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Created August 3, 2016 23:15
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Convert JSON for Kara

We wanna go from:

[{"id":"B390","name":"Peanut butter"},{"id":"B204","name":"Flour"},{"id":"B090","name":"Coconut water"}]


{"B390": "Peanut butter", "B204": "Flour", "B090": "Coconut water"}

Here’s a way in python:

import json

# Here's the string you gave me, just for demonstration
json_string = '[{"id":"B390","name":"Peanut butter"},{"id":"B204","name":"Flour"},{"id":"B090","name":"Coconut water"}]'

# Or this could come from a file:
# json_file = "/path/to/file"
# with open(json_file, 'r') as handle:
#     json_string =

# json.loads (for json load string) will read in a string of json and turn it
# in to stuff python can work with. parsed_json will be entirely python data
# structures -- a list of Dicts
parsed_json = json.loads(json_string)

# Make an empty dict to contain our result
result = {}

for dict in parsed_json:
    # For every dict in our list, we'll use the 'id' key's value as the key in
    # our result dict
    id = dict['id']
    result[id] = dict['name']

# Could print the result

# Or write it back out to a file We'll use json.dumps (json dump string) to do
# the opposite of loads -- dump python data structures in to a json equivalent
# with open('/path/to/a/good/output/file', 'w') as handle:
#     stringified_json = json.dumps(result)
#     handle.write(stringified_json)
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