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Created January 31, 2017 20:10
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rossdonaldson@becon λ ~/Dropbox/org-docs
$ cat
# Created 2017-01-31 Tue 10:03
#+TITLE: Export file + pandoc
#+AUTHOR: Ross Donaldson
This document -- which has several characters that... usually fail to typeset
well -- should export nicely, I hope.
ls -la | grep rc
| lrwxr-xr-x | 1 | rossdonaldson | staff | 42 | Nov | 19 | 19:34 | .ackrc | -> | /Users/rossdonaldson/.dotfiles/extra/ackrc |
| -rw------- | 1 | rossdonaldson | staff | 127 | Oct | 17 | 14:16 | .arcrc | | |
| lrwxr-xr-x | 1 | rossdonaldson | staff | 42 | Nov | 19 | 19:34 | .bashrc | -> | /Users/rossdonaldson/.dotfiles/bash/bashrc |
| drwxr-xr-x | 3 | rossdonaldson | staff | 102 | Oct | 18 | 09:04 | .erc | | |
| -rw-r--r-- | 1 | rossdonaldson | staff | 187 | Dec | 20 | 16:18 | .floorc | | |
| -rw-r--r-- | 1 | rossdonaldson | staff | 232 | Dec | 21 | 13:13 | .floorc.json | | |
| lrwxr-xr-x | 1 | rossdonaldson | staff | 43 | Nov | 19 | 19:34 | .inputrc | -> | /Users/rossdonaldson/.dotfiles/bash/inputrc |
| -rw-r--r-- | 1 | rossdonaldson | staff | 4200 | Nov | 3 | 16:36 | .mbsyncrc | | |
rossdonaldson@becon λ ~/Dropbox/org-docs
$ pandoc -f org -t markdown_github -i
This document -- which has several characters that... usually fail to typeset well -- should export nicely, I hope.
``` bash
ls -la | grep rc
rossdonaldson@becon λ ~/Dropbox/org-docs
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