"type": "string",
"required": false,
"default": "",
"example": "2011-01-01",
"values": []
"name": "sort",
"description": "Which field to sort by",
"type": "string",
"required": false,
"default": "name",
"example": "joined",
"values": [
"value": "name"
"value": "joined"
"value": "-joined"
"value": "age"
"value": "-age"
"value": "location"
"value": "-location"
"value": "plan"
"value": "-plan"
"name": "limit",
"description": "The maximum number of users to return, up to `50`",
"type": "integer",
"required": false,
"default": "10",
"example": "25",
"values": []
"actions": [
"name": "Get users",
"description": "Get a list of users. Example:\n\n```no-highlight\n\n```",
"method": "GET",
"parameters": [],
"attributes": {
"relation": "",
"uriTemplate": ""
"content": [],
"examples": [
"name": "",
"description": "",
"requests": [],
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"name": "200",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"body": "[\n {\n \"name\": \"alice\",\n \"image\": \"\",\n \"joined\": \"2013-11-01\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"bob\",\n \"image\": \"\",\n \"joined\": \"2013-11-02\"\n }\n]\n",
"schema": "<!-- include(example-schema.json) -->\n",
"content": [
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"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "[\n {\n \"name\": \"alice\",\n \"image\": \"\",\n \"joined\": \"2013-11-01\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"bob\",\n \"image\": \"\",\n \"joined\": \"2013-11-02\"\n }\n]\n"
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodySchema"
"content": "<!-- include(example-schema.json) -->\n"
"content": []
"element": "category",
"attributes": {
"name": "Tags and Tagging Long Title"
"content": [
"element": "copy",
"content": "Get or set tags on notes"
"element": "resource",
"name": "",
"description": "",
"uriTemplate": "/tags",
"model": {},
"parameters": [],
"actions": [
"name": "",
"description": "Get a list of bars",
"method": "GET",
"parameters": [],
"attributes": {
"relation": "",
"uriTemplate": ""
"content": [],
"examples": [
"name": "",
"description": "",
"requests": [],
"responses": [
"name": "200",
"description": "",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"body": "[\"tag1\", \"tag2\", \"tag3\"]\n",
"schema": "",
"content": [
"element": "asset",
"attributes": {
"role": "bodyExample"
"content": "[\"tag1\", \"tag2\", \"tag3\"]\n"
"content": []
"element": "resource",
"name": "Get one tag",
"description": "Get a single tag",
"uriTemplate": "/tags/{id}",
"model": {},
"parameters": [
"name": "id",
"description": "Unique tag identifier",
"type": "",
"required": true,
"default": "",
"example": "",
"values": []
"actions": [
"name": "",
"description": "",
"method": "GET",
"parameters": [],
"attributes": {
"relation": "",
"uriTemplate": ""
"content": [],
"examples": [
"name": "",
"description": "",
"requests": [],
"responses": [
"name": "200",
"description": "",
"headers": [],
"body": "",
"schema": "",
"content": []
"content": []
"error": {
"code": 0,
"message": "",
"location": []
"warnings": []
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